Chapter 39

Jun Qingyu asked: "Then I am injured, do I have to pay compensation to the star thief?"

Wen Chengyao couldn't believe that the robber could say something like this, "You beat me like this, and you have to pay me compensation?"

Fu Yuanchuan said: "It should be."

Wen Chengyao: "..."

You are a raccoon dog! I don't give money, let me pay you to dream!

Fu Yuanchuan naturally turned to Jun Qingyu, "So many star thief, all of them, they are not allowed to go if compensation is not in place."

"So many?" Jun Qingyu looked at the two on the ground, where did so many come from?

Hearing this, Wen Chengyao's face suddenly sank, obviously he didn't say anything, but it was extremely ugly.

Fu Yuanchuan pointed to the back and said, "I just caught a few thieves who were stealing fruits and vegetables from behind, and they were all **** behind them."

He came in late because he was dealing with the thieves outside.

Steal fruits and vegetables?

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, okay, you Wen Chengyao.

No wonder you didn't run away when the effect of the medicine was ineffective at first, instead you talked so much nonsense to me, co-authoring is to delay the time for the people behind?

I know that you will not honestly talk about cooperation, but arranging someone to steal it up there is a lot of trouble.

Be too cautious.

Jun Qingyu thought about how Wen Chengyao had done so well before, and sighed and said, "I thought you really wanted to take me over."

Wen Chengyao glared at Fu Yuanchuan, and the old man was uncovered directly. He hesitated and said: "Of course I will take you with you before determining whether the medicinal effect comes from fruits and vegetables or yourself."

Originally it was a two-pronged approach. He could take away the shopkeeper or the fruits and vegetables.

Even if the shopkeeper is angry and refuses to treat his sister, he can use the seeds or roots of those fruits and vegetables to grow it himself.

It would be great if the owner is willing to cooperate, and he will also give the owner a good living environment.

Although it was a star thief, there was nothing lacking on the spacecraft. In comparison, it might be more comfortable than some people living in the empire.

It's just that now it's like this, the shopkeeper didn't take it away, nor did the fruit and vegetable seeds and roots.

A lot of people have also been arrested.

Wen Chengyao sighed. This time the matter was messed up. It was completely beyond his expectation. In any matter, the development was completely beyond his expectation. After a pause, he said, "The shopkeeper, if I say, I really don't. I want to hurt you, just want to take you back, do you believe it?"

Jun Qingyu said: "Believe." There is nothing unbelievable. There is no contradiction between him and Wen Chengyao. The only thing involved is that Wen Chengyao wants to save his sister, and he wants to use Wen Chengyao's identity.

Wen Chengyao clicked a bit, and he didn't get it wrong. He wanted to hurt others.

Jun Qingyu said: "The fruits and vegetables behind are not the same as the ones I gave to your sister, and it's useless if you steal them."

The fruits and vegetables in the back are ordinary interstellar fruits and vegetables, which can be regarded as a disguise, so as to save him from taking the fruits and vegetables from the space too eye-catching. The fruits and vegetables he makes are always ready to use, afraid of accidents.

Wen Chengyao heard the words, but there was no expression on his face. After all, they didn't steal it. It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. He sat up forcibly, leaning against the wall, "Okay, it's like this. Not much to say."

Wen Chengyao said: "What do you need me to do? I will do my best for you."

"Don't worry, I will find you if you need it." Jun Qingyu didn't want to talk about it in front of Fu Yuanchuan, so he said casually: "Take your star thief away, remember to transfer the maintenance money to me, and take your sister on time tomorrow. come."

Wen Chengyao was taken aback, but he did not expect Jun Qingyu to be so generous, "Are you still willing to treat my sister?"


Wen Chengyao opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but the wound at the corner of his mouth was painful and grinning. His original words changed, "Are you not afraid that I will catch you tomorrow?"

Jun Qingyu shrugged, "You can't beat me again."

Still arresting me, where are you confident?

Wen Chengyao: "..."

Although he was crazy, Wen Chengyao had to admit that it seemed to be true.

Wen Chengyao kicked Xiao Meng, and Xiao Meng, who was unconscious, suddenly came to his senses. He opened his eyes and yelled: "No one wants to hurt my Brother Wen!"

"I..." An angry Wen Chengyao almost stunned him without another punch.

"Come and help me!"

Xiao Meng was hit on the back of the neck, and there was no injury in other places. He quickly stepped forward and stood up with Wen Chengyao.

When I walked out the door, I ran into the examiner face to face.

Wen Chengyao knew that he was checking whether the dessert shop had been brought out, and he did not resist, leaving him to check.

Only when the problematic area was not checked out, the people were released.

Go back to the car.

Xiao Meng came up from behind and pulled the car door and said, "Brother Wen, what's your situation, you will make yourself like this in a while."

Wen Chengyao ignored it and asked, "Where is the box?"

Xiao Meng quickly fumbled in his pocket, took out a small box, and handed it to him.

Wen Chengyao stroked his arm with a knife and squeezed a few seeds out of it.

The seed with blood was put in the box, and Wen Chengyao stuffed it to Xiao Meng. He wrapped his wound with a cold face and said, "Go back and get a simulated ecological warehouse and speed up the cultivation. I want to see the fruit before 12 o'clock tonight."



Jun Qingyu stayed in the shop to clean up the mess with Fu Yuanchuan.

Fight as long as you fight. What table should you set up?

Have to let him clean up.

"You don't care about Wen Chengyao's attitude?" Fu Yuanchuan set the table and said, "I thought you would not treat his sister again."

Jun Qingyu originally planned to stop taking care of it, but his sister's illness is indeed a bit interesting, "His sister came today and I found that his sister's mental power is very similar to the robot I encountered that day.


"Yes, it's the one from the M star. The breath is very strange, and the mental strength of normal people is much different." Jun Qingyu said: "I want to try, can spring water cure his sister, if it can, is it? You can also use spring water to solve the robots of Star M."

Now those robots have not yet come out on a large scale, but when they completely tear their faces and fight, the robots fight against the normal army. The robots can cause ordinary people's mental illness. In the fight, ordinary people will suffer regardless of whether they win or lose.

But if the premise of spring water is established, you can prepare in advance to see if you can use spring water to do some protective things, so that you will have a better chance of winning in the future.

At the very least, it is much simpler than using spring water to save it after a mental illness appears.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "The hypothesis is true."

"I plan to try again several times."

"Well, you decide." Fu Yuanchuan took the broom and swept the ground, and the **** of the red wine bottle was swept aside with the red wine. In a pile of things, he accidentally found a silver-white...

Fu Yuanchuan picked up the half of the gun, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you screw it?"

"Yeah." After agreeing, Jun Qingyu shook his head again, "No, I didn't screw it."

Fu Yuanchuan threw away the twisted spear and said, "That should be how it became like this on its own."

"It's really not me!" Jun Qingyu couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm just a weak little mermaid, how can I twist this with my bare hands."

You don't have to take it over to try the feel, you know it's definitely not something that can be twisted off easily.

Fu Yuanchuan said, "Well, you didn't screw it."

Jun Qingyu: "..."


"This is twisted by Wen Chengyao." Jun Qingyu said: "To be precise, I used his hand to guide spiritual power to the gun, and then the gun became like this."

Fu Yuanchuan asked in a deep voice, "Can you control others with aura?"

Reiki is scarce in the interstellar age. Everyone knows that Reiki has a great effect, but if you can manipulate people to move at will, it is not just a matter of function.

"No, that fool buried the seeds of my fruit in his wrist. If I use my spiritual power, it will resonate with things with my spatial aura."

Jun Qingyu didn't know that it could still be like this, but this kind of cut through the skin can resonate with it, and it won't work if you eat it normally.

There are few fools like this.

Jun Qingyu hadn't seen it before wearing the book.

Fu Yuanchuan said suspiciously: "If he takes your seeds away, you are not afraid that he will grow fruits. You won't bring his sister over tomorrow."

"It's different from what I planted." Jun Qingyu didn't worry at all.

Tomorrow, when Wen Chengyao discovers something is wrong, he will take the initiative to bring his sister over.

There is still arrears.

Nothing less should be given!

Jun Qingyu wouldn't make a loss-making business.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "It's best not to have too much involvement with the star thief."

Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's arm, "I know! Only this time, after that we will return to Qiaolu."

"Well, go home."

"it is good!"


In the morning, Fu Yuanchuan received a temporary notice to go to the military headquarters for a meeting.

Jun Qingyu lay on the bed holding the quilt, watching Fu Yuanchuan change his clothes.

When he was at home, Fu Yuanchuan rarely wore military uniforms. The military uniform of the Interstellar Era was dark blue, which was particularly suitable for Fu Yuanchuan. It may look good in such formal clothes for those who are decent.

Fu Yuanchuan is about 1.9 meters tall with a belt around his waist, and the legs that line him are straight and slender.

Jun Qingyu lowered his head and rubbed the quilt, Fu Yuanchuan was simply the most perfect person in the world.

"What are you laughing at?" Fu Yuanchuan changed his clothes and looked back. Xiaoyu was about to put all the quilts into a ball.

"Laugh at you." Jun Qingyu sat up and piled the quilt aside.

Looking at the small fish with sparkling eyes, Fu Yuanchuan was stunned, "Laughing at me?"

Jun Qingyu waved to Fu Yuanchuan.

Fu Yuanchuan didn't understand, so he thought he wanted to whisper something, so he leaned over.

The moment he got closer, Jun Qingyu raised his head and quickly kissed him on the face, "You look good in military uniform."

Fu Yuanchuan rubbed the little mermaid's hair, "Like it?"


"I have someone prepare a set for you."


Fu Yuanchuan saw that it was late and said, "Wait when I come back and accompany you to that street."

Jun Qingyu nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, as soon as Fu Yuanchuan walked on his front foot, he changed his clothes on his back and went out.

He wanted to tell Wen Chengyao alone about something, and it was better not to let Fu Yuanchuan know.

There is a car in the yard, and Jun Qingyu basically has the authority to walk sideways in the villa.

Get in the car, auto-position and auto-drive, Jun Qingyu doesn't have to do anything.

Because the first time I met with the star pirates, it was quite tragic. Although Fu Yuanchuan's identity was not revealed, he still felt that there were not many hidden.

Therefore, Jun Qingyu directly closed the nearby shops.

He didn't count the time and didn't come very early. When he walked inside, he could see an empty street, only people in front of his dessert shop.

Did not bring other subordinates over.

Jun Qingyu did not specifically ask him not to lead his subordinates, but took the initiative without giving instructions, and Wen Chengyao's attitude changed.

The seed is Wen Chengyao's last hole card.

Jun Qingyu walked over to open the door and said, "Come in."

Before Jun Qingyu could say anything, Wen Chengyao took the initiative to pay the money, not counting how much Jun Qingyu paid.

It's just that there are many zeros on it.

Jun Qingyu adjusted the amount of spring water and made some desserts, "Take these to your sister."

"Thank you." Wen Chengyao took the tray and bowed to Jun Qingyu very politely.

The change in attitude is very obvious.

After treatment in the medical warehouse, Wen Chengyao could recover from the injury like yesterday.

Today, Wen Chengyao didn't use the voice changer. He did it in disguise, but it was different from the one used yesterday. Maybe it was broken.

Wen Chengyao can be honest, Jun Qingyu can also relax, otherwise it would be hard work to fight every day.

Taking the food to her sister to eat, Wen Chengyao returned to the counter, "Can you tell me what you want me to do now?"

Having offended Jun Qingyu before, Wen Chengyao desperately needs something to narrow the gap between him and Jun Qingyu.

The planting failed. Although the fruit was fresh, the sister had no effect after eating it.

After going around a long time, I finally returned to the original point.

Jun Qingyu said: "All the ranks of major general and above have been called to the military headquarters for a meeting this morning. Do you know this?"

"I know." As a star thief, Wen Chengyao's information network is very wide, and such a big thing naturally can't escape his eyes.

Jun Qingyu nodded, as long as he knew it, and saved him from explaining.

The leader of the empire started to act, and the robot that was arrested should have been exposed.

Not surprisingly, they will do everything possible to surrender the military expenditures that are not subject to them.

Jun Qingyu said: "I want you to rob Star M as a star thief, go with a big fanfare, and destroy that planet if necessary."

"That's it?" Wen Chengyao said: "Such a little thing will let me go?"

Jun Qingyu's consideration is obviously more than that, "This is just the beginning, and there are still things you must do afterwards, and I will tell you when the time comes."

Wen Chengyao said: "You can let your boyfriend's bodyguard go with this kind of thing, just disguise, who knows who is who."

Jun Qingyu immediately said, "How can he do it? How can he do this kind of thing with an upright spirit."

Wen Chengyao: "...?"

Who are you talking about?