Chapter 55

Jun Qingyu couldn't help but bend his eyes when he heard the words. He himself didn't notice that it was almost time for the electronic bomb. To be more precise, he placed it there and waited quietly without thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yuanchuan would still pay attention to these details in the interrogation room.

Jun Qingyu lifted the quilt, smiled and rushed to Fu Yuanchuan who was sitting on the bed.

Fu Yuanchuan caught Xiaoyu, stabilized him and said, "Be careful."

"It's okay, you will catch me."

Jun Qingyu sat on his lap and tugged at the hem of the bathrobe, and said, "Why don't you take a nap first and get your energy before you go."

Wait until the time for the electronic bomb is over before going to the interrogation room, it will be late in the night.

"No, for a while..." As he lowered his head, he saw the open neckline, Fu Yuanchuan paused, and raised his hand to help him close the bathrobe. "Why don't you change your pajamas?"

"I forgot to bring it." Jun Qingyu sat upright and took care of the bathrobe. Only a rope around his waist was not fastened. If the movement was too wide, it would be easy to pull apart, which was very troublesome.

"The body smelled of fuel before. I want to wash it, but I don't know how to use a washing machine."

The washing machine on the battleship is built-in dryer, so there is no separate dryer.

I couldn't dry it even after washing by hand. What's more, Jun Qingyu couldn't even find the laundry detergent. Washing with water alone couldn't get rid of the fuel smell on it, it was so soaking all the time.

Fu Yuanchuan raised his hand to hug Jun Qingyu down, and said lightly: "I'll go take a look."

Although Fu Yuanchuan was indifferent on the face, some things could not be covered up without expressions.

Jun Qingyu blinked, his eyes filled with narrow smiles, "You...huh?"

The lips warmed, and all the words were swallowed into the abdomen without saying anything.

Jun Qingyu didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

Those beautiful eyes seemed to speak.

Fu Yuanchuan's throat tightened slightly. He raised his hand to cover Xiaoyu's eyes and kissed him gently.

After an unknown period of time, Fu Yuanchuan let go of him, and Jun Qingyu was still smiling.

Fu Yuanchuan gave a light cough, got up and said, "I'll take a shower."

"Do you need my help?"

Fu Yuanchuan paused, "..."

"No, the cake on the table is new. Let's go and eat something." With that, Fu Yuanchuan walked into the bathroom.

It was quiet for a while after the sound of closing the door, and then there was a 'click', the sound of manual locking of the door.

Upon seeing this, Jun Qingyu couldn't help but laughed.

The sound of water in the bathroom suppressed his laughter.

Jun Qingyu felt that Fu Yuanchuan might not come out soon, so he got up and made a cup of soothing tea for him.

The cake on the small coffee table was there since he came in. So many cakes were obviously not prepared for Fu Yuanchuan alone, but he didn't have any appetite at the time.

Jun Qingyu made the tea and set it aside, planning to wait for Fu Yuanchuan to come out to eat together.

When the smoke on the teacup was gone, the hot tea gradually became cold, and the sound of water in the bathroom had not stopped.

Jun Qingyu drank the cold tea and added hot water again.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of water stopped.

Jun Qingyu glanced at the direction of the bathroom. Did Fu Yuanchuan just walk in without a bath towel? It seems that I didn't even bring a change of clothes.

The only bathrobe is still on him.

The water has stopped and has not come out. It may be that the original clothes were thrown into the washing machine.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, got up, took the pajamas and bath towels in his hands, and knocked on the door.

"Yuanchuan, I will bring you pajamas and bath towels."


The bathroom door opened a gap, and Jun Qingyu raised his hand and handed it to him, "Get out and eat something, it's almost time."

"it is good."

Fu Yuanchuan packed up and came out, sat down and took a sip of warm tea.

Jun Qingyu handed him a piece of strawberry cake. The strawberry on the top was replaced by the strawberry of the space. "This kind of cake should not be too sweet. You can try it."

Rubbing the back of Fu Yuanchuan's hand with his fingertips, Jun Qingyu paused, put down the cake and held Fu Yuanchuan's hand, "Why are your hands so cold? Did you use cold water?"

Fu Yuanchuan explained: "The battleship is usually cleaned with water mist. There is no water, so there is no hot water."

Jun Qingyu nodded, it should be to save time.

Half of the cake on the table was eaten, and the battleship began to shake slightly.

"Little fish come to me."

"Huh?" Jun Qingyu didn't think there was anything wrong with this slight shaking, but since Fu Yuanchuan had said it, he also got up and walked towards Fu Yuanchuan.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, the original slight shaking suddenly became violent.

Fu Yuanchuan quickly hugged Xiaoyu, blocking him between the wall and himself.

Jun Qingyu's sight was blocked by Fu Yuanchuan, completely unable to see what was happening in the room, but could hear the sound of various things falling down.


The closet door embedded in the wall fell vertically, and all the things in the closet flew out.

This shaking makes people feel unsteady while standing.

I don't know how long it lasted before the violent shaking gradually stopped.

Fu Yuanchuan held Jun Qingyu firmly, until the battleship gradually flew to a stable level, and then took out the light brain to give orders, choose the nearest planet to land.

Their current position in the interstellar space is far away from the main star. An accident simulated by electronic explosives, the warship cannot return to the route in this case, and can only land nearby.

Jun Qingyu felt the shaking disappear, and raised his head from Fu Yuanchuan's arms, "Is it over?"

"Yeah." Fu Yuanchuan turned off Guangnao, patted Xiaoyu's back comfortably, "Find a place to land nearby."

Jun Qingyu nodded, landed nearby and waited three or four days before going back.

The room was a mess because of the shaking just now.

Many things hit the ground at all kinds of strange angles.

Including some cabinet doors are dropped.

The shaking of the battleship was accompanied by the steady side-to-side shaking of the flight unit, and many things simply couldn't stay in place smoothly.

Fu Yuanchuan ignored the mess in the house, "The clothes should be washed, go and change the clothes, wait for a while and go straight down after landing."

"Okay." Jun Qingyu sorted out the bathrobe and walked into the bathroom.

Fu Yuanchuan changed his clothes and stood in front of the window to check the news.

Shi Kaixin: [Marshal, the news from the fuel chamber is completely blocked, some people have resolved it, and the remaining few Yuzhi are staring. ]

[The planet to land on has not been selected yet, but I have selected seven nearby planets that are most suitable for travel and vacation. Would you like to ask your wife which one you like? ]

In order to facilitate the choice, Shi Kaixin also sent the pictures of the planets, including the famous scenic spots in every place on each planet.

After Jun Qingyu changed his clothes, Fu Yuanchuan handed Guangnao to him, "Look which one of these you like."

"What's this?" Jun Qingyu took it in confusion, looking at the several tourist planets above.

Jun Qingyu felt like going out on holiday inexplicably.

There is no sense of crisis of a crash landing.

Fu Yuanchuan glanced at those planets and asked: "Let's see the planets that will land soon, do you have any favorites? If you don't have one, you can expand the scope to see."

"Just...Blue Mercury." Jun Qingyu didn't know which one was good, so he chose one that looked good. It was troublesome to expand the range, and there was no need to go further.

Fu Yuanchuan sent the planets selected by Jun Qingyu to Shi Kaixin.

Just sent a message, dozens of urgent task notifications popped up.

[alarm! Star M is attacked, nearby warships are requested to come to support as soon as possible. ]


Jun Qingyu also saw the news, opened his mouth and was about to say something, but saw that Fu Yuanchuan closed the chat software without changing his face.

There was no intention to reply to this message at all.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, vaguely realized something, as if... Fu Yuanchuan was not surprised at all about the attack on Star M, "Aren't you going to see it over there?"

Fu Yuanchuan put on the light brain, "Don't go there, there are my people over there, and they will land near here, and we will go back when the things over there are over."

When Jun Qingyu heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the smile on his face couldn't hide.

"What's wrong? So happy?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head and didn't explain much, but hugged Fu Yuanchuan and kissed him.

What is this called? This is called a spiritual heart!

There is no discussion, and the ideas can be met together. Although there are differences in small details, they are generally the same.

As for Star M... it was all made by Star Pirates, what does it have to do with Fu Yuanchuan?

It was true that he made Wen Chengyao a little arrogant.

Fu Yuanchuan received the news of the smooth landing of the battleship, "Go down first."


When getting off the spaceship, Jun Qingyu had been looking at Guangnao.

He has followed all official and several unofficial news accounts before.

Now that such a big event has happened on M Star, these news accounts are rushing to report.

Seeing that the three legions are dispatched at the same time as mentioned above, it is enough to show how much the empire leaders are caring for Star M.

After all, in addition to the three legions sent out, messages were sent to nearby and moving warships requesting additional personnel.

Coupled with the local army of M Star, this combat power should be similar to the previous battle with the Zerg.

But it's not very useful.

Calculating the time, Wen Chengyao should be done and run away now.

This time difference is long enough for him to stay away from Star M. After all, Wen Chengyao is a star thief, although his combat effectiveness is not strong, his escape is absolutely top-notch.

Seeing the new messages popping up one after another from those news accounts, Jun Qingyu could think of how panicked the leaders of the empire are now.

It's been a long time since you've been stable, and you should panic.

I just don't know if Wen Chengyao can get things related to the M star experiment. If it's just superficial damage, it will not be easy to grasp any strong evidence.

Seeing that he had been looking at Guangnao, Fu Yuanchuan warned: "Walk and watch the road, be careful not to fall."

Jun Qingyu raised his head and glanced in front of him, and got off the battleship. The road here was not smooth. He had just received news from Wen Chengyao and hadn't read it yet.

After thinking about it, Jun Qingyu didn't put away the light brain, but took Fu Yuanchuan's arm, "This way he won't fall."

Helpless, Fu Yuanchuan rubbed his hair, put his hand on Xiaoyu's waist, and led him forward.

Jun Qingyu opened the chat box with Wen Chengyao.

Wen Chengyao: [M star has a problem, are you cheating me? ]

Jun Qingyu: [Did you find out? ]

Wen Chengyao: [Sure enough, there is a problem! My amount on the most wanted list has changed. ]


Jun Qingyu only remembered that Wen Chengyao was at the top of the most wanted list, and he really didn't know how much money he got for the specific reward.

Jun Qingyu: [How much has it become? ]

Wen Chengyao: [30 billion empire coins! ]

Jun Qingyu asked him: [So what? ]

Wen Chengyao grinds his teeth: [5 billion empire coins! Thanks to you for making me a sixfold increase in an instant! ]

Jun Qingyu: [Yes, the wealth of the richest man in the empire has not risen as fast as you, so keep working hard. ]

Wen Chengyao: [? ? ? ]

What you said... if you say that, it makes sense.