Chapter 25

Fu Yuanchuan held the little mermaid and went downstairs.

Jun Qingyu leaned on Fu Yuanchuan and looked around.

There is really no one, not even the housekeeper.

It hasn't been long since he became a human being, and it seems that the servants here are also quite capable of action.

Fu Yuanchuan walked into the kitchen holding the little mermaid. At this time, there would always be prepared lunches in the incubator.

But today he gave everyone a holiday, including the chef.

There is nothing empty in the incubator.

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while, holding the little mermaid in one hand, opened the refrigerator, "see what you want to eat."

The chef is not there, they can do it themselves.

The little mermaid used to eat dried fish, fruits and vegetables. Now that he has become a human, he should be able to eat normal stir-fried vegetables and the like.

Jun Qingyu didn't know what to eat, he was not very hungry, but the beef was placed in the most conspicuous place of the refrigerator, and he said, "Eat steak, and fry another vegetable. Use the vegetables in my space."

"Okay." Fu Yuanchuan said, holding the little mermaid and unable to cook, "the kitchen is so smokey, you wait for me in the living room, and you are ready to call you."

Jun Qingyu didn't want to go out, "It's okay, I can stay and help."

Seeing that the little mermaid wanted to stay, Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Will it be uncomfortable to stand on my legs?"

Jun Qingyu was justified and confident, "No."

Fu Yuanchuan put the little mermaid down with suspicion and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me."


Fu Yuanchuan took out the cold beef from the refrigerator and processed it.

Jun Qingyu took out a few tomatoes and planned to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. This dish is relatively simple and has a low error rate.

For the first time cooking in front of Fu Yuanchuan, of course, I had to choose a simple dish.

Jun Qingyu didn't need to care about whether the little mermaid could cook. Fu Yuanchuan knew that he had a problem, so he didn't care whether there were more or less problems.

The vegetables in the space do not need to be washed, but Jun Qingyu still goes through the process.

When he washed the tomatoes and put them on the cutting board, Fu Yuanchuan came over and said, "I'll cut them, you can wash some fruits, and make a fruit fish later."

Jun Qingyu put down the knife he had just picked up and said, "Okay."

Jun Qingyu took one of the ripe fruits in the space. When I planted it before, I didn't particularly like to eat fruits, so I planted some of each kind of fruits.

All peaches, oranges, mangoes and so on were cut out to be enough for both of them.

Jun Qingyu finished washing the fruits, and Fu Yuanchuan was still cutting tomatoes. He looked for it, and there seemed to be no spare cutting board in the kitchen.

Then peel off the peeled fruits first.

When he accidentally cut an orange, Jun Qingyu ate it directly, fearing that it would affect the appearance of the fruit.

Jun Qingyu's eyes lit up, "Um... this is so sweet."

He took the orange and walked to Fu Yuanchuan and fed him, "You taste it."

Fu Yuanchuan had tomato juice in his hands, so he ate the oranges with Jun Qingyu's hands.

Seeing the little mermaid's bright eyes staring at herself without blinking.

Fu Yuanchuan nodded and affirmed, "It's really sweet."

It's sweeter than what I ate before.

Anyway, I didn't have to rush to do fruit fishing, so Jun Qingyu peeled the oranges and fed them to Fu Yuanchuan.

Fu Yuanchuan cut a small piece of tomato and handed it to the little mermaid's mouth.

Jun Qingyu opened his mouth to bite, then slowly frowned, "Um..."

The tomatoes in the space taste good, but after eating the very sweet oranges and then eating tomatoes, there is no sweetness, only sourness.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Isn't it delicious?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, and quickly concealed the sour expression on his face, and said sincerely: "You can taste it too."

Fu Yuanchuan cut a piece and tasted it.

"How is it? Sour?" Jun Qingyu stared at Fu Yuanchuan earnestly, wanting to see if he would show a sour expression.

However, Fu Yuanchuan said indifferently, "It's delicious, not sour."

good to eat?

Jun Qingyu glanced at the small piece of tomato that Fu Yuanchuan had bitten in his hand. Didn't Fu Yuanchuan and him eat the same tomato?

"Give me a taste of yours." Jun Qingyu was really curious and took a sip of Fu Yuanchuan's.

The result...special, special, sour!

Jun Qingyu chewed twice at a loss. Is there a problem with the way he eats?

At this time, he found that Fu Yuanchuan, who bowed his head and chopping vegetables, had his mouth raised slightly, as if he was smiling.

Jun Qingyu: "???"


Too bully!

Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's waist.

Fu Yuanchuan was stunned for a moment. No one had been so close to him before, and he was a little uncomfortable.

But Jun Qingyu didn't give him a chance to adapt, and started tickling him when he hugged him.

Fu Yuanchuan looked at the little mermaid who must report to Jai Xie, and couldn't help but smile. The tomato juice in his hand didn't move well. He quickly said, "It's all right, let's stop making trouble, Xiaoyu is good."

Jun Qingyu poked him twice, but didn't continue to harass him, "Give me the tomatoes, I'll fry them."

Fu Yuanchuan put the tomatoes on a plate and handed them to him, "Be careful not to get crushed."

It will inevitably collapse when pouring vegetables in a hot oil pan.

After thinking about it, Fu Yuanchuan removed a new disposable apron, "Tie this on."

The long-sleeved ones, wrapped with hands together, can block some splashes of hot oil.

Jun Qingyu couldn't wear it. First put the tomatoes down and put his hands into the long sleeves.

Fu Yuanchuan wiped his hands clean, came over to help him tidy up from the back, pointed to the transparent thing that looked like a hood in front, and said, "Just lift this up soon."

Jun Qingyu has never seen such a tightly wrapped apron.

When I touched it with my hands, I found that the hood was hard, and it only blocked the face when it stood up. It was not as stuffy as it was full-covered, and it made people breathless.

After wearing this apron for Jun Qingyu, Fu Yuanchuan was also relieved, helped turn on the fire, and went back to the cutting board to cut the meat.

There are special cutting boards for cutting meat and vegetables, as well as for raw fruit and cooked food.

Fu Yuanchuan was afraid that the little mermaid would hurt himself with the knife, so he didn't take out the other cutting boards.

This will take advantage of the little mermaid to cook, he will cut everything that needs to be cut, and there will be no need to use a knife for a while.

Jun Qingyu was afraid of mashing the pot, so he turned on a low heat throughout the process, first fry the eggs, then fry the green onion tomatoes until softened, and just put the eggs to taste.

After turning off the fire, Jun Qingyu was not in a hurry to serve it out, but instead picked a piece of egg for Fu Yuanchuan to try.

Jun Qingyu said: "Will it be a little light, I'll add some more salt?"

Fu Yuanchuan shook his head, "The taste is just right, it's ready to be cooked."

"it is good."

He served scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and Fu Yuanchuan's beef was almost the same.

One part is grilled steak and part is fried beef tenderloin. The meat is very full.

Fu Yuanchuan put the dishes on the table, and topped the cut fruits with yogurt. The little mermaid didn't like nuts, so he didn't put them.

"Let's eat."

The two of them worked for more than half an hour, but fortunately there was no mistake, and the dishes on the table looked good.

Jun Qingyu ate a bite of beef tenderloin with rice. The tender and juicy taste has a bit of salty aroma, and the roasted meat is just right.

He felt that he hadn't eaten a normal meal for a long time.

Compared with Western-style bread, Chinese-style meals are more suitable for him.

After lunch.

Jun Qingyu stood up and wanted to help pack things up.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "You go out to play, I just clean up."

Don't get the little mermaid's hands dirty after cooking.

Jun Qingyu didn't leave, "Let me help you, we can pack up together faster."

"No, there are not many things to pack."

Seeing that the little mermaid was not moving, Fu Yuanchuan took the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and put it aside, and then directly lifted the little mermaid sideways.

Jun Qingyu was hugged unsuspectingly, but still subconsciously hugged Fu Yuanchuan's shoulders.

He was put on the sofa in the living room by Fu Yuanchuan, and he also stuffed a bowl of fruit for him.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "I'll be ready right away, you play by yourself first."

"Um... alright."

The kitchen is a sliding door. Fu Yuanchuan stood at the door and thought, pushing the door on one side to the other, and then he rolled up his sleeves and packed his things.

Until the little mermaid regains its palm size, no one will set foot here.

So he has to clean up these things by himself.

Jun Qingyu tilted his head. Sitting on his side like this, he could just see the busy Fu Yuanchuan through the open door.

There is not much stuff. The dirty dishes and chopsticks are put in the dishwasher, and there is nothing left.

Jun Qingyu finished the fruit and planned to get up and take a walk.

Sitting all the time when you are full will make you feel sleepy, and you can't sleep after eating.

Jun Qingyu got up and stretched, intending to exercise.

Fu Yuanchuan made the fruit tea and saw that the little mermaid was not sitting on the sofa. He quickly put the fruit tea down and stepped forward to support him, "Why did you get up?"

Jun Qingyu said: "I walk a few laps and practice walking."

He can only move forward very slowly now. It's not enough to move slowly like this.

Fearing that he would fall, Fu Yuanchuan leaned on his waist and said, "There is no carpet downstairs. Let's go back to the bedroom."

It's not a joke if it's a fall.

Jun Qingyu didn't care about this, "It's okay, I'll go slowly."

Besides, it doesn't matter if you fall, it just hurts.

Fu Yuanchuan still didn't feel relieved, and simply followed Jun Qingyu, holding his waist with a virtual hand.

Jun Qingyu glanced at Fu Yuanchuan, how did he feel that Fu Yuanchuan was more nervous than him when he practiced walking?

After being protected by Fu Yuanchuan, he walked a few laps, and when he was tired, he rested on Fu Yuanchuan and continued walking.

I didn't stop until I got sore calves.

It is really tiring to let a mermaid who hasn't walked for a long time practice walking.

After exercising, Jun Qingyu didn't want to move.

He turned around and put his arms around Fu Yuanchuan's neck, and whispered, "I don't want to climb the stairs."


Although there is an elevator in the villa, Fu Yuanchuan didn't even look at the stairs. He personally carried the little mermaid back to the room after a hard afternoon.

Back in the room, Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while, took the little mermaid to the bathroom and said, "Go take a shower."

Saying it's a bath, it's actually a soak in water.

I have been out of water for a day, although my legs have differentiated, I still need to add water.

"Okay." Jun Qingyu also felt that it would feel uncomfortable to leave the water for too long, but it was only a small impact, and he could bear it.

But since there is nothing to do now, a bubble bath is also fine.

Fu Yuanchuan filled the bathtub with cold water. Before he was not sure whether the little mermaid could take a hot bath, it would be safer to use cold water first.

Throw a bath ball in the bathtub full of water, and the fragrance suddenly came out.

Fu Yuanchuan said, "I'm just outside, and I have something to call me."


When Fu Yuanchuan went out, he closed the bathroom door.

Jun Qingyu folded his clothes aside and soaked in the bathtub.

This temperature is somewhat low for humans, but it is just right for mermaids.

Jun Qingyu half leaned on the soft pillow, raised his head and closed his eyes to rest his mind, but after a while, he felt a little sleepy.

He hurriedly got up, not planning to continue soaking.

Jun Qingyu didn't dare to sleep in the water like this, because he didn't know if the mermaid would catch a cold when he became a human.

This seems to be a relatively contradictory issue.

Jun Qingyu didn't know the answer, so he simply soaked for a while and washed away the foam from the bath ball on his body and then he could put on his clothes and go out.

When he changed his clothes, Jun Qingyu had a meal. He didn't take the changed clothes, "Fu Yuanchuan..."

Fu Yuanchuan's voice appeared outside the door, "Have you finished washing?"

"Well, I didn't take it..."

"Come on." Fu Yuanchuan opened the door and passed the bath towel and pajamas along the crack of the door.

Jun Qingyu wiped off the water on his body, and when he changed his pajamas, he found that there was a close-fitting clothing folded inside.

It doesn't look like it was caught by a clothes seller.

After changing his clothes, Jun Qingyu walked out with wet hair and hitting Hache.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan said, "Why don't you blow it dry?"

"I don't want to blow." Taking a dip seems to make you tired, Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan and whispered, "I'm tired."

Fu Yuanchuan originally wanted to be tough and let the little mermaid blow his hair to avoid catching a cold.

But after hearing these words, how could he be tough.

Fu Yuanchuan wiped him with a towel, took the sleepy little mermaid back to the bed, and let him sit on the bed against himself.

Jun Qingyu felt dazed by the warm wind coming over, he tilted his head, trying to avoid the warm wind, but couldn't hide, and muttered in a low voice: "Eh..."

"Hey, it'll be all right soon."

Listening to Fu Yuanchuan's voice in his ears, Jun Qingyu buried his head in his arms and hid himself so that he could not blow.

When the hair was dry, the little mermaid fell asleep in his arms cleverly.


The next day, Jun Qingyu woke up from the big bed without Fu Yuanchuan by his side.

Jun Qingcheng always slept on a pillow, and he could reach Fu Yuanchuan when he reached out, but this time he raised his hand but didn't touch anything.

Only empty pillows.

Jun Qingyu closed his eyes, grabbed the pillow and hugged him, settled, and sat up.

Where did Fu Yuanchuan go?

Didn't they all sleep in this room last night?

Although Jun Qingyu was too sleepy to open his eyes last night, he did not lose his memory. He was sure that Fu Yuanchuan was here last night.

On the bedside is a still hot breakfast, beef tenderloin bibimbap.

The beef tenderloin made last time has been eaten, and it should be freshly fried.

Jun Qingyu just woke up and had no appetite to eat.

He sat up, thought about it, opened the quilt and planned to go out to find someone.

As a result, my feet touched the ground, and I felt a little pain before I got up. Maybe it was because I practiced walking for too long yesterday.

But fortunately, I can bear it.

Jun Qingyu put on slippers and walked out slowly.

As a result, Fu Yuanchuan returned before he could walk out of the bedroom.

Seeing him coming back, Jun Qingyu sat back on the bed again, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Where have you been?"

Fu Yuanchuan walked over and said, "I made a cup of nutrition powder for you."

Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's waist and rubbed his head, "Um... sleepy, I don't want to drink."

"Drink this before going to sleep." Drink the nutrient powder on time and in quantity, and the effect will be good.

Jun Qingyu hasn't woken up yet, and everything is very slow when he is sleepy.

Seeing that Fu Yuanchuan didn't take the nutritional powder away, he opened his mouth aggrievedly, "Ah..."

Fu Yuanchuan was amused by his pitiful appearance. This nutrient powder was different from the one he had often drunk before.

The taste is a bit bitter, so I refused to drink it after drinking the little mermaid.

In the past, when I was sober, I resolutely refrained from drinking, or hid in a fish tank.

But now he didn't run back to bury himself in the quilt.

Fu Yuanchuan couldn't help thinking that the little mermaid who just woke up was quite cheating.

After being fed the bitter nutrient powder, Jun Qingyu blinked and frowned.

That little drowsy sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that Fu Yuanchuan was about to feed another bite, Jun Qingyu quickly pointed to the door in a panic, "Someone!"

"Huh?" Fu Yuanchuan knew it was impossible for anyone to come in, but he took a look, "No one."

Turning around, I was about to continue feeding the nutritional powder, but saw that the little mermaid who was sitting in front of me just now was gone.

Instead, a bulge in the quilt.

Fu Yuanchuan: "Little fish?"


Fu Yuanchuan: "..."

It is necessary to drink nutritional powder when pretending to be asleep.