
Have you grown up yet?

Jun Qingyu shook his tail, but he himself didn't feel any change.

Maybe I am not sensitive to my own subtle changes.


Fu Yuanchuan searched the drawer, found a ruler, "measure it?"

Visual inspection may be inaccurate.

Jun Qingyu immediately lay flat on Fu Yuanchuan's palm for his measurement.

The ruler was on the side of the little mermaid, not even the tip of the tail fell.

After waiting for a while, Fu Yuanchuan didn't speak, and Jun Qingyu didn't dare to make big moves because he was afraid of being inaccurate.

After thinking for a while, Jun Qingyu reached out and grabbed Fu Yuanchuan's finger, and shook it lightly, "Eh?"

"I've grown up." Fu Yuanchuan received the ruler.

When the little mermaid is bought back, the mermaid breeding base will give a complete information about the little mermaid.

According to the above size, compared with the current body length of the little mermaid, it is indeed grown up.

"Hey!" Jun Qingyu sat up, with a smile on his face.

Grow up a little bit today, and it won't take long to help Fu Yuanchuan fight!

However, Fu Yuanchuan was not as happy as the little mermaid.

Under normal circumstances, the little mermaid would not grow so fast.

In less than a month, there have been significant changes.

Something is not right.

Fu Yuanchuan asked: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, there was nothing wrong.

The spring water with spiritual energy relaxes the muscles and muscles, and there is spiritual spring soaked, how can it be uncomfortable.

Jun Qingyu looked at Fu Yuanchuan suspiciously, "Why?" What's the matter?

Any questions…?

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while and said, "I will take you to a place."

When he said that he was about to get up, Jun Qingyu quickly pointed to the computer, "Eh...huh?"

Do you not analyze the location?

"Come back and do it again."



Because of the special nature of mermaid, professional mermaid doctors and nurses are all in the mermaid nursing center.

There are almost no mermaid doctors in other places.

For the sake of the little mermaid's body, he came here to hang up a number.

Fu Yuanchuan hugged the box containing the little mermaid, "Don't be afraid, it will be well soon."

"Gurulu~" Jun Qing said that he was going to be tested, such as a blood test.

But unexpectedly, the caregiver just scanned the box with a scanner, and then it was over.

Jun Qingyu soaked in the box and looked at the instrument passing by. He didn't feel anything. He didn't even see a scanning light.

After the scan, the maintenance staff put the instrument away.

Various data are quickly ejected from the instrument.

The nurse glanced at the data and said: "All the physical indicators are very healthy, the marshal don't worry."

Jun Qingyu grabbed his fingers on the edge of the box, "Eh~"

Fu Yuanchuan followed the little mermaid's hair, calmed his emotions, and said, "But it grows very fast."

"The growth rate of the little mermaid is the average value obtained after many calculations, but you know the marshal, we still know too little about the little mermaid."

The maintenance staff also found it strange that the average little mermaid may not be able to grow these few centimeters in three years, but the little mermaid of the marshal is only a long time.

The caretaker said: "The mermaid spiritual power column is unknown. No value has been detected. I guess it may be related to spiritual power."

Jun Qingyu soaked in the box, silently listening to the doctor's analysis of the problem.

Jun Qingyu still felt that he was growing too slowly, but now he heard the doctor tell him that he grew faster than the other little mermaid.

According to what the nursing staff said, Jun Qingyu almost understood what was going on.

He has been sleeping in the space with spring water recently.

Was it too frequent during this time?

The little mermaid and spiritual power are linked, and if you have enough spiritual power to add unlimitedly, the consequence is that it will grow up?

If that's the case... Then he takes a dip, maybe he can grow faster.

The nurse said: "But if you grow too fast, you will indeed experience physical soreness and discomfort. This is all normal. You can try to massage him to get some relief."

"We have professional mermaid masseurs, but...many mermaids don't like massage."

"We usually feed some sleep aids and wait for them to fall asleep before starting the massage."

After thinking about it, the nursing staff said one more sentence: "Massage is actually okay when you are awake, but it will be more... troublesome."

Jun Qingyu takes action, but does he have to go to bed before massage? This process is too incredible.

It doesn't sound like it's for the mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan frowned, "Aid sleep?"

The nurse said: "Because the massage involves the tail of the fish, the tail of the little mermaid is very important. They will not let anyone touch it."

The nursing staff was also very helpless. Originally, the massage was done for the good of the mermaid, but in the end it was a mess.

He said: "In order to prevent the massage from turning into a fight scene, it is common to make preparations in advance."

Seeing that Fu Yuanchuan did not speak, the caregiver simply gave an example: "Just like the little mermaid you are holding, don't look at him now, but as long as you touch his tail, he will..."

Lifting his tail and rubbing Fu Yuanchuan's fingers with the tip of his tail, Jun Qingyu tilted his head, "Eh?"

What will happen?

Fu Yuanchuan held the little mermaid's tail and put the little mermaid back into the box.

The caregiver was dumbfounded, this...


No matter how good-tempered the little mermaid is, he will turn his face when he touches the tail.

But... what you see with your own eyes can't be fake.

The nursing staff said: "If this is the case, then it should be possible to not eat sleep aids. I will arrange a masseur for you."

"No." Fu Yuanchuan rejected the nurse's proposal and said lightly: "Are there any teaching videos?"

The nurse was a little surprised, "There is no video, but I can show it to you, but... every day massage may be a waste of time, look at you..."

The dignified marshal has everything to do, so there is no time to massage the mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan said concisely, "Demonstration."

The caregiver had a meal and said, "Okay, please come here with me."

Jun Qingyu is not interested in massage, and he is not uncomfortable.

I was still thinking about how to refuse the massage.

But if it's Fu Yuanchuan... then the massage seems to be quite interesting.

The nursing staff led the way and said as they walked: "In fact, even if it is not sick or uncomfortable, regular massage can bring you closer to the mermaid."

It's just because of the mermaid's resistance to massage, no one dares to make such a connection.

Fu Yuanchuan: "Yeah."

The massage room is very quiet.

The quiet mermaid placed three empty beds.

The nurse said: "These are all new and sterilized at one time. The marshal can do it with me, so the effect will be better than my oral explanation."

Fu Yuanchuan lowered his head and asked the little mermaid, "Would you like to try it?"

"Eh~" Jun Qingyu lay on Fu Yuanchuan's hand and smiled at him.

It's okay to practice.

"it is good."

After a while, the caregiver brought a red little mermaid.

Put the little mermaid on the placement bed and the caretaker said: "This is our best-tempered little mermaid. Let's use him as an example."

At first, the caregiver wanted to find a doll or something, but thought it was too foolish, so the little mermaid was found.

Considering that the marshal would not feed sleep aids when massaging the little mermaid, he did not feed it either.

Fu Yuanchuan also took the little mermaid out.

Jun Qingyu sat on the placement bed and turned to look at the red little mermaid.

From the mermaid breeding base, he never saw another mermaid.

The two beds were placed on the left and right of the room, and there was a great distance between them.

But at a glance, you can still find the little mermaid on the white sheets.

Scarlet is a very dazzling color.

The red little mermaid also saw Jun Qingyu, and he tried to climb over, but he trembled suddenly and turned his head to look at Fu Yuanchuan not far away.

The little mermaid suddenly retracted to the place just now and barked his teeth at Fu Yuanchuan.

Fu Yuanchuan was full of his own little mermaid, he didn't notice the side, he heard the voice and wanted to turn his head to take a look.

The next moment he was kissed by the little mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan's attention instantly returned to the little mermaid, "What's wrong?"

Jun Qingyu was afraid that the little mermaid's attitude would arouse Fu Yuanchuan's sadness.

Then he attracted his attention, holding his hand and kissing and acting like a baby, "Eh~"

Just look at me~

Although Fu Yuanchuan didn't know what happened to the little mermaid, he was happy to play with him.

After a while, the caregiver came out of the room.

The upper body was wrapped into a ball.

The well-dressed caregiver handed Fu Yuanchuan a bag of things, "Marshal, these are protective clothing, you can put it on."

Fu Yuanchuan didn't even look at it, so he refused and said, "No."

"Marshal, you..."

"let's start."

Seeing this, the nurse had no choice but to put it down, but didn't take it back.

Don't look at the mermaid being honest and obedient to let you touch, when the time comes, the face will change in the middle of the massage, and it is possible to be caught off guard.

The mermaid changed his face quickly.

Keep the things, wait for the marshal to use them later, just take them yourself.

The caregiver calmed the little red mermaid and said, "Be slow to let him feel that you are not malicious to him, and then...Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the nursing staff was beaten with a combination of punches.

Jun Qingyu: "..."

It hurts to hear it, no wonder it's so tightly dressed.

The only mermaid that Fu Yuanchuan had contact with was Jun Qingyu. He always thought that the temper of mermaid was almost the same.

But now it seems that his little mermaid's temper is too good.

The most well-behaved little mermaid among the nursing staff began to bite after getting tired.

Fu Yuanchuan looked down at the little mermaid, and when he saw the little mermaid looking seriously, he quietly covered his eyes.

Although Jun Qingyu didn't know why, he didn't pull down his hand.

After a while, there seemed to be quiet.

The nurse took out his numb hand and said, "If necessary, you can give me some snacks to comfort you."

Then there was another beating.

Jun Qingyu couldn't see it, and he felt miserable when he heard it.

Rao was beaten badly, and the caregiver said firmly: "Wait for the little mermaid to calm down...ah!"

"Hi...just let him get down."

"Because we massage mainly on the back of the shoulders and the tail... Wow, it hurts..."

Jun Qingyu: "..."


The sound of screaming and the muffled sound of the little mermaid hitting the protective clothing filled the entire room.

After a while, the sound of 'tearing' was mixed.

"Little cute, don't tear my protective clothing-don't scratch your face!"

Jun Qingyu slowly raised his head to look at Fu Yuanchuan, or... don't watch the demonstration.

It feels like it's going to be fatal for a while.

Fu Yuanchuan also felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't step forward to help. In the past, the mermaid would only panic even more.

Fu Yuanchuan gave a light cough and said, "Why don't you forget it."

Caregiver: "It's okay, the marshal, it's almost healed!"

This voice lasted for more than an hour before it gradually subsided.

The caregiver said: "Hoo...get it done, just follow this process to let the little mermaid get down, and you can proceed to the next step."

Jun Qingyu quietly glanced at Mimi and felt that the red little mermaid might be tired and unable to fight.

The protective clothing on the maintenance staff was broken, the gloves were showing fingers, and the mask on his face was photographed with spider patterns, and it was broken.

It's miserable.

The nurse turned his head to see that Fu Yuanchuan hadn't moved yet.

He wiped his nosebleeds and stepped forward and said, "Marshal, do you need my help?"

Fu Yuanchuan refused: "No."

Omitting the previous steps, Fu Yuanchuan said: "Little fish, turn over."

When Jun Qingyu heard this, he turned over and lay down, raised the tip of his tail and shook Fu Yuanchuan's fingers, "Eh~!"

Fu Yuanchuan stroked his fishtail smoothly, "be good."

Caregiver: "???" !

My mentality collapsed!