Chapter 106

The corners of Fu Yuanchuan's mouth raised slightly, his expression was extremely gentle, he stepped forward to pick up the stranded mermaid, turned and brought it back to the side of the grill.

Jun Qingyu hugged him, his tail swaying lightly in a good mood.

Putting the small fish on the chair, Fu Yuanchuan turned around and cut a piece of fish that could be eaten raw, a thin slice, before the charcoal fire started to burn, first feed the fish with sashimi.

Jun Qingyu took a bite. There was no peculiar smell. It had a meaty taste, "It's sweet."

As he said, he raised his hand to feed Fu Yuanchuan a slice.


Seeing that Xiaoyu liked it, Fu Yuanchuan cut a plate and put it next to him, "Put a pad first."

The fresh fish is put into a professional cleaning machine, and after cleaning, it is very clean, and there is no fish scale.

Jun Qingyu sat behind and ate the fish slowly, and unknowingly ate a small half plate, the charcoal fire at Fu Yuanchuan had just started to burn.

Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Are you bored?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head and put the unfinished fish on the table, "I'll go catch some other fish."

I was idle, too. There were relatively few fish that could be eaten raw, so Jun Qingyu caught everything he saw.

"Okay." Fu Yuanchuan put down his fan, turned around and hugged Xiaoyu, "Do you remember..."

Before Fu Yuanchuan finished speaking, Jun Qingyu said: "Pay attention to safety and run away in danger."


Jun Qingyu bends his eyes, hugs and kisses, cleverly said: "Remember."

After entering the bottom of the sea, Jun Qingyu directly broke into the school of fish, but instead of catching it directly, he chose a few picks.

The main goal is still the fish that I thought was delicious just now. Maybe there are not many fish in the sea, so Jun Qingyu didn't find it after searching for it.

The deeper you go in, the deeper the bottom of the sea, and there is an existence like a gully in the middle, which is bottomless at first glance.

The fish that was being chased rushed in in a panic, Jun Qingyu only glanced at it but didn't go down, turned around and swam back.

The color of the bottom of the sea is not monochromatic or dull, but because of the existence of various fishes, it creates a colorful scenery.

When I was swimming, I met a scallop, and the shell was swimming in and out.

Thinking that Fu Yuanchuan just picked up a lot of oysters and the like, the scallops should be delicious even if they are grilled.

But only this scallop.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, the fish tail swayed and followed, not in a hurry to catch the scallops, but swam with the scallops for a while. When the scallops fell and buried half of their body in the sand, he reached out and dug them out.

Many scallops were also found nearby.

Jun Qingyu was afraid of leaving a few lonely here, so he took them away.

Let go of the basket, let it float to the surface of the sea, and change its positioning to Fu Yuanchuan's side, so that it can follow the waves.

After getting it right, Jun Qingyu continued to swim in the sea.

The artificial oceanic landscape is also good, and the place is large enough, but compared with the real ocean, it is still more comfortable in the ocean.

Some bad-tasting fish have big guts and will circle around the mermaid.

Jun Qingyu grabbed one, twisted the tail of the small fish with **** and placed it in front of him. The small fish did not struggle, it was smaller than the dried fish.

Let go of the little fish, raised his hand and gently pushed the water flow, the little fish drifted away with the water.

Jun Qingyu turned and swam in the other direction.

Looking down, there are quite a few strange things on it, and they should all be shellfish.

There are crabs and lobsters.

Compared with fish, catching crabs is simply not enough.

I took a lot of small baskets and picked it up. When I was picking seafood seriously, Jun Qingyu vaguely felt that something was approaching behind him.

In the sea, the perception of a mermaid will be infinitely expanded, and it will be felt even far away.

Jun Qingyu turned his head to look, and saw nothing behind him. After a while, a huge shark swam over.

Like a full-speed impact, the shark opened its mouth fiercely.

Jun Qingyu tilted his head, looking for him?

A shark that treats mermaids as snacks?

Seeing the shark rushing over, Jun Qingyu did not dodge in a hurry, nor did he turn his head to swim away. The fish's tail dropped and stood upright in the sea, waiting for the shark to approach.

Then the moment the shark approached, the tail of the fish floated upwards, and then flung the tail down.

The shark instantly hit the bottom of the sea vertically, startling a school of fish.

Apart from the sound of running water, there was no other sound in his ears, but the dense air bubbles suddenly increased a lot.

After the shark landed, he didn't know if it fainted or something happened, and he didn't move for a long while.

Jun Qingyu tilted his head, rarely telling whether the fish was delicious or not.

Taking the seafood that was picked up earlier, Jun Qingyu saw that it was almost done and did not continue to catch it, but swam back with the shark's tail.


On the beach, Fu Yuanchuan heard Xiaoyu's voice from far away.

Thinking that Xiaoyu was playing enough, he took his clothes and went over.

Then I saw the little fish coming up along the waves, his hands seeming to be catching something behind.

As the waves receded, the line of sight spread from the tail to the whole shark behind.

Fu Yuanchuan: "..."

The shark is more than twice as big as the mermaid.

"Is this edible?" Jun Qingyu didn't feel any danger at all, raising the shark's tail and asked, "Is this delicious?"

Fu Yuanchuan was helpless. At this time, he should have explained to Xiaoyu the dangers of catching sharks with bare hands, but seeing Jun Qingyu's serious questioning, he couldn't say anything about education. "It's not a good idea, you have to run away in danger. ?"

Jun Qingyu blinked and said frankly, "But I'm not in danger."

The shark won't move as soon as the tail is down. It shouldn't be slapped to death. It may have passed out.

Jun Qingyu asked, "Can this be eaten?"

"It can be eaten, but the taste and texture may not be very good." Fu Yuanchuan picked up the little fish and helped him remove the sand on his hair. "If you want to eat it, you can try it."

"Not delicious?" Jun Qingyu thought for a while and said, "I still don't eat it."

It's such a big one, it doesn't taste good and the rest is too wasteful.

When Jun Qingyu let go of his hand, thinking about whether to shoot the shark back with a tail, a wave hit, and Jun Qingyu pushed it back.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan said, "Let's eat other seafood first."

Seafood must be eaten fresh. There are so many seafoods of all shapes and sizes, and you may not be able to finish them.

"Okay." Jun Qingyu raised his hands, "hug."

The clothes he brought over were not of much use. Fu Yuanchuan hugged Xiaoyu back, "Aren't you going to split your legs?"

"I'll use my legs again later." Jun Qingyu had just returned from the sea. There would be no sand on the tail of the fish, but his legs would be so, so I didn't want to change back.


There are rows of skewers on the barbecue grill, some fish and some shellfish are already cooked.

Jun Qingyu went back to clean up, washed away the sea water on his body, and changed his clothes.

The hair is not dried, just be dried by the sea breeze slowly at the beach.

Fu Yuanchuan broke the shellfish aside without adding any seasoning. He raised his hand and handed it to Xiaoyu, "Try it."

These are all baked and set aside in advance to cool, this will eat at the right temperature.

There is a little bit of juice in the shell, which is very fresh, moderately salty, and the meat is very clean.

Fu Yuanchuan didn't pay attention to eating by himself. After feeding the shellfish to the grilled fish, he picked the thorns and put them on a plate and handed them over. He also peeled a few crabs.

It may be the season to eat seafood, there is a lot of meat.

Jun Qingyu doesn't have a big appetite, plus he ate sashimi before, and now he's full after a few bites.

"Stop eating." After taking the last bite of lobster, Jun Qingyu took the unshelled lobster and crab, took apart the meat inside, and fed it to Fu Yuanchuan, "You eat more."

"There is so much more, eat less?"

"Hmm...I'm full." Jun Qingyu is diligent and conscientious in grilling crabs, his hands are crisp and neat, and the mermaid's nails can easily cut the crab shells and peel out the meat inside. They are neatly placed on the plate. Qi's.

Twisting some crab meat, Jun Qingyu said: "Ah—"

Fu Yuanchuan ate it and turned around and filled a bowl of seafood soup. The fish couldn't be eaten anymore. Some soup should be fine.

There are a lot of seafood prepared, and there is not much left when two people are full.

Jun Qingyu put down the soup bowl and wiped his hands. The wet wipes specially used to remove the smell were very useful, and only a faint fruity scent was left after wiping.

There will be robots on the beach to clean up the mess. Apart from completely extinguishing the charcoal fire, there is nothing else to let them do.

After eating, Jun Qingyu returned to the sea.

Jun Qingyu differentiated the fish tail bubble into the sea and waited for Fu Yuanchuan to come in. When he was on the bottom of the sea, he could change the size freely.

When the water is shallow, it becomes smaller, turning around his waist.

The light fish tail swept across his waist unconsciously, and Fu Yuanchuan paused and stretched out his hand to catch the fish in the sea.

There is no clear view on the sea, and the waves hit him from time to time, and Fu Yuanchuan just stretched out his hand to tease him.

But the next moment, when he raised his hand again, a pale golden little mermaid curled up in his palm.

Jun Qingyu tilted his head, "Huh?"

The little mermaid didn't know what he had done before, and when he saw him stretch out his hand, he just lay in.

Jun Qingyu sat up holding Fu Yuanchuan's fingers, "What's the matter?"

Fu Yuanchuan's expression was gentle, and he rubbed Xiaoyu's cheek with his fingers, "It's nothing."

The deeper you go, the deeper the water will become.

When the water reached a certain level, Jun Qingyu changed his size again, hugging Fu Yuanchuan from behind, his figure was almost the same.

With the sea water over his head, and long light golden hair floating behind him, Jun Qingyu bends his eyes, "Guru Guru~"

Fu Yuanchuan raised his hand and rubbed Xiaoyu's cheeks, which ended the sound.

"Huh~" Jun Qingyu held his wrist, and the fish's tail shook lightly and let out a nasal sound.

Afterwards, the fish's tail flickered, leading Fu Yuanchuan to dive down.

The scenery of the seabed is unique, and it is a beauty that cannot be portrayed by any video record.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know what kind of beauty it is.

Swim into the school of fish, the fish with light yellow stripes on their flat bodies slowly move forward.

The pale golden mermaid attracted all the attention of Fu Yuanchuan.

The beautiful characters of mermaids are never decorations. Whether in terms of body shape or appearance, they are the Creator's preference for them.

Before you know it, when the mini scuba device arrives, it will surface and stand still for a while.

Jun Qingyu also noticed the hint, and followed him to the surface.

The sea water slid down on both sides of the cheeks, blinking his eyes, the sea water on the eyelashes fell together, and instantly submerged into the sea.

It is already sunset, and the evening is matched with the sea, which is another scene.

"Little fish?"


Looking at the smiling little fish, Fu Yuanchuan's expression moved slightly, and he took the beam of light that belonged to him into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed him softly.

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes and wraps his neck to respond.

They kissed against the setting sun.

Slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea under the warm sky.