1. New Beginning?

Chapter 1 : New Beginning?

I don't know how it happened but it happened, a fricking golden truck fell from the sky and hit me spot on, grinding me into simple meat paste.

Next thing i know im in eternal darkness, it feels cold as well. Freezing cold. Like being in a fricking freezer or in an iceberg or something.

Left with nothing but my thoughts, i found i couldn't remember anything from my previous life, except the novels i read and games i played... for some reason. I could also remember that i died from a truck falling from the sky.

By referring that knowledge to what i have read and played, the conclusion I reached was as follows : A ROB messed up and now i will be reincarnated/transmigrated into another world with wishes or maybe i'll be sent into a world with superpowers or something of the sorts.

And just when I reached that conclusion, I heard a sound inside my head [Ding! Indeed, though your conclusion has some flaws here and there. But yes indeed, you have underwent transmigration into another world, the reason you are feeling cold right now is because you are in cyrosleep. Your body is frozen so that it could be preserved.

The current body you are in has been under cyrosleep for 63,468 years.

Okay, seeing as you are clueless about your current situation, here goes : This body(Malik) originates from earth, not your earth, a parallel one. Anyway, the earth of this dimension DE-313-MXIV has been hit by an extinction level meteor 8 kilometers wide. Anyway, Malik here along with 49,999 thousand other RICH humans escaped earth on this space ship (-New Beginning-) in hopes of finding ; as the name suggests, a new beginning for the human race.

A new beginning refers to a planet with similar conditions to earth, I.e good temperature and atmosphere.

Anywho, according to a calculation made by the great me, this space ship will be reaching planet Aqua after a year, so long journey ahead, but compared to the one already undertaken, it is nothing.

Also, as the humans here have been in basic-level cyrosleep for over 5000 years, all memory has been lost, and these humans have been left with nothing but their instincts. which are weak in most of the 50K individuals found here.

Another thing you should know is that planet Aqua is a very primitive planet, using the Kardeshev Scale, it is a 0.3 civilization, or a K0.3, earth in your dimension was K0.7, While earth in this was a K0.95, just off the limits of a K1 civilization. As a K0.3 civilization, humans there have reached the iron age. The world is now divided into various 'empires' and 'kingdoms', with the basic copper, bronze, silver and gold currency. 10 copper is the equivalent of 1 bronze, 100 bronze is the equivalent of 1 silver, and 100 silver is equal to 1 gold coin. Other forms of currencies are used as well in different kingdoms and empires, but they are simply not as common.

On another note, Aqua, is actually a weird planet. It is practically the equivalent of a game. I.e, everyone is connected to a main system, where they can receive quests from other NPCs and grow stronger and so and so forth. Also, as a game like planet, it does have different species such as elves and dwarves and demons and monsters and it also has dungeons and other game related stuff. and Yes, when you enter the atmosphere of that planet you will also be connected to the main system, it will randomly select your class as happens to all other NPCs, but with help of the great I, you will be in the mage category. And once again, as a mage, you won't be limited to one of the sub-jobs, but would have access to all three jobs. So you would be able to use equipment and skills limited to either 3 of these sub-jobs.

As a mage, you will make use of a type of energy called mana. Mana is found everywhere in the multiverse, and space is especially full of it. But mana in space is chaotic, untamed by a host planet, so, absorbing it is, as you can imagine, Very Difficult. Once more, you have me the great I to thank. With help from me, you would be able to absorb this chaotic and pure unpolluted mana into your core. But of course, you don't have a core. *Sigh*. With assistance from me, your greatest helper, and the best system in the multiverse, you will be able to use this pure and high level mana to form your core, allowing you to directly skip over the tier 0 which all normal beings must go through. You will instead be able to start from the status of a tier 1 mage directly, giving you a great advantage compared to others. And of course since your core is made of such and such, you will also have another boon compared to others. Great foundation is needed for excellence, and perhaps this great foundation might even allow you to reach the great myth of the tier 8, but again and again, to me, the tier 8 is nothing, so with help from me once more, you might even reach the great mystical and unreached before realm of the tier 17, who knows.

All that is known is that this is but the beginning of the great journey you have ahead of you. let this day be the day where the legend of the Great Malik shall start]

Author's Note :

Yes, new novel, btw, there are already 10 chapters of this story prepared, while i'm releasing these chapters, I will be writing chapters 11+ so yea, don't worry about slow updates like in my other dropped novels. Also, this novel isn't as sex centered as the other novels i have written, so there's that ;)