Chapter 33

Looking at the innocent little mermaid, Fu Yuanchuan raised his mouth slightly, curled his fingers to rub his cheek, raised his head and asked, "How do you get along every day?"

Marshal Todice thought for a while and said: "Every day, I buy him delicious toys, and he uses spiritual power to help me regulate my body."

It's boring and boring.

But this is generally the case in everyday life.

Every mermaid is taken care of in this way, and the relationship with the mermaid has always been between treatment and breeding.

Fu Yuanchuan compared his daily routine with that of the little mermaid, frowned and asked, "What is the mermaid doing when you work?"

Marshal Todice thought for a while, when he was working, the little mermaid would not appear in his sight.

He casually said: "The mermaid will play on his own."

"Will a mermaid kiss you?"

Marshal Todice raised his eyebrows, seemingly unable to understand why Fu Yuanchuan would ask such a question, "Kiss me? Don't make trouble, I don't dare to let him get close to my face, I'm afraid of disfigurement."

Fu Yuanchuan: "..."

It seems...really wrong.

He and Xiaoyu are different from others.

When I raised a mermaid for the first time, I didn't pay much attention to how others raised it.

In addition, the mermaid breeding base has always emphasized that the personality of the little mermaid is not fixed, and each mermaid has a different personality.

Fu Yuanchuan thought his little mermaid would be so close to him because of his good personality.

But now it's okay to hug each other, is it wrong to hug after you become a human?

Seeing that Fu Yuanchuan was silent, Jun Qingyu was curious about what he was thinking, but because Marshal Todice couldn't speak directly to him, he tugged Fu Yuanchuan's sleeve.

Fu Yuanchuan lowered his head and looked at the little mermaid in his palm. His eyes gradually became gentle. He shook his head, stroked the little mermaid's hair, and said softly, "It's okay."

Think about what these useless things do.

Hug and hug, what's right?

The little mermaid in his family is different from other people's, and will become a human being, so it cannot be generalized with other mermaid.

Todice opened the lid, let the blue little mermaid in the box come out to breathe, and said: "What are you asking strange questions, let alone that useless, what about your family fish?"

Fu Yuanchuan sat on the sofa and said, "My little fish doesn't like to stay with the same kind."

After raising it for so long, the little mermaid has never looked for a similar species, even after being able to speak, he did not speak.

"Eh~!" Jun Qingyu nodded in affirmation.

Todis heard the sound, he was stunned, and turned his head slowly and stiffly, and saw the pale golden little mermaid curled up in Fu Yuanchuan's palm.

Todice: "???"

What did i just say?

What can't you touch? What can't lie down?

Todice frowned slowly, "No, the temperature of a mermaid is different from that of a human being. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for him to lie down like this?"


Fu Yuanchuan hadn't noticed the temperature difference between them, bowed his head and asked, "Will it be uncomfortable?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, "Eh!"

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Xiaoyu said no."

Todice: "..."

I'm wrong or you're wrong.

Looking at the blue little mermaid floating in the box, Todice thought, could it be that he used the wrong method?

The wrong way of getting along caused him to be beaten all the time?

What Fu Yuanchuan said is actually right? The little mermaid is uncomfortable, should the owner hold it in his palm to take care of it?

Todice tried to reach out to the box, but as soon as it touched the surface of the water, the blue little mermaid flung its tail.

With a sound of 'wow', a lot of water was thrown out.

That is to say, Marshal Todice has quick eyes and quick hands, otherwise the tail is strong, and the bone cracks are light.

Looking at the little mermaid glaring at him, and then at the one in Fu Yuanchuan's hand, Todice couldn't believe the censer in this world, "Your mermaid is fake."

The more he looked, the less he looked like a real mermaid, Marshal Todice said: "Are you too sick, just find a machine to come back to comfort yourself?"


Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, and sat up with Fu Yuanchuan's hand and jumped down to beat him.

You just faked it!

Fearing that he would fall, Fu Yuanchuan hurriedly folded his hands and wrapped it up, "Hey, his brain is not good, we don't care about him."

Todice knew that when the mermaid was going to hit someone, he knew it was not a fake fish.

Todice couldn't help feeling a little envious, "This are lucky."

"Well, I think so too." Fu Yuanchuan felt that all his luck in his life was spent on meeting the little mermaid.

Todice looked at the little blue mermaid staring at him in the fish tank, and sighed and said, "That's all right, your family is shy, I'll think of another way."

Seeing that Todis was about to take away the little blue mermaid, Jun Qingyu quickly grabbed Fu Yuanchuan's cuff, "Eh!"

Fu Yuanchuan instantly understood the meaning of the little mermaid, and stopped Todis, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong? Something?"

Jun Qingyu pointed to the direction of the kitchen.

Fu Yuanchuan said, "Wait a minute." As he said, he got up and carried the little mermaid to the kitchen.

Todice thought he had something important, so he didn't rush to leave.

Sit back on the sofa and sighed while looking at the obviously lackluster blue little mermaid in the fish tank.

In the kitchen.

Jun Qingyu whispered: "I think that mermaid should consume too much spiritual energy to do this. You can give it some fruit and vegetable juice and drink it a few times. It should be good."

The little mermaid will slowly recover after consuming spiritual power, but the recovery is much slower than the consumption.

This happens when the recovery can't keep up with the consumption, and the fruit and vegetable juice can help the spiritual power to recover faster.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Okay."

There are fruits and vegetables that Jun Qingyu put in the refrigerator, and Fu Yuanchuan picks out a few at will and throws them into the juicer.

The fruits and vegetables are fresh and taste good if you make them.

Jun Qingyu looked at the fruits and vegetables in the juicer, thought about it, and added some spring water from the space.

He had previously dug a pit for soaking water, which was separate from the spring water in the original space.

What is added here is water from the spring.

Before Fu Yuanchuan had time to catch the water, when the little mermaid had added water, he didn't ask much, so he closed the lid and pressed the start button.

After the fruit and vegetable juice was squeezed, it was packed in bottles, and there were four bottles in total.

Fu Yuanchuan couldn't help holding the little mermaid.

Jun Qingyu sat on his shoulders, shook his tail and said, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Totis was on the phone in the living room, and when Fu Yuanchuan came out, he said a few words and hung up the phone.

Looking at the bottles in Fu Yuanchuan's hand, he suspiciously asked, "What is this?"

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Fruit and vegetable juice, give your family fish to drink."

Todice came here and didn't bring anything. Instead, he took a few bottles of fruit and vegetable juice when he left. He was embarrassed, "You just went to get this? You were too polite."

"It tastes good when you look at it. It's a pity that my family picks it up. I'm afraid it would be a waste to give him a drink."

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Try it, maybe he will like it."

Todice doesn't want to feed here, how picky his little mermaid is, it is indescribable in simple words.

If it was given to the little mermaid now, and the little mermaid refused or overturned it, how embarrassed he would be.

Just when Todice was tangled, the little mermaid who dived into the water surfaced actively and reached out to Todice, "Eh!"

"Huh?" Todice was taken aback, and subconsciously passed his hand over, wanting to shake hands with me?

The blue little mermaid slapped it disgustingly, obviously not that.

Seeing that he had been looking at his left hand, Todice shook the fruit and vegetable juice and asked, "Is it this?"

The little blue mermaid nodded.

Todice had to open the fruit and vegetable juice and feed it to the little mermaid.

In the past, the blue little mermaid would cautiously sniff for a long time when eating food, and then take a small bite to make sure it is safe to eat.

But for this bottle of fruit and vegetable juice, the blue little mermaid didn't hesitate at all, so he opened his mouth and took a big sip.

Todice: "...?"

I just finished talking about you being picky eaters.

The little blue mermaid likes fruit and vegetable juice very much, which Jun Qingyu expected.

Fruit and vegetable juice with spring water is the best food to replenish spiritual power. In terms of taste, it also tastes better than ordinary interstellar fruit and vegetable juice.

It's normal to be liked.

The blue little mermaid drank half of the bottle in one breath and sank to the bottom again, apparently going to rest.

Todice looked at the fruit and vegetable juice in his hand, got up and said, "Marshal Fu, you fruit and vegetable juice..."

Fu Yuanchuan didn't wait for him to ask more, and said: "I bought it in the online store. I will share it with you. You can also have a drink."

The expression on Todis's face was a bit complicated. This fruit and vegetable juice looked nothing like ordinary things. He looked at Fu Yuanchuan for a moment, and he said in a deep voice, "Thank you."


After Marshal Todex left, Fu Yuanchuan returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess.

Before getting busy, I cut a piece of apple and handed it to the little mermaid, which was just big enough for him to hold and eat.

Jun Qingyu sat on his shoulders obediently, biting into the apple, and shaking his tail from time to time, which was especially leisurely.

After tidying up the kitchen, Fu Yuanchuan vaguely heard some prompt sound.

Turning his head to see, the light brain's indicator lights were flashing.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Your light brain is ringing."

"Huh?" Jun Qingyu became too small to wear a light brain, so he put it on the table.

Fu Yuanchuan went out and helped the little mermaid get his Guangnao back to the room.

Jun Qingyu knew who sent him the message without turning on the light brain.

Except for customers in the online store, no one should contact him.

Anonymous customer: [Is there only these fruit and vegetable juices? I can buy more. ]

Anonymous customer: [Does the store have a physical store? I need a lot of quantity, we can meet to discuss in detail. ]

Anonymous customer: [Is there any better food in the store? The price is up to you, I will never bargain. ]

Jun Qingyu has a lot of shelves this time, and Wen Chengyao should have enough to drink it for a while.

Is it too small?

Jun Qingyu doubted if he had the wrong amount, but he opened the backstage and took a look, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The quantity was correct, but what he didn't expect was that the fruit and vegetable juice was not only taken by Wen Chengyao, but also by others.

Several are in one bottle.

Many unfamiliar IDs are arranged in a string.

Jun Qingyu is at a loss. This small online store doesn't even have a promotion. Where did you get it?

"Yuanchuan, many people took pictures of fruit and vegetable juice."

"A lot of people?"


I thought that no one would buy it except Wen Chengyao, but I didn't expect so many people to rush to buy it.

Jun Qingyu said: "Wen Chengyao wanted to buy more, and he asked me if I had a physical store, and he wanted to talk to me in person."

If his sister is seriously ill, it's actually better to drink juice from spring water with space.

Marshal Todice and Fu Yuanchuan are now considered an alliance, and the fruit and vegetable juice with spring water is given.

But Wen Chengyao's words are not very familiar.

Those who bring spring water with space can't give it randomly.

But drinking ordinary fruit and vegetable juices all the time can relieve the symptoms but cannot cure them. This is not a solution.

Jun Qingyu kind of wanted to help Wen Chengyao cure his sister.

As a star thief, Wen Chengyao acted arbitrarily without any restriction, and it would be much more convenient to do things without a restraint.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, "How about we open a physical store?"

Set the rules of not taking food out, let Wen Chengyao bring her sister over, and leave after eating the food.

The spring water at the entrance will be absorbed very quickly, even if it is drunk and checked, the existence of the spring water will not be found.

Jun Qingyu said: "If you don't sell anything, find a place to cure Wen Chengyao's sister first."

The place outside is not at ease, at home...unless Wen Chengyao is stupid, otherwise he will definitely not come.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "It's okay, you just decide."

If the little mermaid wants to get it, it will be more convenient to buy a store.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Are there any requirements for the store?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head and said, "In a smaller place, it's fine to be quiet. It's better not to have anyone here."

The fewer people, the better.

He doesn't appear in the store often. The main sales are in the online store. Maybe after Wen Chengyao's sister gets better, he won't be able to use this store, and there is no need to rent a big one.

Fu Yuanchuan nodded, "Okay."

Little Mermaid had something to do. Fu Yuanchuan put aside his work and started arranging a small shop for Xiaoyu.

If it's a very large store, in a lot with a lot of people, just set down one and give it to Xiaoyu.

But if it is a small store, it is not easy to find.

The store is small, there are few people around, and it can't be too desolate. Otherwise, it is a trap.

Fu Yuanchuan was leaning against the bedside, with the computer on his lap, browsing the shops for sale.

Upon seeing this, Jun Qingyu sat up and took the little clothes at the head of the bed, split the fish tail into his legs, and put on the clothes.

It feels like the little mermaid has split its legs, which is a bit shorter than the little mermaid. I don't know if it's because the tip of the fish's tail is missing.

Stepping on the soft quilt, Jun Qingyu swayed to Fu Yuanchuan and hugged his wrist.

Fu Yuanchuan was browsing the information about the sale of the house, he noticed a movement in his wrist, and raised his hand to pick it up, but he did not catch the little mermaid.

After regaining consciousness, I found that there was a small shadowed semicircle at the bottom of the laptop display.

The little mermaid sat cross-legged on the computer keyboard.

Fu Yuanchuan nodded his little head and said, "Look at the one you like and buy it directly."

"Buy? Will it be too wasteful?" Feeling that the utilization rate is low.

"It's easier to buy."

Renting a house is very troublesome, and the little mermaid has a special identity, so it is safer to buy it directly.

Jun Qingyu doesn't know how to look at the house, but if it's convenient, he should be closer to the villa. "Are there any merchants near the villa?"

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while. The most basic requirement of the villa area is quietness. If there is no place very close, then the area can only be expanded with the villa as the center.

"The villa is far away from here, if the bottom of the hour's drive, there is a deserted tourist attraction over there."

This is the closest to Fu Yuanchuan's impression.

Jun Qingyu nodded, there is a bottom line, no one to go, which is in line with the requirements of the house in his mind, "Are you going to have anything tomorrow? Let's go there tomorrow."

Buying a house still requires a field trip.

"Okay." If there is anything, he has to be okay in front of the little mermaid, and he is worried about letting the little fish go out by himself.

Fu Yuanchuan collected the shops for sale in tourist attractions.

There are a lot of people selling shops, but no one goes there. The income for a day may not be enough for rent. There are fewer people renting houses. The owners cannot get the rent and cannot rent out, so they all start selling houses.

It's just hard to sell.

Some have been hung up for three years, and they are still sold in the shop.

It's not too early to finish the shop.

Fu Yuanchuan picked up the little mermaid, turned off the computer and set it aside, "Go to sleep."

Jun Qingyu stretched, "Yeah."

The little mermaid slept with him when he became a human.

Now it has become smaller, and the fish tail has recovered. I don't know if I will lack water if I have been sleeping outside.

When Fu Yuanchuan was about to ask Xiaoyu where he was going to sleep, he saw that Jun Qingyu had lifted the quilt and lay in, and the small figure was instantly covered by Bo.

Realizing that Fu Yuanchuan hadn't moved, Jun Qingyu turned over, poked his head out from the edge of the quilt, and patted the empty space in front of him, "Come on, go to sleep."

Fu Yuanchuan suddenly laughed, turned off the light and lay down.

The little mermaid is too small now, he might be crushed if he is not paying attention.

Fu Yuanchuan deliberately lay down on the edge, put his hand beside the little mermaid, let him sleep with his arm.


late at night.

The heavy curtains blocked the faint moonlight outside the window.

The room was very quiet, there was no noise, only shallow breathing.

But Fu Yuanchuan didn't sleep well, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he turned over while half-wake and dreaming, but he ran into someone on his hand.

The little fish has become a human being and has been sleeping next to him these days, fearing that it will suddenly lose his spiritual power at night and become a little mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan had become accustomed to the little mermaid sleeping next to him, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to fish the little mermaid into his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue sleeping, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and looked down at the little mermaid who didn't know when he was getting bigger.

The little mermaid was still sleeping, and was sleeping very peacefully with his head buried in his arms.

What's going on?

Before going to bed, the little mermaid is not only the size of a slap, how long has it passed since then how can he become a human again?

What's terrible is that the little clothes before going to bed should be broken again.

The previous pajamas were not worn on the body either.

And his hand was resting on the waist of the little mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan's gaze crossed Jun Qingyu's shoulders, he paused, and moved the quilt up slightly.

Across the quilt, he gently pushed him and said, "Little fish, little fish."

"Um..." Jun Qingyu was soundly asleep, and was awakened in a daze. The sleepy whole person was not quite clear, even his eyes were squinted, and they were not fully opened.

Fu Yuanchuan said softly: "Wake up, get up and put on your pajamas before going to sleep?"

"What do you do if you catch a cold like this?"

"Hey, wake up."

Jun Qingyu hid several times, but couldn't escape the sound in his ears.


Jun Qingyu couldn't fall asleep because of the nagging, he reached out his hand in a daze, and accidentally covered Fu Yuanchuan's mouth.

The sound in my ears suddenly disappeared.

Jun Qingyu was satisfied, lowered his head and rubbed his arms, found a comfortable place and fell asleep deeply.

However, Fu Yuanchuan beside him opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

No sleep.