Chapter 101

The answer was somewhat inconsistent, but Jun Qingyu's look at Fu Yuanchuan didn't seem to be a casual joke, but rather serious.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, and when Admiral Shi knew the news, he was afraid that he would run away from the main star with the spacecraft overnight.

The travel matter is still to be determined, and now we have to busy with the ceremony, Fu Yuanchuan said: "No hurry."



After soaking in the spring water for a period of time, Jun Qingyu also added spring water to Fu Yuanchuan's daily diet.

Nourish the body with spiritual energy, even the dying person will have a ray of life.

What's more, Fu Yuanchuan is still far from that level.

Entering the medical cabin again, Jun Qingyu looked at the data above and the data that appeared after releasing his mental power.

No unknown substances are shown, and all physical examinations have reached standard health values.

Jun Qingyu recorded the data, opened the lid of the medical cabin, bent his eyes with his hands on the edge of the medical cabin, "Pause the medical cabin for a few days, and if there is no discomfort in the follow-up, it will be fine."

Fu Yuanchuan sat up and hugged Xiaoyu and said, "Thank you."

"It's not hard." Jun Qingyu smiled and kissed him. "You can handle the affairs of the empire when you get better."

Looking at the documents these days, Jun Qingyu feels dizzy.

After hearing this, Fu Yuanchuan lay back down again.

Jun Qingyu: "?"

Facing Jun Qingyu's suspicious gaze, Fu Yuanchuan said softly: "I feel I can save a few more days."

Jun Qingyu helplessly, took his hand to pull the person up, "No, it can't be like this, you want to delegate power again, don't want me to manage the empire, and when you get better, you have to take care of it yourself."

Fu Yuanchuan didn't follow Xiaoyu's strength, instead he hugged the person over and put him on his lap, and coaxed: "Okay, I will deal with it, but as the empress of the empire..."

Hearing this, Jun Qingyu could almost hear something. He raised his head and kissed him, blocking the words behind him, then shrinking in front of Fu Yuanchuan, and finally disappearing in his shirt.

The little mermaid poked his head out of the shirt collar and looked at him innocently, "The little mermaid doesn't understand anything, knows nothing."

Fu Yuanchuan paused, his eyes were suddenly full of smiles, and he rubbed the little mermaid's cheek with his fingers.


Jun Qingyu lay down on his hand, hugged his fingers, and smiled obediently: "Go work overtime."


Sitting at the desk, some files on the virtual screen are sorted by time, and they are organized in order.

But Fu Yuanchuan couldn't think of working.

Jun Qingyu sat on his shoulders honestly, feeling Fu Yuanchuan's thoughts, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He remembered that Fu Yuanchuan was considered a workaholic before, and what he could handle on the same day would never be overwhelmed the next day.

It is also common to stay up late to deal with documents. He was not in good health at the time. Under such circumstances, he still insisted on working, which shows how devoted he is to work.

but now...

Jun Qingyu leaned on Fu Yuanchuan's neck, pointed to the top document and said, "The day after tomorrow is the ceremony. Don't check the process anymore?"

"And those nobles."

"The Legion also has a lot of things..."

Fu Yuanchuan said softly: "Little fish."


"Laughing too loudly."

Jun Qingyu smiled happily when he heard the words, but he slid to the side as soon as he couldn't sit still, "Yeah--!"

Fu Yuanchuan put the back of his hand on his shoulder and easily caught the little mermaid, "Be careful."

"With you." Jun Qingyu didn't rush back to sit on his shoulders, simply hugged his wrist, and the tip of his tail subconsciously wrapped Fu Yuanchuan's fingers on the back of his hand.

Fu Yuanchuan waited quietly for Xiaoyu to adjust, then turned his gaze to the virtual screen.


Ceremony day.

Jun Qingyu sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the dark sky outside.

Three o'clock.

Three o'clock in the morning.

In a daze, Jun Qingyu didn't know if he was asleep, or just lay down with his eyes closed for a while and was pulled up.

Fu Yuanchuan took it in early, "If it's really uncomfortable, go to bed for a while and come back at the wedding in the afternoon?"

It's really early, but try to compress everything on the same day.

Fu Yuanchuan is more inclined to focus on weddings rather than the indifferent ceremony to him.

Jun Qingyu shook his head, tilted his head against Fu Yuanchuan's palm, closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief, "Let's eat first."

If I get busy for a while, I may not even have time to eat.

"it is good."

Jun Qingyu ate the buns and watched Fu Yuanchuan change his dress.

The ceremony requires special dresses, which are different from suits and ties, which were rushed out not long ago.

Fu Yuanchuan sorted out the last layer slowly, and walked over with Xiaoyu.

Seeing that Jun Qingyu only ate the buns, he unscrewed the water bottle to him, "drink some water."

Jun Qingyu took a sip with his hand, got up and said, "I'm going to change clothes."

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Just change it here."

Jun Qingyu wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, picked up the clothes, "I'll change it to you at night."

Now that I have changed, I may not wait for the evening.

When I went out, the sky outside was not as dark as it looked in the room.

Shi Kaixin stood in front of the door and bowed, "Your Majesty, Your Highness, are all ready."


Jun Qingyu also followed the process for a while, and probably knew what to do next.

Shi Kaixin turned into the car and sat in the driver's seat. At this time, the car would not drive automatically.

The road is not very far, and it will be stable even after half an hour of slow driving.

Jun Qingyu glanced at the person standing inside. It could be divided into two parts, one with epaulettes and the other with gorgeous clothes.

The two don't think so, but at a glance, the difference is quite obvious.

Only a small part of the nobles came, and some old and stubborn ones were suppressed by Fu Yuanchuan with thunder. Those who could stand here were honest, and most of them were young faces.

Seeing a car coming, everyone who was talking and communicating stopped their verbal words, moved back decisively, and stood still on both sides.

Fu Yuanchuan put his arms around Jun Qingyu's waist, leading him step by step towards the top of the high platform.

The steps under his feet were covered with carpets, and only a faint wind sound remained in Jun Qingyu's ears.

Jun Qingyu was a little absent-minded when he left, so he should be watching in the crowd at this time.

That way, you can see Fu Yuanchuan's appearance more clearly, and watch Fu Yuanchuan move toward the top of power with your own eyes.

Thinking about this, Jun Qingyu felt his arms around his waist tighten, and he came back to see Fu Yuanchuan looking down at him.

Jun Qingyu bent his eyes and quickly motioned him to look at the road ahead.

For those who enthroned with the emperor, this is actually not in line with the rules.

But everyone below dared to raise objections. The most important thing is that everyone knows that this is wrong, and they don't want to be the first bird.

With such an idea, no one will stand up.

Under the attention of everyone, Fu Yuanchuan stepped to the last stage, and the information data of the emperors of the empire began to update.

Fu Yuanchuan's past achievements are shown on the virtual screen, among which new fruits and vegetables are on the list.

Originally, Jun Qingyu watched Fu Yuanchuan's famous battles seriously, but he was shocked when the screen turned around.

The most important thing is... the name of the new fruit and vegetable is him, and behind his name is Fu Yuanchuan.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows in surprise. These achievements were made by them. The version that Jun Qingyu had seen before did not have his name.

In other words, Fu Yuanchuan remarked it after taking over.

Here is far from below, Jun Qingyu asked in a low voice: "The name of the fruit and vegetable...?"

"The new fruits and vegetables belong to you, so they are labeled with your name."

"Then behind?"

"you are mine."

Jun Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, so...the name behind him, the subject is not fruits and vegetables, but him?

At the expression in Fu Yuanchuan's earnestly explaining eyes, Jun Qingyu had a hot face, and was about to speak with a light cough, only to see that the playback had been completed later.

"Good day, Your Majesty, Good day, Your Highness."

Standing in the center, Shi Kaixin bowed and saluted.

The officers and nobles on both sides also greeted him after his words fell, "Good day, your majesty, good day, your highness."

Fu Yuanchuan said lightly: "Good day."

After getting a reply, everyone stood up and waited for Fu Yuanchuan's words.

Generally speaking, at this time, they will talk about the future development of the empire and the grand vision of the future, they just listen quietly.

But Fu Yuanchuan didn't say anything more about these matters. He said: "The empire did not change in accordance with the law in the past, everything is as usual, the emperor's authority is modified, and the emperor has the same authority as the emperor. If there is no objection, it will be finalized."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, the same right?

In the past, the emperor could not wait to take power and put all power in his own hands, above 10,000 people.

Now trusting the emperor to speak is the same right? !

This makes them unacceptable for a while.

Jun Qingyu looked at the shocked expressions of those people underneath, thinking about it, what Fu Yuanchuan said was still euphemistic.

His right now is over Fu Yuanchuan.

Shi Kaixin stood up at the right time and said: "If you have an objection, you can raise it now, and there will be no chance to raise it later."

There are other things after that, clearing the venue as soon as possible to save time, Shi Kaixin is still a little anxious.

The marshals didn't talk nonsense, anyway, the decentralization of power didn't involve them, and it would be unpleasant to find anyone in this kind of day.

The nobles depended on Fu Yuanchuan to live, so naturally no one dared to say no.

But if they won't come down, some people can't help but be curious, "Admiral, the ceremony is over, does your majesty bring the empress down?"

Shi Kaixin smiled slightly and did not answer.

Jun Qing believed that they would not go down until the aristocracy underneath dispersed, and he was not in a hurry now.

Fu Yuanchuan approached Xiaoyu's ear and said softly, "Next is our wedding."


With that, Fu Yuanchuan raised his hand and hugged Xiaoyu in his arms, blocking Xiaoyu's entire body strictly.

Jun Qingyu only felt the darkness in front of his eyes, a bang in his ears, and then the sound of rustling something falling.

The people below were stunned when they saw the scene above. Why is this different from what was written in the invitation letter?

Why do petals float down from the sky?

What are you doing?

Someone couldn't understand, and asked Totis in a whisper, "Marshal, what's going on? Didn't it mean that the wedding is next? Why did you drop these things?"

Marshal Todice smiled, squinted his eyes and applauded, and said: "It's called a rose, didn't you see it? How romantic."


Seeing that he didn't understand, Marshal Todice said: "Tsk, no wonder you are single."


Fu Yuanchuan raised his hand to remove the petals from Xiaoyu, "Rose is an ancient flower, don't you know it?"

Jun Qingyu has never seen a rose in the empire or even in the interstellar world, "You planted it?"

"Yeah." Fu Yuanchuan said softly: "According to your statement, I checked some things you know."

These are obviously things that Jun Qingyu has not seen in the process.

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes. He is not interested in flowers. Roses will disappear. It should be related to the interstellar climate. He doesn't know how Fu Yuanchuan found the seeds and how they cultivated them.

The rose is one of the few flowers he knows.

Jun Qingyu took the complete rose.

"I don't have many friends, and I don't know who to invite to the wedding, so I thought, it's better to use the place where the throne is, and hold a wedding on a grand occasion."

Junqing considered that the two venues will be separated, but held on the same day. He did not participate in the preparation of the invitation letter. He does not have his own social circle. The people he knows are nothing but Shi Kaixin or several other people who have a lot of fate. people.

He doesn't like to make friends, nor does he like to have too much involvement with other people.

Fu Yuanchuan took out the ring in his arms and gave it to Xiaoyu when he proposed to marry him. This time it was also made by hand, but the style was different.

The melodious and soothing music rang softly, and someone came in and quietly walked into the crowd.

Fu Yuanchuan knelt on one knee, "I would like to give you everything I have."

Jun Qingyu stretched out his left hand, chuckled and said, "Didn't you already do it."

Perhaps it was because the wedding occasion had a different meaning from the proposal. Holding Xiaoyu's hand, Fu Yuanchuan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Replace the previous ring and put on a new wedding ring.

When Fu Yuanchuan got up, Jun Qingyu threw into his arms, raised his head and kissed his lips first.

The next moment, Fu Yuanchuan hugged his waist to respond.

Although they stood tall, it did not prevent Shi Kaixin from looking good. Seeing that he had kissed him, he shouted loudly: "Wish Your Majesty and Your Majesty have a good relationship for a hundred years!"

"We grow old together!"

"Husband loves!"

"Birth early!"

Shi Kaixin: "...?"

Glancing at the brothers, let me see which little idiot was talking nonsense.

As a result, everyone did not squint, and Shi Kaixin didn't let Shi Kaixin see it.

Above, Jun Qingyu leaned against Fu Yuanchuan's arms and gasped and calmed his breath, "Are we going back now?"

Fu Yuanchuan patted him on the back and glanced at the time. "There is still a palace banquet at five o'clock, maybe it's too late to go back first."

Jun Qingyu nodded and asked: "Will you toast?"

"...Probably not." Thinking about what Xiaoyu looked like after drinking twice before, Fu Yuanchuan would still drink for Xiaoyu.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Go ahead."

"it is good."

Seeing the two people on the stage walking back, Shi Kaixin quickly got up and said: "Change places, and withdraw, run faster, close the door and not let in."

After speaking, Shi Kaixin turned his head and ran.


Everyone exclaimed and rushed to catch up.

There is an elevator that is easy to go up and down. The transparent elevator can clearly see the relief outside. Jun Qingyu heard the movement and took a look, and then saw a familiar person approaching, "Yuanchuan."


"I seem to see Fu Qinghang."

"He?" Fu Yuanchuan followed Jun Qingyu's line of sight, but he really saw Fu Qinghang approaching.

The elevator landed, and Fu Qinghang was waiting at the door.

Seeing them come out, Fu Qinghang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "How about brother, will you come in time?"

"I thought you weren't coming." Fu Yuanchuan sent people the invitation letter over, but because the relationship between them had not been made public, it was not easy for Fu Qinghang to come over. He didn't see anyone in the morning and thought he wouldn't come.

Fu Qingheng said: "How can I be absent on such an important occasion."

If you renew the past, Fu Qinghang said simply and neatly: "Go, go inside and have a drink."


Jun Qingyu was ordered not to drink, so he didn't get involved.

The toasting person didn't dare to come over and take the initiative to toast when he was not moving. Shi Kaixin's fear was not due to Jun Qingyu's identity.

Jun Qingyu simply sat while eating, except for half a bun in the morning, he didn't eat for a whole day.

This can also be considered a temporary idle time, taking time to eat something.

After the fruit and vegetable control is released, the taste of the cake is no different from before, except that the strawberries on the strawberry cake can be eaten.

I ate strawberry cake at the banquet. Fu Yuanchuan ate the strawberry on the top layer, and Jun Qingyu only ate the cake base below.

After eating a small piece of cake, Jun Qingyu glanced at Fu Yuanchuan. This kind of occasion would be a bit cautious no matter how good the relationship is, but after drinking too much, it will be slightly relieved.

Passing the cake in his hand, Jun Qingyu said: "I'll get something else."

"I'll be with you." Fu Yuanchuan got up as he said.

"I can go by myself." Jun Qingyu pressed the person back on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "I will be back soon."

"Well, go ahead."

The alcohol over there is a bit heavy, and most people are nearby.

In a situation where I want to join in the excitement but my identity is not enough, I can only look inwardly at the outermost periphery.

Jun Qingyu didn't like greetings, and went straight to the dessert area after coming out.

The desserts are made of fresh fruits, and they are also some fruits that Jun Qingyu likes.

I took two pieces of cake and some others, planning to let Fu Yuanchuan prepare some food before drinking.

The banquet lasted until dark.

The lights in the palace were bright, but the palace was quiet.

Fu Yuanchuan's eyes were not half drunk, looking at the little fish who was so tired that he was about to fall asleep, he whispered, "Go back."

Seeing Jun Qingyu in a daze, "Okay."

After speaking, he subconsciously raised his hand to wrap Fu Yuanchuan's neck, instead of standing up, he fell directly into his arms.

Fu Yuanchuan took advantage of the situation and picked up the person horizontally and brought them back to the palace.


It was originally decided that after the wedding, he would travel the next day.

Take the small fish to look around the interstellar, or you can go to the federations that have not been involved to enjoy the scenery.

However, due to some reasons, the tour was postponed, and instead of returning to the villa, he stayed in the imperial palace for a while.

Fu Yuanchuan leaned on the bed and hugged Jun Qingyu and said, "I have found some tourist planets with high ratings, and see if there are other places I want to go besides these."

Jun Qingyu only took a look and then withdrew his gaze, turned his head and buried himself in Fu Yuanchuan's arms, "You decide."


"...I didn't sleep yesterday."

The muffled voice seemed to be acting like a baby, Fu Yuanchuan stroked his back lightly, "Sleep for a while."

No response, Fu Yuanchuan guessed that he was asleep.

Fu Yuanchuan decided on the travel.

It took Jun Qingyu several days to recover. The mermaid is in good health and has a strong recovery ability. For that matter, he can recover so quickly by soaking in spring water.

Otherwise, it may not be able to keep up with the travel time.

When packing up his luggage, Jun Qingyu thought for a while and asked: "Has Shi Kaixin made arrangements over there?"

"Well, it's still the same, there will be news about major events, and Shi Kaixin will take care of other things by himself."

Jun Qingyu said: "How about promotion and salary increase?"


"it is good."

They went out to travel and left directly in the empire's spacecraft, with a special flying team.

Shi Kaixin stood by, "His Royal Highness, I think it is better for you to take me on your outings. I can help you get some troubles."

"From my point of view, His Majesty and His Majesty are both non-talkative characters. What if there is a bargaining or a situation where you need to ask for directions?"

"It's much more convenient to bring me, I am professional in communication, and I still understand many dialects of the planet."

"How about your highness, think about it?"

Shi Kaixin, who doesn't want to stay on the main star and work hard, strives to sell himself.

Jun Qingyu didn't think that these questions he raised were problems, but he still said: "There is a fear."

"But there are also things that Yuzhi can't take care of, right? I know you better. I have been a bodyguard for you for so long. If this suddenly changes, will you be uncomfortable?"

Shi Kaixin pretended to sob, "Let me go, I think the empire can be handled by Yu Zhi."

"I'm such an unreliable person, how can I be."

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Isn't this what everyone is fighting for? Why do you dislike such a true feeling.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, "After the spacecraft stops on a planet, we will no longer use official channels for future travel routes."

They are likely to take a civilian spacecraft afterwards, and Yu Zhi and them will return together.

Shi Kaixin never gave up, "Then before going through the official channels, I think I can go!"

Everything was said to the point, Jun Qingyu seemed to be unable to justify his refusal, so he said: "Go and hand over with Yu Zhiban."

"Go!" Shi Kaixin pretended to cry even without a tear, and turned his head to find Yu Zhi happily.

Fu Yuanchuan walked over and said, "Everything is ready, let's get on the spaceship."

"Yeah." Jun Qingyu said, "I will let Shi Kaixin change Yuzhi."

"It's okay to listen to your arrangements." The transfer of personnel is only a trivial matter, and Jun Qingyu is more used to Shi Kaixin's words, so Shi Kaixin can go.

Spaceships are much smaller than warships.

Even the empire's spaceship will not be larger than the warship, but will be smaller and more refined.

Will not overemphasize the size, there are many small details than the battleship.

More inclined to daily life.

Except for the people in the cab, only Shi Kaixin followed.

But when Jun Qingyu and Fu Yuanchuan were alone, Shi Kaixin would silently not show up, and the shining light bulbs had a fixed rule of when they should disappear and when they should appear.

Jun Qingyu was sitting in the spaceship cinema, eating popcorn and watching movies to kill time.

The movies on the spacecraft are all popular recently. I chose a highly rated ghost movie, and they all say they are suitable for couples to watch.

But... the third time he saw the ghost's pale face appeared, Xiaoyu hadn't rushed into his arms.

Fu Yuanchuan hugged Xiaoyu's shoulder and asked, "How do you feel?"

Jun Qingyu thought about it: "Um... It feels okay, but it's a bit too sweet. It should be better with less butter."