Chapter 42

Fu Yuanchuan just touched him like this, did not speak, and made no other movements.

Jun Qingyu's eyes drooped slightly, his eyelashes trembling lightly, and said in a low voice: "Just...just a little bit...a little bit."


"not much."

Looking at the poor little mermaid, Fu Yuanchuan felt that he was thinking in the wrong direction. Is the cream the point?

What should I do if I slip and fall when I run so fast on the tiles?

Does your leg hurt anymore?

Curving his fingertips against the little mermaid's chin and gently lifting it up, Fu Yuanchuan asked in a deep voice, "Is it wrong?"


"Dare you next time?"

"Don't dare."

Ask and answer without hesitation.

Fu Yuanchuan: "..."

Xiaoyu is well-behaved when he should be well-behaved.

Fu Yuanchuan sighed and rubbed the little mermaid's hair. "Next time, don't run too fast. What if you fall on the ground so slippery?"

Jun Qingyu was taken aback, and then realized what Fu Yuanchuan said just now. He smiled, "I know."

"Does the leg hurt?"

Jun Qingyu felt it for a while, but he didn't feel any pain. Maybe he wouldn't feel pain if he didn't touch water for a long time when his spiritual energy was full.

"It doesn't hurt." Jun Qingyu answered honestly, and then helped Fu Yuanchuan wipe the cream off his face with his hands.

It was his hand that was dipped in cream.

At first, Fu Yuanchuan lowered his head to let the little mermaid wipe it, and realized it was wrong, as if...more cream.

Look at the hard-working little mermaid of Shinobu.

Fu Yuanchuan raised his eyebrows, "Little fish?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Jun Qingyu raised his head and looked at him innocently.

However, when he saw the milk on the half of Fu Yuanchuan's face, Jun Qingyu couldn't help but smiled, and quickly suppressed his voice, covering it up with a few coughs.

Fu Yuanchuan narrowed his eyes.

Jun Qingyu realized that he might have leaked, and carefully slid down the elevator wall. However, the next moment Fu Yuanchuan's hand chased him down.

There is nowhere to run.

He squeezed, trying to say something, "Just...ooh?!"

Before he finished speaking, Fu Yuanchuan put his arms around his waist and picked it up.

Then Jun Qingyu felt a hot cheek.

Fu Yuanchuan lowered his head and rubbed his face with the creamy face.

Jun Qingyu: "?!"

Jun Qingyu widened his eyes in astonishment, and was pressed into his arms by Fu Yuanchuan, with no resistance.

Weak and pitiful and helpless.

The cream is cold, but it feels a little bit warm when it touches the face.

When Fu Yuanchuan let go, Jun Qingyu's face was full of cream.

Fu Yuanchuan is almost the same.

Jun Qingyu looked at the horrible looks of the two people, pursed his lips, but the corners of his mouth could not be suppressed, " see that your hair is full of cream."

Jun Qingyu smiled unsteadily, leaning against Fu Yuanchuan's arms, and rubbed the cream on his face against his clothes by the way.

Perceiving the little mermaid's small movements, Fu Yuanchuan didn't say anything, but let him play around for a while.

"Go wash your face first."

There is still cream on Jun Qingyu's face that hasn't been rubbed off.

"it is good."


Jun Qingyu washed off the cream on his face, and when he bent down, his hair inevitably slipped off. Just as he was about to pick up his hair, Fu Yuanchuan stretched out his hand from the side.

"Head down."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Although asked suspiciously, Jun Qingyu lowered his head.

Fu Yuanchuan moistened his hands and wiped the cream from his hair, and said, "There is also on his hair."

The whiteness on the light blonde long hair is very conspicuous, and the cream is more difficult to wash on the hair. I rubbed it twice with shampoo before dispersing.

After washing it clean, Fu Yuanchuan wrapped the strand of hair for him with a washcloth, "Let's go out after drying it."

"I don't want to blow it, it will dry by itself in a while." It takes too long to blow the hair, and Jun Qingyu doesn't like it.

Jun Qingyu rubbed the strand of hair casually, "I'll change my clothes first."

Not only the face, but also the cream on the neckline of the clothes. Fortunately, it didn't touch the neck, or else I would have to take a bath.


Jun Qingyu put all the dirty clothes in a basket with dirty clothes, and a robot will send them to the dry cleaning.

The kitchen downstairs hasn't been cleaned, just some empty plates, and the cream is not everywhere, only on the face.

After the household robot detects that there is no one in the kitchen for a period of time, it will take the initiative to clean up.

Although it is not very intelligent in terms of intelligence, and some are somewhat mentally handicapped, robots can still clean up.

Cleaned up, Jun Qingyu changed her pajamas and lay on the bed, turning on Guangnao.

Wen Chengyao left in the morning, and the time should be close to the M star.

Jun Qing said that he would send some news, but there was no unread news in Guangming.

Is this not here yet?

It shouldn't.

Suddenly, Jun Qingyu was stunned. He didn't seem to add Wen Chengyao's contact information.

I just met for a fight before, and today I forgot to add contact information.

They can still only rely on online store news to contact.

After opening the software of the online shop, the photos sent by Wen Chengyao popped out.

Any mention of other contact information in the online store would be automatically blocked, so Jun Qingyu didn't ask him to add a light brain number, and planned to add it when he came back to facilitate contact.

A few photos are all pictures of the surface of M star, and there are some M stars taken in the interstellar universe.

It's pretty pretty.

Compared with other planets, this planet is too ordinary.

Wen Chengyao: [M star provoke you? Why let me play M star? It feels like this place is very shabby. ]

Star M is a very inconspicuous little planet in the Empire.

Star thief is not profitable and cannot afford to be early. Star M is not a rich planet, nor is it the planet with the most minerals.

This is not even a profitable planet.

Star thief also looks down on this planet, so in the past heist, he has never learned about Star M.

When it was really here, Wen Chengyao thought he had found the wrong place, seeing the appearance of the planet so broken.

I thought that Jun Qingyu asked him to come here to look for things because of something special, but this was the result...?

Jun Qingyu didn't explain so much, in fact, there was some temptation in it.

Wen Chengyao's sister's mental strength is similar to that of artificial robots, so he wants to know if Wen Chengyao knows about artificial robots.

But now it seems that Wen Chengyao should not know.

The problem lies with his sister.

I'll say hello later when I have a chance.

Now, Jun Qingyu replied: [The fight is over. ]

Regardless of the surface, there will always be no shortage of things.

Wen Chengyao: [Good. ]

Jun Qingyu saved a few photos for later use.

I closed the chat box with Wen Chengyao and opened all the chats as usual. Someone bought fruit and vegetable juice before, and Jun Qingyu arranged a refund.

Check if there are any missing items, if any, refund together.

For the time being, it is better to circulate fruit and vegetable juice in a small area.

It's just that there were few chat messages, but now it's 99+.

So many people are looking for him?

Many of them are anonymous, and there are no words that reveal their identity in their speech.

But Jun Qingyu felt inexplicably that they could not get away from the imperial leader.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, tapped a few keys on the keyboard with his fingertips, but after looking at the words that popped out on them, he paused for a while and didn't send them out and deleted them all.

Fu Yuanchuan poured a cup of warm water on the bedside, and Jun Qingyu quickly sat up and handed Guangnao to him, "Yuanchuan, someone sent me a message to buy fruit and vegetable juice. They are all anonymous users."

"Don't worry about them." Fu Yuanchuan emptied all the news casually, "I will transfer the online store news to mine in a while."

The little mermaid in the province felt annoyed by the news.

The empire leader asked him the source of the fruit and vegetable juice. His answer was simply: bought it online.

But he didn't know who the owner of the online shop was or where it was opened. He only found it by coincidence.

Although the empire leader was angry, he was helpless.

With Fu Yuanchuan in the middle, the other party couldn't find out the news about the online store at all, so he had to find someone to chat with the owner.

The news in the chat box is not a day or two, I must have asked before, but the little mermaid has not been online and does not know the information.

Those intimidation and temptation, plus some words that belittle him to improve the empire, it is better not to let Xiaoyu see.

When Jun Qingyu heard this, he didn't mean to be concerned and said, "Okay."

"Do you still have enough fruits and vegetables?"

"Enough." Fruit and vegetable juice squeezing also adds a lot of interstellar fruits and vegetables into it. Interstellar fruits and vegetables still account for the bulk. In this way, the fruits and vegetables given by the little mermaid will save a lot.

Ordinary fruits and vegetables are used in a large amount, so even if the fruit and vegetable juice is spread out, the imperial leaders will not be able to find any problems.

Fu Yuanchuan asked someone to build a planting shed, planning to grow ordinary fruits and vegetables by himself.

It used to be able to grow, but it's just a small amount of food, and there is no need to spend it. Now it's different, you can only grow it yourself if you use a lot of it.

Jun Qingyu nodded, just enough.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Fu Yuanchuan combed out the strands of the little mermaid's hair soaked in water so that it would be completely dry for a while without knotting.

After he was done, he rubbed the little mermaid's cheeks and said, "You play by yourself, I'll get something."

"it is good."


Jun Qing believed that Fu Yuanchuan would be back soon, but he didn't expect that he was almost asleep on his stomach, and Fu Yuanchuan was still working.

He hugged the quilt and slapped Hache sleepily, and looked up dazedly, "Yuan Chuan, it's late, aren't you going to sleep?"

In front of the computer desk, Fu Yuanchuan didn't turn on the lights, he was busy with the light of the computer, "You go to bed first, and I will come later."

Jun Qingyu only glanced at it, then squinted his eyes, fumbled around the pillow, caught Guangnao picking it up and looking at the time, it was almost early in the morning.

Jun Qingyu sat up and stretched, and walked to Fu Yuanchuan's side.

Perceiving the little mermaid approaching, Fu Yuanchuan said, "What's the matter?"

"Um..." Jun Qingyu sat on the armrest beside him, fed him a strawberry and said, "Aren't you sleepy?"

Jun Qingyu was too sleepy to open his eyes, "I'm so sleepy, let's go to sleep."

Fu Yuanchuan deleted some files, called up the rest, and said vaguely: "I will go to sleep after reading these."

Jun Qingyu glanced at the titles of those documents, but none of them was important.

It's just that Fu Yuanchuan's work habit is that he will deal with documents as soon as he has them.

It's the same if you get up tomorrow, there is no need to stay up late.

But if Fu Yuanchuan wants to fix this before going to sleep...

Jun Qingyu rubbed his eyes and rested on his shoulders like a little mermaid.

Then stay up late with him.

The little mermaid who kept crying sleepy and wanted to sleep did not go to bed. Fu Yuanchuan rubbed the little mermaid's tail with his fingertips and asked, "What's the matter? You go to sleep first."

Jun Qingyu shook his head, and the tip of his tail consciously entangled Fu Yuanchuan's fingers. He hit Hatch and said, ", wait for you to sleep together."