Chapter 74

Hearing Xiaoyu's implication, a smile appeared between Fu Yuanchuan's eyebrows and eyes, "So honest, you will suffer a loss when you go out."

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "Then I won't go out and stay by your side. You can definitely protect me, right?"

Fu Yuanchuan's throat tightened, looking at the serious fish, he whispered, "Yes."

Jun Qingyu learned Fu Yuanchuan's movements and raised his hand to touch his hair, "It's getting late, let's go to sleep."

There is no conclusion about so many things today. Tomorrow will definitely be busier, and it will be more involved. It will not be solved for a while, and this will be up late, and there will be no time to rest in the future.

Fu Yuanchuan picked up Xiaoyu, returned to the bed and turned off the light.


Jun Qingyu faintly heard some noise, he subconsciously frowned, slept drowsily and didn't want to open his eyes, and then grabbed the place beside him, wanting to continue sleeping by Fu Yuanchuan, but his hand felt empty.

"Huh...?" Jun Qingyu frowned, and tentatively touched it again, indeed no one was there.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, but did not see Fu Yuanchuan in the bedroom, but there was a faint sound of water coming from the bathroom.

Knowing that Fu Yuanchuan was still there, Jun Qingyu closed his eyes again and shouted: "Yuanchuan..."

However, when he just woke up, his voice was a little dumb, and his voice was soft. In his imagination, he was shouting loudly, but it fell in Fu Yuanchuan's ears like a little cat scratching you. It didn't hurt but it was a little soft. Soft coquettish feeling.

Fu Yuanchuan sat down by the bed and sorted out the broken hair that was scattered to his ears, "Are you awake? Go wash and go out later."

"No." Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's hands, "so sleepy..."

Seeing Xiaoyu's sleepiness, Fu Yuanchuan glanced at the time, it was a bit early.

But today there are a lot of things. He wants to solve everything before the New Year, so that he can have a stable and stable New Year with Xiaoyu.

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while and said, "Or you become a little mermaid, and I will take you with you."

This will not delay Xiaoyu's replenishment.

Jun Qingyu, who was half-dreaming and half-awake, was obviously not thinking, and said vaguely: "Um... I don't want to go out."

Fu Yuanchuan calmed down softly, "But there are a lot of things to be busy today."

Upon hearing this, Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's arm tightly, his closed eyes remained unopened, and whispered: "Sleep for another minute."

"Then I will go downstairs to prepare breakfast first, and come down when you wake up."

"Good." Jun Qingyu simply agreed.

Hearing this, Fu Yuanchuan leaned over and kissed his forehead lightly, quietly withdrew his hand, tidyed up the quilt, turned and left the bedroom.

The bedroom became quiet, but Jun Qingyu was a little awake, so he thought about it and got up to wash.

They almost walked downstairs. Jun Qingyu looked at Fu Yuanchuan who was busy in the kitchen, walked over and hugged him behind him, "What are you eating today?"

"Cod and steak."

Fu Yuanchuan lowered the fire, holding Jun Qingyu's hand around his waist, and putting it inside along the edge of the apron.

"Huh?" Jun Qingyu tilted his head and poked him.

"It won't be hot." Fu Yuanchuan cut a small piece of cod and blew it and fed it to Jun Qingyu, "Try it."

Jun Qingyu took a bite, "It's delicious."

The cod itself is very tender, and the cod of the Star Age has a very good taste. When it is fried, it is delicious with a little rose salt.

Fu Yuanchuan turned off the fire, took out the cod and steak and said, "Ready to eat."

"Okay." Jun Qingyu turned around to get the tableware.

Although there were a lot of things afterwards, this breakfast was fairly stable, presumably the outside affairs hadn't made a big deal.

After all, the incident occurred in the imperial palace, and the nobles who had witnessed the incident naturally did not dare to spread the incident, and the people of Fu Chengyu naturally did not dare to make the matter worse.

It is an indisputable fact that so many people become Zerg in front of them. Until there is definite evidence, they are the last ones who want to make things happen.

Moreover, he could not mobilize troops. Fu Yuanchuan led the army to encircle the imperial palace in the name of encircling and suppressing the Zerg.

The attitudes of the marshals are not clear, and they may not be helpful to them.

Compared with Fu Yuanchuan's calmness, there is the real difficulty of riding a tiger.

After breakfast, Jun Qingyu and Fu Yuanchuan got on the bus to the imperial palace.

Shi Kaixin stayed here all night, and the follow-ups that involved more had to be sorted out by them personally to prevent any news from going out.

Yu Zhi and Shi Kaixin waited by the car together.

After Fu Yuanchuan came down, Yu Zhi stepped forward and said, "Marshal, everything is ready, Marshal Todice and they are all waiting in the meeting room."

"Yeah." Fu Yuanchuan turned around and helped Jun Qingyu to get out of the car, "We are past now."

"Wait a minute." Jun Qingyu thought for a while and said: "It must be boring inside. I'll wait for you outside."

"Not going in?"

Jun Qingyu coughed slightly and said, "I want to walk outside."

When Fu Yuanchuan saw this, he didn't ask much. He raised his hand and touched Xiaoyu's hair, "Shi Kaixin, protect Madam."


Before leaving, Fu Yuanchuan exhorted: "Be careful in everything and don't go to dangerous places."

Jun Qingyu nodded obediently, "Yes."

Seeing Fu Yuanchuan's figure disappear in the corridor, Jun Qingyu smiled and asked, "Where is Fu Chengyu? Take me there."

Shi Kaixin: "..."

What about not going to dangerous places? !

Shi Kaixin said helplessly: "Madam, Fu Chengyu still looks like a Zerg and has not recovered. This way, the past was too dangerous."

Although special sound waves are used when imprisoning the Zerg to weaken the strength of the Zerg, Shi Kaixin does not think that after Jun Qingyu proposes to find Fu Chengyu, he will just stand outside the cage and watch.

"The Zerg's combat effectiveness is very strong. Even if it is suppressed by special sound waves, it will be dangerous if it is too close. Moreover, the Zerg's strength lies not only in its high offensive power, but also in its defensive power. Sometimes the mecha can attack from the front. It is difficult to leave marks on the shell of the Zerg."

"Fu Chengyu hasn't completely lost his mind yet. He must be very angry after yesterday's events, so he is even more dangerous."

Jun Qingyu nodded, apparently listening to these words.

Shi Kaixin was overjoyed. He was about to introduce other places in the palace that are suitable for walking. Then he heard Jun Qingyu's cold voice: "Lead the way."




Jun Qingyu just felt that if Fu Chengyu became a Zerg was the end of his life, it would be too cheap for him.

There hasn't been much news from the Federation, but it will not be long before there will be news.

Fu Chengyu's cronies will definitely pass the news of Fu Chengyu's accident.

If the time comes to avoid war, Fu Chengyu must be sent to the Federation, and Fu Chengyu, who may become a Zerg, will be well taken care of.

Jun Qingyu might feel upset even thinking about that.

Shi Kaixin led the way and walked all the way forward. No one came to question his identity when he opened the way.

Jun Qingyu glanced at the side, a corridor encountered three patrols, but the guards here were tight.

Shi Kaixin scanned the identity information and said before going in: "Madam, let's take a look outside the cage."

Standing next to the cage, you can clearly see the Zerg curled up inside. The size is not small, almost the same size as a suspended vehicle.

Jun Qingyu didn't rush in to do anything, but asked: "Is there any surveillance here?"

Shi Kaixin quickly replied: "Yes, there is no dead end at 360 degrees."

Jun Qingyu nodded.

Seeing Jun Qingyu not speaking, Shi Kaixin was really relieved. He was afraid that Jun Qingyu would say 'closed', which would really mean something went wrong.

Jun Qingyu walked up to Fu Chengyu and asked, "Does he have to be locked up here all this time?"

"Yes, he will be here until the final plan is discussed." Shi Kaixin explained: "The monitoring here is supervised by each marshal in time."

Because the involvement is too great, each marshal is the safest.

"Everyone..." Jun Qingyu blinked, squatting in front of the cage, quietly releasing aura and leaving a mark on him.

The Zerzu had a very clear perception of spiritual energy. The Zerg who had closed his eyes instantly opened his eyes, and his erect pupils stared at Jun Qingyu fiercely.

Jun Qingyu did not evade and met his gaze, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly and said softly: "We will meet again."

Shi Kaixin heard the sound, but didn't hear it really. There was no one else here, so he subconsciously thought he was talking to himself, "Madam, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." After leaving the mark, Jun Qingyu didn't plan to leave more, turned around and said: "It's a bit boring here, let's go first."

"Okay!" Shi Kaixin was naturally happy when Jun Qingyu was willing to leave here.

The inside of the room was very dark, in contrast to the dazzling sunlight outside.

Jun Qingyu narrowed his eyes, "Don't talk to Yuanchuan about my coming here."


"Send me the time each Marshal is responsible for. Yuanchuan is too busy. I will arrange the time he is responsible."

"Ah..." Shi Kaixin was dazed, there is no timetable in his hand, but this thing will be given priority to the adjutant after it is confirmed, and then they will be transferred to the marshal.

So even if he doesn't have it now, he will have it soon.

Jun Qingyu raised an eyebrow, "Is there any problem?"

Shi Kaixin thought for a while and said, "Maybe you have to give the marshal a report first."

"I'll go to Yuanchuan, and you can send it directly to me." As he said, walking forward, a cool wind blew by and brought down a flower on the tree, which happened to fall in front of Jun Qingyu.

Jun Qingyu raised his hand to catch the flower before landing. It was quite fragrant, playing with flowers and leaves, and casually said: "There is a priority between equal rights, do I need to be more precise?"

Shi Kaixin suddenly realized what he had overlooked, and shook his head quickly, "I will transfer it to you when the timetable is sent."


It took a long time to come out, and it was almost noon when I walked back to the meeting room.

Generally, meetings between marshals will not be held continuously, and there will be breaks in the middle.

Jun Qingyu leaned against the wall and waited at the door, but did not go anywhere.

The soundproofing of the conference room is very good, and he can hear nothing outside.

At the end of the meeting, the door lock of the meeting room automatically opened, and with a 'click', Jun Qingyu recovered and walked to the door.

Seeing Fu Yuanchuan coming out, Jun Qingyu raised the flower whose petals had been almost lost by him and put it into Fu Yuanchuan's pocket in front of him.

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes, "It looks good."

Fu Yuanchuan didn't see what it was, but smelled a very light fragrance of flowers. "Go to the garden to play?"