Chapter 59

Seeing Jun Qingyu coming up, the people in the car raised their hands and bowed their shoulders, saying in unison: "Hello Madam!"

Jun Qingyu turned his head and got out of the car, "You go chasing Fu Yuanchuan, I will take another car and go back by myself."

Only Shi Kaixin followed, so what did so many people do?

"Don't Madam..." Shi Kaixin hurriedly stopped. "The marshal sent us to protect you."

Jun Qingyu said lightly: "I don't need protection."

Shi Kaixin tried to persuade him, "But madam, the situation is special right now, and one more person is more of a guarantee."

"No need to."

"You don't have to worry about the marshal, we only have some people here."

Jun Qingyu ignored him and walked forward.

The people in the suspended car chased out, but they didn't know what to say or do, so they could only follow Jun Qingyu.

Seeing that Jun Qingyu was really going to leave, Shi Kaixin gritted his teeth and stood in front of him and opened his arms and shouted, "Stop!"

Jun Qingyu paused and raised his eyebrows as he watched the menacing Shi Kaixin in front of him. Is this...?

"Madam, we are ordered to take you back." Shi Kaixin looked around and motioned for them to come forward.

When they stepped forward and slowly surrounded Jun Qingyu, Shi Kaixin said solemnly: "So many people are here, don't force me..."

Upon seeing this, Jun Qingyu rolled up his cuffs, and there was a breeze on his face, so let's fight.

However, Shi Kaixin had no intention of doing anything, and immediately snorted, "Don't force me to kneel and hold your thigh and cry and beg you to go back!"

Jun Qingyu: "...?"

What are you talking about?

Shi Kaixin can't take care of that much, the task must be completed, but they are facing the Marshal's wife.

Shi Kaixin said fiercely: "There are so many of us, think about what it's like when we all hold your thigh and cry! I cry loudly!"


There are many restaurants downstairs in the office building. Although it is night time, there are some people coming and going in front of the restaurant at 7 or 8 o'clock. They have been in a stalemate for so long, and a few groups of passers-by have been curious to see them.

If the scene that Shi Kaixin said really appeared...

Jun Qingyu's mouth was slightly pursed, he couldn't afford to lose this person.


Jun Qingyu glanced at him and turned to get into the car.

Shi Kaixin laughed twice and turned to show off to his brothers, "Did you see it? This is wise and brave!"


Silently bypassed Shi Kaixin and got on the car.

Shi Kaixin came up last and closed the car door smoothly, "Drive!"

The car that receives the instruction automatically starts to plan the route.

Jun Qingyu sat quietly in the corner, holding Guangnao to send a message to Fu Yuanchuan but did not get a response, maybe the meeting has already started.

Perceiving Jun Qingyu's movements, the man who was a seat away from him handed a bottle of mineral water and said, "Madam, don't worry too much. Since the marshal will send us over, he naturally has his considerations."

Jun Qingyu shook his head and rejected the bottle of mineral water.

I said that I was not worried, but I couldn't control what I should think and think.

This time I went to the meeting not to be a private meeting. With so many eyes looking outside, they shouldn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

The journey was fairly stable, and there were no accidents.

Jun Qingyu got out of the car and said, "I'm back safely now. Go back."

Shi Kaixin didn't say much this time, but simply replied: "Okay, madam, pay attention to your safety."


Walking into the villa, the huge living room looked a little empty.

Except for the sound of the rolling gears of the robot coming up to deliver slippers, it was quiet and terrible.

The robot's eyes flickered and said in a mechanical voice: "Welcome home."

Jun Qingyu put on slippers, hung up his coat, walked a few steps in, but didn't know what to do.

Fu Yuanchuan is not here, and he doesn't even want to come back here.

If it weren't for the fear that it might cause trouble with the past, Jun Qingyu would go together.

Alone, Jun Qingyu didn't even have the idea of ​​eating, and went straight upstairs to the bedroom.

Even on the road for a long time, he has been paying attention to online news and did not take a good rest, but at the moment he does not mean to be sleepy at all.

I used to be alone before, and I did everything by myself.

But now I am used to being with Fu Yuanchuan. Fu Yuanchuan didn't come back, and he didn't mean anything at all.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, took a shower in the bathroom and changed clothes.

After such a tossing for a while, it was early morning after finishing.

Jun Qingyu leaned on the head of the bed, wanting to see if Fu Yuanchuan had replied to him, but it was still the previous interface.

He set a special reminder for Fu Yuanchuan, even if it is muted, he can hear the message reminder, but the chat list only has the sentence he sent before.

After struggling for a while, Jun Qingyu sent another message and asked: [Are you coming back tonight? ]

[Not asleep yet? ]

The news was received almost in seconds, Jun Qing was shocked, and then the video call came in.

Jun Qingyu subconsciously pressed the connection button.

Fu Yuanchuan, who was on the opposite side of the video, seemed to be in a small room enclosed on all sides, "I thought you were asleep, and I didn't dare to reply if you sent a message."

It was early in the morning when I saw the news, and I was afraid of waking Xiaoyu.

Jun Qingyu looked at Fu Yuanchuan on the opposite side, inexplicably wronged, he pulled the quilt and lay down on his side, and whispered, "I can't sleep."

With a low voice and a dull nasal sound, Fu Yuanchuan's heart trembled when he heard it, and he looked at the unconsciously coquettish little fish, "I have to go back tomorrow. The progress here is relatively slow. Would you like to... go back to the shell and sleep for a while? "

The little mermaid used to sleep in a shell by himself. If he is not around, he should barely be able to fall asleep when he goes back to sleep in the shell.

Jun Qingyu shook his head, it was a little troublesome to change back and forth.

Moreover, there is only oneself in the whole villa, in case something happens to be more troublesome.

Across the light brain, Jun Qingyu nodded the eyebrows of the opposite person and said, "I start to miss you."

It has only been a few hours since Fu Yuanchuan went to the meeting, but Jun Qingyu is now full of him.

"I'm thinking of you too." Fu Yuanchuan coaxed him gently, "I try to go back as soon as possible, you...have you taken a shower?"

Jun Qingyu nodded, "Yeah."

"Blow dry your hair before going to sleep. Be careful of catching a cold."

Jun Qingyu buried his head in the pillow and muttered, "No, I don't want to move."

Blowing hair is troublesome, and quick-drying long hair is troublesome, and it takes a long time to blow with a hair dryer, and it is also very noisy.

Pulling the pillow into his arms, Jun Qingyu thought, if Fu Yuanchuan was at home, he would hug him on his lap at this time, and then blow his hair.

Fu Yuanchuan hasn't finished the matter yet, and the excuse came out after receiving the news, and then he had time to contact Xiaoyu, "Hey, blow it up, I will talk to you when I blow my hair."

Jun Qingyu crooked his thoughts, "Will you ignore me if I don't blow my hair?"

"No, no matter when I will ignore you."

"Okay." Jun Qingyu was coaxed to get up, reluctantly got up, put Guangnao on the bed, and went to the bathroom to take a hair dryer.

Seeing him getting up, Fu Yuanchuan was about to look away to look at the document, but his surroundings swept over Jun Qingyu's clothes.

It seems...a bit too big.

Their clothes are all placed in the same closet. When they were customized before, Xiaoyu wanted the same style as him. Except for the different size, small details were ignored. The others looked exactly the same, maybe Xiaoyu changed into pajamas. The time is wrong.

Jun Qingyu took the hair dryer and sat back by the bed to blow randomly. His movements were somewhat random, as long as he could blow dry.

Something came from Fu Yuanchuan, and Jun Qingyu turned off the hair dryer and glanced at him.

"It's okay." Fu Yuanchuan left the screen after speaking, but the video was not closed.

After a while, he reappeared in the picture, and Fu Yuanchuan said: "There is something wrong with me. You should go to bed first. If there is anything, remember to let Shi Kaixin and the others deal with it. Try not to go out first."

Jun Qingyu was taken aback, "Shi Kaixin? Didn't they go looking for you?"

Fu Yuanchuan was also stunned when he heard the words, "Aren't they by your side?"

"...?" Jun Qingyu blinked blankly. When he asked Shi Kaixin to find Fu Yuanchuan before, Shi Kaixin promised simply and neatly, but now it seems that he only agreed verbally, but he did not leave. ?

Jun Qingyu thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's outside."

He got up and walked to the bed, opened the curtains, looked out through the gap, and did see them.

In the past, they had been to the house during meetings, and the alarm automatically identified the information, and there was no warning if there was no problem.

"They are still on my side." Jun Qingyu closed the curtains and asked: "How is your side?"

Fu Yuanchuan calmed Xiaoyu's worries in a timely manner, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Jun Qingyu nodded, thinking of them who were still patrolling outside in the middle of the night, and said, "Go ahead."

"Well, rest early."

After turning off the video, Jun Qingyu was still not sleepy. He ordered some highly rated takeaway supper.

Jun Qingyu has money in his account, all made by selling fruit and vegetable juices. In addition, he has no daily consumption. Fu Yuanchuan buys things for him when he goes out. He does not go out when Fu Yuanchuan is away, and the money can only be paid in. , I saved a lot.

After placing the order, he changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Sensor lights are installed everywhere downstairs. When they come out, it will be dark, but if you take a step, the lights will light up in sequence.

It is not very dazzling, and has a hazy soft light.

Jun Qingyu walked into the kitchen and made some desserts, using the fruits of the space and adding some spring water.

When the takeaway arrived, Jun Qingyu thought Shi Kaixin would bring it in, but the robot knocked on the door, and the takeaway was placed in the robot's basket.

Helpless, Jun Qingyu had to send a message to Shi Kaixin, [come in. ]

After a pause, he typed and added: [Everyone. ]

Shi Kaixin: [What is coming in? We are in the military department now, does the madam have something to do with us? ]

Jun Qingyu: [Stop talking nonsense, I saw you, everyone come in, immediately. ]

Shi Kaixin: "..."

Turning off the light brain, Shi Kaixin couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it. How did Jun Qingyu see them?

Obviously they have deliberately restrained and did not make a sound, and some actions that might attract attention were avoided, but they were still discovered.

They had all been discovered, and Shi Kaixin had to greet them to go in together.

Jun Qingyu opened the lid of the takeout and put it on the table. There were various supper, and the table was full, plus some desserts he prepared, which looked very rich.

When the doorbell rang, Jun Qingyu pressed the robot and went to open the door by himself.

Shi Kaixin stood at the door with a guilty conscience. Seeing Jun Qingyu coming, he immediately showed a big smile, "We were patrolling outside just now, what is the lady looking for us?"

The lowest is the rank of major, patrolling outside.

Jun Qingyu didn't say much, but turned around and walked into the room, "Come in."

As soon as he entered the room, Shi Kaixin's attention was attracted by the big table, so much, obviously not Jun Qingyu could finish it by himself.

Jun Qingyu said lightly: "Remember to clean up after eating. There are vacant rooms upstairs. If you are tired, find a room to rest, so you don't need to go out on patrols."

Seeing that Jun Qingyu was about to go upstairs, Shi Kaixin quickly asked, "Madam, don't you want to eat something?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, "I'm not hungry, you can eat it."

The elevator door closed, and Jun Qingyu took off his mask.

Shi Kaixin had seen the little mermaid, and when he appeared in front of him, Jun Qingyu always remembered to put on a mask.


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Jun Qingyu watched the light brain switch to zero at the last second, still not drowsy.

Fu Yuanchuan didn't come back all night, but there was news from him on Guangmin.

It should be something that happened after the meeting was over, so the meeting was resumed after the meal time was given.

Jun Qingyu also didn't know where the imperial leader came from so much nonsense.

Just returned the news of Fu Yuanchuan, there was a knock on the door outside, "Madam, are you awake?"

It's Schweitzer.

Shi Kaixin came once in the morning and told him to go down for breakfast.

Jun Qingyu asked: "What's the matter?"

Shi Kaixin said: "Before, the marshal asked me to check the mermaid breeding base and the purchase of fruits and vegetables to save people. The results have been achieved. I will send a report."


Jun Qingyu got up and put on his coat, "Give it to me."

Then a wooden rectangular basket with a handle was placed on the hand, and then a paper document.

"Here is breakfast." The breakfast was not delivered just now, this time it happened to be delivered together with the report.

Jun Qingyu had no appetite at all, and was about to let him take it back, "" As soon as he raised his head, the man ran away.

Helpless, Jun Qingyu had to take the basket in.

Setting aside breakfast, he was still more interested in this document.

The first sentence of the first page of the document: The suspected treatment target is a residential area, and a meeting was held a month ago to discuss the outbreak of mental illness in the residential area.

At that time, it was suspected that someone deliberately placed something that caused mental illness in a residential area. Afterwards, before he had time to deal with the matter, the people under Fu Yuanchuan were taken away by the people above, and the affairs of the residential area were taken over by others.

But now it seems that the matter over there has not been resolved.

Jun Qingyu looked at the time on the file, and then calculated the time when he received the news of the mermaid breeding base. In other words, the mermaid breeding base had a disease outbreak in the residential area, and the news was known before it came out.

Then I came to him to buy fruits and vegetables, but in the end I didn't buy them, and there was no more information about the residential area, and even the news of the disease was suppressed.

The mermaid breeding base didn't even think about bringing mermaids out to treat them.

If Fu Yuanchuan took over this matter, it would have been resolved long ago, and will it be delayed until now?

The mental power of ordinary people is not as aggressive as Fu Yuanchuan's mental power, and getting along with the little mermaid can completely treat the fish to treat diseases, but the mermaid breeding base did not do this.

After the M star incident broke out, the empire leader approached Fu Yuanchuan and once again proposed to buy fruits and vegetables.

I haven't believed the disease in the residential area for so long, and now I suddenly want to treat it. There is obviously a problem.

Jun Qingyu frowned. Isn't he trying to restore his image through the residential area?

So when the leaders of the empire did not buy fruits and vegetables, how could they treat people in residential areas?

At this time, the attitude of the neutral mermaid breeding base is particularly important.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, got up and went out to the next door to take out the dead insect egg that Yu Zhi had brought back.

It is better to plan ahead than to be beaten passively.

"Sch Kaixin!"

"Here!" Shi Kaixin murmured back downstairs, and then hurried up the stairs.

Jun Qingyu handed him the worm egg, "I have a task for you."

"Ah?" Shi Kaixin took the insect egg and wondered, wasn't this what he had given to Jun Qingyu before? Why did he send it back again.

Jun Qingyu said: "You will go to the mermaid breeding base..."

Listening to Jun Qingyu's plan, Shi Kaixin widened his eyes in surprise, "But so..."

Jun Qingyu said lightly: "Don't worry about other things, just do it."

Shi Kaixin nodded, "Okay, I'm going now."

"The concealment of things is done as soon as possible."


Seeing Shi Kaixin hurriedly holding the insect egg to leave, Jun Qingyu stood at the top of the stairs for a while, then turned back to the bedroom.

The breakfast in the basket was still hot, and Jun Qingyu ate it while sending a message to Fu Yuanchuan to briefly describe the matter in the residential area.

Fu Yuanchuan: [I will think about how to arrange the treatment. ]

Jun Qingyu: [I have a way, let me handle this matter. ]

When he handed the worm eggs to Shi Kaixin, he had already figured out what to do in the residential area.

When Fu Yuanchuan saw this news, he didn't have much trouble, and replied: [Okay, then I will work hard, Xiaoyu. ]

Seeing that he had promised so simply, Jun Qingyu couldn't help but bend his eyes and type: [When will you be back? ]

Fu Yuanchuan chatted with him, but he never said the exact time.

In fact, Fu Yuanchuan himself didn't know when he could go back, [It should be over soon. ]

Jun Qingyu sighed, [Okay. ]

It seems that it will take some time.

Fu Yuanchuan did not delay replying to his messages during the meeting, and Jun Qingyu sat at the tea table by the window and typed and chatted with him.

Before I knew it, it was dark outside.

At this time, the news of the end of the meeting came from Fu Yuanchuan, [I will be there soon. ]

When the meeting was over, Jun Qingyu was not in a hurry: [Be careful on the road. ]

[Ok. ]

Turning off the light brain, Jun Qingyu went downstairs to prepare some food.

Those confidants of Fu Yuanchuan have been patrolling outside in shifts, even after he said that patrols are not needed, they still insisted.

The non-patrolling team stayed upstairs, and there was no one in the living room.

Jun Qingyu baked a cake and cut a lot of fruit during the period, planning to use it to decorate the cake for a while.

As it was being done, the sound of the doorbell came from outside.

The robot ticked around, "Visitor identity: Shi Kaixin, do I need to open the door?"

Jun Qingyu was full of flour on his hands and said, "Open."

Robot: "Okay."

After entering the door, Shi Kaixin was very excited, and smiled and ran in and said, "Madam! I'm done with things!"

Shi Kaixin handed Jun Qingyu a virtual hard disk, the size of a thumb, even if he didn't pay attention, he might lose it.

Shi Kaixin said: "This is the pictures and videos you want. They are all high-definition. I saved them directly without compressing them."

When other chat software transfers this kind of stuff, there will be compression. For fear that the stuff will not be clear at that time, Shi Kaixin directly gave the source file.

"Yeah." Jun Qingyu motioned to him to put the virtual hard disk aside.

Shi Kaixin put down the virtual hard disk, "If the lady has nothing else, I'll go ahead."

"Go ahead."

"Good." Shi Kaixin, who had completed the task, was obviously in a good mood, and happily ran upstairs to look for his brother.

Jun Qingyu finished all the desserts, washed his hands and put away the virtual hard disk.

If the mermaid breeding base will really lead the leader of the empire, then this chip will have a big effect. On the contrary, if it doesn't lead for him, then the things in the chip will never see the light of day.

It depends on what the mermaid breeding base does.

Put the prepared supper on the table, and the temperature of the baked cake base also dropped.

Jun Qingyu started to make butter. Compared with the electric machine, he always felt that the semi-automatic machine was easier to control.

The whipped cream with icing sugar looks very delicate and sweet.

While he was fighting, there was a door opening outside.

The people on patrol do not have the authority to open the door. They can only come in after the robot asks Jun Qing for permission after scanning their identity.

So it was Fu Yuanchuan who came back.

When Jun Qingyu heard the sound, he was overjoyed, and immediately wanted to close the whisk and go out. However, with a shake of his hand, he almost couldn't grasp it, and the whisk was full of whipped cream, which was instantly shaken out.


The built-in device of the whisk stopped automatically, but the cream on the stirring rod still got Jun Qingyu all over.

When Fu Yuanchuan heard something wrong inside, he walked in quickly, "What's the matter?"

When he saw the little fish covered in cream, he was taken aback, "Did you get it in your eyes?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, with more on his face and neck, and the rest on his clothes.

After pursing my lips, I can still taste the sweetness of cream.

Fu Yuanchuan took a paper towel and gently wiped Xiaoyu's cheeks, "Go and wash."

It will be uncomfortable to wipe it dry.

"Yeah." As he turned around, Jun Qingyu paused, looked at the empty living room, and turned to look at Fu Yuanchuan beside him.

Fu Yuanchuan asked: "What's wrong?"

Jun Qingyu smiled and shook his head.

The last time Xiaoyu rubbed him with a creamy face, he had the same expression. Fu Yuanchuan only thought he was playful again, "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Jun Qingyu stepped forward and gently kissed his lips with his lips moistened with cream.

Looking at Fu Yuanchuan who was frozen in place, Jun Qingyu blinked, "Sweet?"

Fu Yuanchuan's Adam's apple moved slightly, his eyes flowed but there was no movement, and he said in a deep voice, "Is it cream, or you?"

"Um..." Jun Qingyu hesitated: "Butter?"

Fu Yuanchuan thought about it seriously, "a bit tired."

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes when he hears this, "What if it is me?"

Fu Yuanchuan didn't answer quickly, but leaned over and approached Xiaoyu, raising his hand upstairs to his waist.

Jun Qingyu looked at him unknownly, "Huh?"

Fu Yuanchuan gently squeezed the cream off his neck, looked at the small red mark, and said softly: "I'll try it again. I didn't taste it just now."