For The Time Being

Fu Yuanchuan was deliberately suppressing his emotions, but he didn't expect to be easily seen through by the little mermaid.

Looking at the coquettish little mermaid, Fu Yuanchuan's heart trembled slightly.

He touched the little mermaid's head and said softly, "I'm fine."

Jun Qingyu also raised his hand against Fu Yuanchuan's face, smiling and bending his eyes.

Fu Yuanchuan couldn't help being affected by the little mermaid, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Let's take a shower first, and go back to change the water after the shower."


Jun Qingyu rinsed and lay back.

Fu Yuanchuan immersed the hand holding the little mermaid in the water, but did not put the little mermaid down, but gently wiped the little mermaid's tail with his other hand.

Fu Yuanchuan stretched out the palm of his right hand and placed it in front of Jun Qingyu, "Come, hand."

Jun Qingyu put both hands up, the difference in size looked very obvious.

Fu Yuanchuan can hold both of his hands with one hand.

The water rushed through and knead briefly.

After soaking in the water of the bath ball, you only need to wash off the essential oil attached to the surface without too much effort.

Fu Yuanchuan put a towel on the table and put the little mermaid on it.

Jun Qingyu sat on the edge of the table, the tail of the fish hanging down and shaking unconsciously, watching Fu Yuanchuan busy changing his water back and forth.

Changing the water in a fish tank is not as simple as it seems.

Some ornaments in the fish tank should also be taken out and cleaned, and then put into the dryer for disinfection after being cleaned.

It's also very troublesome to get a set of processes.

Fu Yuanchuan went out and took some snacks and a toy knife, a small cutting board, and put it at Jun Qingyu's hand to let him pass the time.

Then continue to squat on the edge of the table to wash the ornaments.

At a glance, Jun Qingyu saw a lot of apples in the pile of snacks. After thinking about it, he took an apple out of the space.

The apple in the snack did not move, the apple in the space was cut into a suitable size with a toy knife.

He reached out and touched Fu Yuanchuan's hair, "Eh~"

"Huh?" Fu Yuanchuan paused and looked up at the little mermaid, "What's wrong?"

Jun Qingyu inserted the cut apple with a stick and brought it to Fu Yuanchuan's mouth, "Ah~"

Eat apples.

Fu Yuanchuan was taken aback, opened his mouth to eat the apple, and rubbed the little mermaid's head, "Thank you."


you are welcome.

Fu Yuanchuan washes the ornaments by hand, making it inconvenient to eat.

Jun Qingyu fed him piece by piece with a sign.

When I put everything in the dryer, I just finished eating an apple.

Fu Yuanchuan filled up the water and put the little mermaid in the fish tank.

The fish tank is placed at the head of the bed.

Turning off the light, the room dimmed instantly.

"good night."



After that incident, the imperial leader was quiet for a few days.

Fu Yuanchuan took the opportunity to release the news of his serious illness and simply took this opportunity to recuperate at home without taking care of the affairs there.

As a result, the leader of the empire sent someone to find the door.

Fu Yuanchuan received the news early in the morning, but was not in a hurry to go down. Instead, he stayed with the little mermaid in the bedroom for a while.

The little mermaid was sleeping on his pillow.

The spiritual power of the little mermaid is too closely related to his spiritual power.

Fu Yuanchuan's vigilance is not low, but the little mermaid's spiritual power is not within his vigilant range.

I don't know when the little mermaid ran out of the fish tank.

It's just that the water on the body is almost dry now, and the time to come out should not be short.

Just when Fu Yuanchuan wanted to wipe some water on the little mermaid's tail, the little mermaid opened his eyes.

"Woke up?"

"Um... Yeah." Jun Qingyu squinted his eyes, sleepiness made his brain react very slowly.

He looked at Fu Yuanchuan, reached out his hand against his mouth, then leaned close to Fu Yuanchuan, curled up and continued to sleep.

Fu Yuanchuan's expression moved slightly. Does this mean that he is not allowed to speak?

Fu Yuanchuan didn't pull the little mermaid's hands down either, but just like that, said softly: "Little fish, I'm going down."

"Eh~" Jun Qingyu heard the voice and responded in a low voice.

Seeing that he was too sleepy to open his eyes, Fu Yuanchuan did not propose to take him down with him. Instead, he quietly got up and went downstairs to deal with those people.

Jun Qingyu could perceive Fu Yuanchuan's departure while he was half-dreaming and half-awake.

He wanted to go down with him, but he couldn't open his eyes inexplicably sleepy, and opened his mouth, so sleepy that he could even speak.

After Fu Yuanchuan left, he didn't want to sleep alone in the big bed.

Simply enter the space to bubble the spring water, wanting to use this to refresh myself.

I don't know if it is due to the season, especially if I soak in spring water, I feel even more sleepy.

Jun Qingyu stretched out, planning to run in the spring for a while before going out.

Anyway, Fu Yuanchuan went downstairs and broke with the people on the side of the empire leader.

I can't come back for a while, and going out will be boring, so it's better to soak in spring water.

When the fish's tail moved, Jun Qingyu was stunned and looked down at the water.

There seems to be something wrong with the spring water, and the water level seems to be lowered?

Generally speaking, the surface of the flowing spring water is maintained at the same height all year round.

Once there is a drop, the traces will be particularly noticeable.

The spiritual power contained in the spring also seemed a bit strange.

Jun Qingyu tried to release his spiritual power to check.

There is no reason why the water surface drops.

But Jun Qingyu accidentally discovered that after releasing his spiritual power, the spiritual power in the spring water was doubled back into his body.

His spiritual power increased in an instant.

Jun Qingyu was taken aback, there is still such a way to increase spiritual power?

Before he came to the space, soaked in the spring water and then fell asleep, and would not release his spiritual power deliberately.

Even if it is light soaking, it can make the little mermaid show signs of growth.

If so...

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, raised his hand to caress the surface of the water, without hesitation, began to release his spiritual power.

In an instant, the entire space was filled with indispensable spiritual power.

The surface of the water also dropped quickly visible to the naked eye.

Jun Qingyu frowned. This kind of spiritual power was emptied in an instant and filled up quickly, and it felt uncomfortable.

But it was too late to stop.

After repeating this several times, the spring water has bottomed out.

There will be a steady stream of spring water coming out of the springs, so there is no need to worry about it drying up for a short time.

Jun Qingyu leaned on the shore, frowning.

The size of the body has not changed, and even the tail of the fish has not turned into legs.

Why is there no response?

Could it be that I was thinking wrong?

Just thinking about it, the vigorous spiritual power suddenly dispersed.

Jun Qingyu was too late to stop, and was directly sent out of the space.


Falling on the soft bed, with a thin covering on his body, the cold and elegant breath firmly envelops him.

The bedclothes were wetted with undried water.

Jun Qingyu quickly sat up and looked down at his hand.

The slender fingers have connected webs on the left and right, but they are much larger than the little mermaid's hands.

Jun Qingyu used his spiritual power, and those light-colored and transparent webs gradually became lighter and then disappeared.

After this, it will be no different from ordinary hands.

Seeing this change, Jun Qingyu's mouth raised slightly.

He guessed right, this kind of growth can indeed be achieved when the spiritual power is overwhelming.

Jun Qingyu thought about the growth rate of the mermaid that the nurse said before.

It grows slowly because the little mermaid will no longer have any spiritual power in addition to his own spiritual power.

And he is different.

He can obtain huge spiritual power in a short time.

Jun Qingyu clenched his fist, as long as the method worked.

Seeing that the affairs of Fu Yuanchuan and the leaders of the empire were about to be revealed.

This way he can also help.

Jun Qingyu closed his eyes, planning to return to the space, wait for the spiritual energy to dissipate, and restore the appearance of a little mermaid before coming out.


There was no response for a long time.

Jun Qingyu: "?!"

Space closed?

Jun Qingyu opened his eyes in astonishment.

He dared to try this method, that is, relying on the space, even if it really becomes, he can hide in the space and wait for it to come out again.

But now, why can't the space enter? !

Could it be because he became a human and consumed all the spiritual power of the space?

At this moment, Jun Qingyu heard footsteps.

Look at the time again, it's time for lunch.

It should be Fu Yuanchuan who came back to look for him.

Jun Qingyu took up the quilt and jumped out of the bed without hesitation.

As a result, because he hadn't walked for too long, his legs became weak and he fell directly to the ground.

Stabilized, Jun Qingyu stood up with the bedside table, and wanted to jump out of the window before running.

As a result, he stopped after taking two steps.

No way.

There is an alarm over the window. Isn't jumping out of the window to make a mistake?

The sound of footsteps was still approaching, and it was too late to think, Jun Qingyu staggered into the bathroom wrapped in a thin quilt.

As long as he dissipated his spiritual power before Fu Yuanchuan found him, he would be able to restore the appearance of the little mermaid.

Entering the bathroom, Jun Qingyu closed the bathroom door with his backhand and locked it.

At the same time, he shouted sharply.


Jun Qingyu's heart trembled, and he closed the quilt and made no sound.

I was hesitant to tell Fu Yuanchuan about talking.

It's alright now, I didn't even tell him about the little mermaid's ability to split his legs, so he jumped straight to becoming an adult.

He wore a face that was indistinguishable from the little mermaid.

If he was discovered, Fu Yuanchuan would not treat him as a monster, would he?

Jun Qingyu pressed the corner of his mouth slightly, squatted down against the bathroom door, quickly releasing his spiritual power.

Hurry up, hurry up.

However, Fu Yuanchuan obviously would not give him this opportunity.

The door was knocked, and Fu Yuanchuan's indifferent voice came, "Come out."

Jun Qingyu ignored it and pretended not to hear.

Just not going out.

You have the ability to smash the door.

But Jun Qingyu didn't wait for Fu Yuanchuan to smash the door, instead he heard the sound of fading footsteps.

Jun Qingyu was taken aback and left?

Then I heard the sound of the key shaking again.

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Just, just outrageous!

Do you live by yourself and keep the key to the bathroom? !

The key opened the door lock, the key was inserted in it, and Jun Qingyu couldn't lock it again.

Seeing the doorknob being pressed down, Jun Qingyu quickly resisted.

However, Jun Qingyu was still releasing his spiritual power while doing his hands, and his strength would only get smaller and smaller.

Even if he tried harder, the door handle was still a little bit downward.

He took an iron rod and propped it underneath, and the descent stopped.

Jun Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, but he hadn't waited for him to relax completely.

That iron rod made a 'cack bang'.


Jun Qingyu: "...?"

Jun Qingyu quickly reached out his hand again, but it was too late.

The bathroom door slowly opened outward.

Jun Qingyu stubbornly pulled the handle, but was dragged out with him.

Seeing the gap in the door getting bigger and bigger, Jun Qingyu shouted in panic: "Fu Yuanchuan!"

Outside the door, Fu Yuanchuan had a stature.

He put away the gun and looked down at the bathroom door.

After a while.

The poor trembling voice of the other party came from the bathroom.

"You, don't you come in yet, okay."