Sleeping Together

It's not like the answer to a normal bath.

More like food channels.

Fu Yuanchuan also realized that something was wrong. He looked at the little mermaid and then at Guangnao, and directly deleted the search records.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "The mermaid doesn't need to take a bath. If you want to go in, I will hold you to have a look?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, "Eh~"

Go wash it yourself.

"Want me to take a bath?"

Seeing the little mermaid nodded, Fu Yuanchuan hesitated and said, "But it's too early."


After taking a shower and drying your hair, you have to pack up and go to sleep.

Although he got up late, Fu Yuanchuan must have been up early and then busy all morning. He played ball with him in the afternoon. If he didn't speak, Fu Yuanchuan might have to go back to his desk again.

Maintaining the body is the top priority.

Jun Qingyu looked up at Fu Yuanchuan, waiting for his response.

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while and said, "Sleeping for too long will cause headaches. Will you get up tomorrow morning and go exercise with me?"

"Hey." Jun Qingyu responded, his daily routine is also very regular.

Yesterday was an exception, it may be so tired.

Fu Yuanchuan: "It's settled."


Jun Qingyu hung beside the fish tank, watching Fu Yuanchuan clean up the room first.

The scattered things on the surface should be placed there and re-arranged.

It took another ten minutes before I went to the bathroom.

Jun Qingyu stretched, ready to start juicing.

Then he was stunned.

The fish tank was placed on the head of the bed and was not carried on the coffee table.

But the juicer is on the coffee table!

How would he run from the bedside table to the coffee table?

Jun Qingyu quickly shouted: "Eh! Eh!"

Don't take a shower, just hold me over.

Fu Yuanchuan heard the sound, and when he turned his head, he saw the little mermaid pointing anxiously at the coffee table.

Fu Yuanchuan hung up his bathrobe, walked back to the bedside and asked, "Want to play with a juicer?"

Jun Qingyu nodded, floated up and stretched out his hand, "Eh~"

Fu Yuanchuan fished out the little mermaid, thought for a while, and filled a little water from the fish tank with a cup for drinking water on the bedside, and brought it to the coffee table together.

Jun Qingyu glanced at the coffee table.

There is a small chair beside the juicer, which has the feeling of mini chaise longue.

Just yesterday he raised his position.

With a small chair, he sits directly on it, the height is just right.

Fu Yuanchuan put the little mermaid down, and put the glass of water under his tail at the same time, and said, "If it feels dry, just soak it."

These little things are so convenient!

Jun Qingyu held Fu Yuanchuan's finger, rubbed his cheek against it, "Eh~"

Fu Yuanchuan touched the little mermaid's hair and said, "Let's play by yourself."

The bathroom door closed.

The sound of water sounded.

Jun Qingyu raised his hand and threw the fruits and vegetables into the juicer.

Yesterday it was tomato flavored. Today I drink cucumber and peach.

While waiting for the juice, Jun Qingyu accidentally discovered that the cup on the table seemed to have changed.

Yesterday it was a simple glass.

Transparent, simple and beautiful.

Today's cup has become pale gold, and there is a circle of fine gold flashes on the edge of the cup.

Most importantly, there are only two cups.

One big and one small.

No one else will come in this room, so Fu Yuanchuan must have prepared it.

Jun Qingyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, took the two cups, and planned to fill them in a while and drink them together.

As soon as the hum of the juicer stopped, the optical brain on the table suddenly vibrated non-stop.

It's Fu Yuanchuan's optical brain.

Fu Yuanchuan took it off when he went to take a bath.

The phone was not connected, Guangnao rang by itself for a while, then stopped, and then continued to vibrate.

This is no one answered, when the time is up, it will automatically hang up and call back.

"Eh~!" Jun Qingyu yelled for fear of something urgent, but the sound of the water kept in the bathroom, and I couldn't hear his voice.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, reached out his hand to take Guangnao, and was about to jump down and take Guangnao to the bathroom.

Seeing that the optical brain automatically recognized something, and then automatically connected.

Jun Qingyu: "?"

As soon as he was connected, Shi Kaixin blurted out: "The marshal is bad—!"

However, Shi Kaixin was stunned when he saw who was opposite.

Shi Kaixin said: "Little mermaid? Why are you? The marshal? can you turn on the marshal's light brain, you have the authority?"

What authority?

Jun Qingyu didn't know, but Fu Yuanchuan's optical brain didn't add a code, just opened it by himself as soon as he held it in his hand.

"Hey." Jun Qingyu turned around holding Guangnao, facing the bathroom.

Shi Kaixin frowned, "The Marshal is taking a shower? Forget it, I'll call again later, and hang up first."

After speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, is this matter urgent?

Fortunately, Fu Yuanchuan came out after a while.

"Eh~" Jun Qingyu quickly hugged Guangnao on his lap and motioned to Fu Yuanchuan to look over.

"Like it?" Fu Yuanchuan said, "I will buy you one tomorrow."

"Eh~!" It's not.

Fu Yuanchuan walked closer and discovered that there was a new video call on it.

"Sch Kaixin?"

Fu Yuanchuan's eyes darkened, he took Guangnao and said: "I have something wrong, will you play it by yourself first?"

Jun Qingyu nodded, but didn't want to play by himself, he lay in with Fu Yuanchuan's hand.

The tip of the tail was wrapped around Fu Yuanchuan's wrist and rubbed it.

The little mermaid hugged his fingers and smiled. It's okay to take me with you.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan put the little mermaid on his shoulder.

When Fu Yuanchuan got up, Jun Qingyu quickly pointed to the fruit and vegetable juice poured on the table, "Eh!"

Fu Yuanchuan took a pause, picked up two cups of fruit and vegetable juice, and sat down at the computer desk.

Jun Qingyu took a small cup and watched Fu Yuanchuan's work while drinking.

For a while, the only sound left in the house was the sound of typing on the keyboard.


I don't know what news Shi Kaixin brought, and it seems a little troublesome to solve it.

Fu Yuanchuan has been busy for several days.

They all wake up before dawn and stay up late before going to bed.

At the closing stage yesterday, I didn't sleep all night, and lay down after the sky was dark.

Jun Qingyu leaned on the edge of the fish tank and looked down at Fu Yuanchuan who was sleeping.

There is a little blue under the eyes, but it is not very obvious.

He has always used his spiritual power to sort out his spiritual power for Fu Yuanchuan, together with the assistance of fruit and vegetable juice.

Even if you work day and night upside down, you can guarantee that there will be no major problems with your body.

But if Fu Yuanchuan's illness gets better faster, he still has to go to bed and get up early.

Jun Qingyu soaked quietly in the fish tank, afraid that the sound of the oxygenation device would make Fu Yuanchuan sleep, so he even unplugged the device.

Just accompany him silently.

After a while, Jun Qingyu slowly supported the edge of the fish tank, jumped out, and landed on the bed.

The pillows and quilt were soft, and there was no sound when they fell.

Jun Qingyu rubbed forward and curled up beside Fu Yuanchuan's pillow.

The heavy curtains blocked out a lot of sunlight outside.

There is not much difference between the house and the night.

Hearing Fu Yuanchuan's steady breathing, he was also faintly tired.

This atmosphere is perfect for sleeping.

Jun Qingyu rubbed his eyes, thinking, or just squint for a while.

With this thought, Jun Qingyu slowly closed his eyes.

Fu Yuanchuan was keenly aware of the movement on his side.

But he didn't open his eyes.

He wanted to see what the little mermaid wanted to do.

But unexpectedly, the little mermaid did nothing.

Effortlessly jumped out of the fish tank and lay beside him, just looking at him.

When he was sleepy, he curled up next to him and fell asleep next to him.

Fu Yuanchuan could see the light gold next to the pillow when he lowered his eyes.

The little mermaid's peaceful sleeping face is very well-behaved.

Fu Yuanchuan turned sideways, lifted the quilt, and covered the little mermaid with a small half.

Putting his hand on the little mermaid's body, closed his eyes.

It's also considered embracing and sleeping.

Jun Qing squinted for a while, just ten minutes.

But I just closed my eyes and then opened my eyes.

Look at the time, it is already after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Although I don't know why time flies so fast.

But this feeling is very stable.

Jun Qingyu stretched, and the quilt covering his body changed because of his movements.

The stacked layer directly covers him.


Jun Qingyu hurriedly tugged, sticking out his head.

Look around and see Fu Yuanchuan.

What about people?

Looking up and pushing down the fluffy quilt, Jun Qingyu saw Fu Yuanchuan sitting at the desk.

Didn't you say you're finished?

Jun Qingyu wanted to sit up, but the quilt was a bit heavy for the mermaid, and he couldn't hold it up.


Hearing the voice of the little mermaid, Fu Yuanchuan hurried over.

Rescue the little mermaid from the soft quilt.

Fu Yuanchuan helped him straighten his hair, "Wake up?"

"Eh~" Jun Qingyu stretched out his hand to hug.

Fu Yuanchuan hugged him and asked, "Is it uncomfortable? Do you want to soak in water?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head in Fu Yuanchuan's hands, not feeling the lack of water.

Seeing that the little mermaid was not unwell, Fu Yuanchuan did not put him back into the water.

Instead, he took some food, and after the feeding, he hugged the little mermaid and went underground.

Jun Qingyu honestly nestled in Fu Yuanchuan's palm, and only glanced out when the elevator door opened.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Do you like this place?"

Jun Qingyu blinked, "Eh!"

The swimming pool here is the same as where I lived before, and even bigger than there.

You don't have to sink to see, you can also know that there must be a lot of toys inside.

Jun Qingyu was put into the water by Fu Yuanchuan.

I have been in the fish tank for this period of time, or hung on Fu Yuanchuan's body.

It feels like I haven't exercised for a long time.

Occasionally swimming in the big pool feels pretty good.

Jun Qingyu shook the fish's tail, and was about to swim out when he felt spray splashing around him.

After a pause in his figure, he turned his head to see Fu Yuanchuan also sinking in the water.

Jun Qingyu's eyes lit up.

Standing at the bottom of the water, Fu Yuanchuan beckoned to the little mermaid.

Jun Qingyu smiled forward, swung his fish tail, and swam around Fu Yuanchuan.

The fish tail lightly rubbed Fu Yuanchuan's back.

Jun Qingyu swam up from behind Fu Yuanchuan.

The fish's tail swayed and landed in front of him, slowly falling to sit on Fu Yuanchuan's shoulders.

Fu Yuanchuan turned to look.

The little mermaid looked up and leaned over, smiled and opened his mouth, spitting out a string of dense bubbles.
