Chapter 47

Shi Kaixin's words stunned Jun Qingyu, "What madam?"

"Marshal Madam." Shi Kaixin looked as expected, "rest assured, no one but me knows about your certification, my mouth is strict!"

Jun Qingyu: "???"

Doesn't anyone tell me about such a big event?

"When did I get the certificate with Yuanchuan?" Jun Qingyu thought, I just had an idea, how can I get the certificate with you? It's too fast.

A little bit unable to keep up with Shi Kaixin's thoughts.

Shi Kaixin comforted and said: "It's okay, I won't tell others, you don't need to deny it."

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Shi Kaixin still wanted to say something, but seeing that Jun Qingyu's expression was quite speechless, he paused, "No really didn't get the certificate?!"

"Of course not, we are not together."

Shi Kaixin was stunned for an instant: "???"

Then I sent to those people in the group...hiss.

"That's not right, you are not together...this and that kind of thing." Shi Kaixin thought, not to blame for my crookedness.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while. Although he is not together now, it won't be the same in the future. He didn't say this to Shi Kaixin, but asked: "What did you say just now, what help?"

Shi Kaixin patted his forehead, and then he came back to his senses, "Ah, life-saving thing is..."

Halfway through the conversation, Shi Kaixin suddenly turned his light head behind him, his voice was a little serious, without the frolicking just now, "Marshal."

Jun Qingyu was still wondering what was going on, and then he heard Fu Yuanchuan's indifferent voice, "What are you doing here?"


"If there is nothing to do, go back and train!"

Fu Yuanchuan's voice was a bit more sullen than the indifference just now, and the tension on the other side could be felt through the light brain.

"Yes!" Shi Kaixin responded neatly.

Then there was the sound of leaving footsteps.

After a while, Shi Kaixin's face returned to the video.

"I was scared to death." Shi Kaixin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Did you hear that? This is the life-saving thing I told you."

Jun Qingyu could hear Fu Yuanchuan being very angry, "What did you do?"

He was more curious about what could make Fu Yuanchuan have such a good temper and so angry in life.

Shi Kaixin hesitated and didn't say what was the specific matter. He just summed it up vaguely, "It's not a big matter, it's just a small matter. I didn't report it and was caught by someone. The marshal took care of it. Get it out and be trained inside."

Shi Kaixin said: "The marshal is very angry this time, can't you come to persuade him?"

He could only think of Jun Qingyu, because in his impression, Jun Qingyu was in front of the marshal, and the marshal was very gentle and talkative. This time the trouble was so big, he wanted Jun Qingyu to come and help that. A few fools who were caught said good things.

"Don't go." Jun Qingyu asked why, Fu Yuanchuan should have the deterrent power in front of his subordinates, he would not run to break this majesty with his speciality by Fu Yuanchuan's side.

Furthermore, the few words that Shi Kaixin described about this incident obviously stabbed Lou Zi. Isn't it right to be disciplined for doing something wrong?

Jun Qingyu said nonchalantly: "I have nothing else to do."

"Don't, they did something wrong. It deserves to be trained, but the marshal is so busy that he hasn't eaten a bite of food until now. I sent the supper in the same place and let it cool without opening the package, even if I don't care about them. , Come here to persuade the marshal to stop getting angry and eat something first."

As an adjutant, Shi Kaixin is one thing to worry about his brother, he is more worried about the marshal's body.

The illness just didn't take long, and the nerves were tense, and the mood was ups and downs, and then what should I do if I hurt my body.

Let Jun Qingyu come, mainly to coax the marshal, as for those brothers incidentally.

After Shi Kaixin finished speaking, Jun Qingyu remained silent, and he didn't say anything, but waited quietly.

After a while, Jun Qingyu asked, "Have you never eaten?"

Shi Kaixin said helplessly: "I gave the supper twice, and they were all in the room."

"Give me the address, I'll pass in a while."

"You don't need an address, I'll pick you up, then that's fine, you can just wait at home." After finally calling someone over, how could Shi Kaixin let him take a taxi or drive by himself.

After turning off the video, Jun Qingyu discovered that Guang Brain had two video invitations from Fu Yuanchuan.

It should be that he was talking to Shi Kaixin just now, so Fu Yuanchuan's video did not come in.

Jun Qingyu replied with a message, so he put down his brain and went to the kitchen.

It will take a while for Shi Kaixin to come over, and he takes advantage of this time to get out the semi-finished products he has prepared before.

Aren't the night snacks in the office all cold? He couldn't let Fu Yuanchuan eat cold rice after he went.

I made three dishes, added a dessert cake, and stacked them in a warm box and put them in a packing bag.

The time count was good, and as soon as it was set, the doorbell rang outside.

Jun Qingyu came out carrying the packing bag, "Let's go."

Shi Kaixin quickly took it and turned to open the door.


Each marshal has his own office building, and the building is also filled with members of the corps.

Fu Yuanchuan didn't come here often, but this time he went to the military department to fish out people. He didn't bring him back to the villa for negotiation like he had done in the past, but he brought him directly back to the office building.

Shi Kaixin took Jun Qingyu directly to the office building.

Although it was late, the lights in the office building were already bright, and the lights on each floor were not turned off.

Shi Kaixin explained, "I haven't been so busy in the past. Today, this matter is quite dynamic. I'm all waiting to hear the task."

Jun Qingyu nodded, "Which floor is Yuanchuan?"

"The top floor, the bottom is a bit messy, the marshal Xijing." Shi Kaixin led people up the special elevator, basically there was no such mess above the tenth floor.

When I got out of the elevator, this floor was not visible at a glance. Compared with the crowd downstairs, it looked very quiet.

Shi Kaixin said: "I'll take you to the office first, the marshal should be there at this time."

The office is not far from the elevator, just a few steps away.

Shi Kaixin knocked on the door.

There is no sound.

"Huh?" Shi Kaixin was shocked. It shouldn't be. When he went out, he clearly saw the marshal returned to the office, why did he disappear.

Jun Qingyu asked: "Aren't you there?"

"It should be out." Shi Kaixin looked around. Only he had the permission to enter the Marshal's office, and other people could only get permission when the Marshal was there.

The Marshal is not here, Shi Kaixin can't bring Jun Qingyu in either.

Shi Kaixin thought for a while and said, "It may be in the gravity room. You are waiting for me here. I will go and see."

"I'll go with you."


When I walked outside the door of the gravity room, I heard Fu Yuanchuan's voice inside before I opened the door.

Jun Qingyu heard vaguely and didn't quite clearly, but vaguely could hear something he was reprimanding.

It should be the same thing that Shi Kaixin told him just now.

Jun Qingyu couldn't help shook his head, "Yuan Chuan is so angry that he has such a good temper."

"Good temper??" Shi Kaixin asked with a question mark, my goodness grandfather, didn't you really bring a filter to see the marshal?

You are the first person in all stars to say that the marshal has a good temper.

Seeing that Shi Kaixin's expression was wrong, Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, "What's the problem?"

Shi Kaixin shook his head, "No, nothing." It's not very good to forget this one.

Thinking about the robot that was beaten last time, Shi Kaixin did not dare to say anything.

Shi Kaixin stood in front and knocked on the door, "Marshal?"

The sound inside concealed a relatively light knock on the door. Shi Kaixin pushed open the door a little, revealing half of his body and said, "Marshal, I..."

"Who allowed you to come in?" Fu Yuanchuan looked gloomy, and shouted solemnly and indifferently: "Get out!"

Shi Kaixin was startled, and subconsciously withdrew, and immediately realized the person standing behind him.

With his backward movement, he staggered his body, and Fu Yuanchuan also saw Jun Qingyu behind him.

Fu Yuanchuan stunned suddenly, his frowning brows relaxed subconsciously, and he was about to go out, and immediately remembered the few additional training in front of him, "Continue training!"


Fu Yuanchuan walked out and closed the door, staring at Shi Kaixin.

Shi Kaixin's heart jumped, and silently stepped aside.

Standing in front of Jun Qingyu, Fu Yuanchuan was a little flustered looking at the silent little mermaid.

Raising his hand and gently rubbing the little mermaid's cheek, he asked softly, "Are you scared?"

Jun Qingyu held Fu Yuanchuan's hand, spread his slightly curled fingers to his face, feeling the slight trembling of his palm, he smiled and asked, "Are I scared? What is your hand shaking?"

Seeing that the little mermaid didn't seem to react, Fu Yuanchuan paused and couldn't help asking: "Am I fierce?"

Jun Qingyu didn't answer, but turned his head and kissed him gently.

Fierce but not fierce, a marshal is not fierce, do you expect him to reason with you on the battlefield?

This is the aura that the marshal should have.

Jun Qingyu raised the packing bag in his hand, "I made an order, it's still hot, let's go eat something first, Shi Kaixin said you didn't eat at night."

Shi Kaixin nodded aside and couldn't help but give Jun Qingyu a thumbs up.

It's up to you to take care of the marshal's body!

Thinking of the picture just now, Shi Kaixin still has lingering fears, but thinking that in front of Jun Qingyu, Marshal Fu instantly removed his hostile spirit and looked so gentle and incapable of doing it, and I felt a little bit that what Jun Qingyu said was actually true. That's right.

Perhaps the marshal in Jun Qingyu's eyes has always been gentle.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Thanks."

"It's not hard, let's go, go to eat."

"Yeah." Fu Yuanchuan took the little mermaid back to the office.

He turned his head and looked at Shi Kaixin who was hiding behind him.

With only one look, Shi Kaixin stood up immediately.

Fu Yuanchuan retracted his gaze and drew on Guangnao.

Shi Kaixin received a bonus over there.

Shi Kaixin: "!!!"

Happiness comes too suddenly!

At the door of the office, the iris recognizes the ID, and the door opens automatically.

Fu Yuanchuan stood in front of the door but did not go in. Instead, he turned his head and said, "Come on, little fish."

"Huh?" Jun Qingyu came forward without knowing, "What's the matter?"

"Add your data information." Fu Yuanchuan manually entered the password several times, entered Xiaoyu's ID in several chains, and adjusted the authority to the highest level.

Jun Qingyu didn't expect to do this. He said: "No, I don't come here often, and I don't need it if I add it."

A place that even Fu Yuanchuan doesn't visit often, how can he get involved often?

Coming here, he must have come to accompany him when Fu Yuanchuan was busy here.

Fu Yuanchuan shook his head, "You may not come often, but I want to make sure that the places I can go to are unblocked for you."