6. Return to camp

Chapter 6 : Return to camp

[Due to the nature of this quest, the rewards will also be of the same nature.

Rewards : 3 spells - potion of fertility - Aphrodisiac - 15 SP

the spells you got are all tier 0, they are as follows :

- Size control

- Aroma

- Increased sexual prowess

"Size control" allows you to, as the name suggests, increase or decrease the size of your mushroom.

"Aroma" is a passive spell [1], your body naturally releases an aroma which makes the opposite gender attracted to you.

"Increased sexual prowess" is once again a passive spell, and as the name suggests again, increases your prowess and lasting during sex.

while aphrodisiac is a special item not yet found on Aqua, it can only be used once, and when used on a certain individual, they will need to engage in sexual intercourse or... just die.

I think the "potion of fertility" pretty much explains itself, after consuming, chances of impregnating increased by 50%, if consumed by a female, chances of getting pregnant increased by 75%. ]

Seeing as around 30 minutes have passed since he entered the forest, Malik remembered why he was there in the first place, to hunt a tier 1 monster and take it back to the camp to cook. After equipping the bracelet, Malik picked up the fox. One might think that red-nose fox was small, but contrary to expectations, it was as big as a large deer, and referring that to educational books he read in his previous life, a big deer can feed up to 200 adults! [2]

As he carried the fox on his shoulders, he looked at his status again

[status :

Name : Malik

Level : 18

EXP : 38,934/86,300

Job : Master mage (Tier 2 mage)

HP : 7,425/7,425

Mana : 11,025/11,025

Stamina : 2640/2640

Money : 2 bronze, 37 copper coins

Longevity : 519 years

Titles :

King : Gives owner high charisma and could easily sway the hearts of a crowd. You will also enjoy treatment of a high class noble in many different small kingdoms, while might enjoy the status of small time noble in large kingdoms or medium size empires, might even be recognised as an honorary citizen in some large empires.

Transmigrator : You are not of this world, and you are aware of it. You have high talent for everything. You also receive the cheat of X2 EXP for the rest of your life.

Tier 1 Slayer : As few people have managed to gain this title, all people who poses this title in this stage of the game will be treated as a 3rd class noble in all cities and places.

Spells : Basic telekinesis - fire ball - ice wall - dark arrow - Basic levitate - Lightning strike - Poison bomb - Summon ice spirit - Large scale Info planting - Observe - Size control - Aroma - Increased sexual prowess

SP : -130

Kingdom :

King over 49,995 people

loyalty : 100(max)

reputation : 10,000(Worship)

terreritories : Gavina region : Gavina forest (claimed)- Gavina plains (claimed) - Gavina mountains(Unclaimed as of yet) - Gavina back hills(unclaimed as of yet)

Nobles : None ]

[Ding! Oh yea, 2 guys went into the inner area of the forest, it was obvious what happened to them, while 3 others died fighting a level 4 rabbit in the outer area, they served as an example to others, who formed parties and ganged up on lower leveled monsters. Yea, your also still butt naked, here, wear these clothes, consider it a gift]

After saying that, rags fell in front of him, they were trash level 0 items, but with no other choice, Malik put them on all the same. Seeing the rags reminded him of the armor piece that dropped, it was a pretty fancy looking chestplate, all the same, he put it on, it served as extra protection, and it even increased his health by 250 points, making it now 7,675 points.

After that, he continued his journey back to the camp.






After around 5 minutes of slaving away carrying a large fox on his back, and after wasting around 300 points of stamina, Malik finally made it back to the tribe.

Not much had changed, except for the fact that fires went up every here and there, and a small portion of the wall made of wood was completed, the wall was of course facing the forest, so that no animals would come and attack them in their sleep, but it should completely circle them before nightfall.

After walking around for a while, he laid down the corpse in front of his mate, for her to cook. The large fox attracted a lot of attention, the dangerous feeling this fox gave still lingered even after death. His mate also got a lot of envious looks sent at her from the other ladies there, but they could only sigh in defeat. The looks sent at the king though, they were full of hunger and desire. While the looks sent by the males were full of respect and admiration.

As he was surrounded by pretty naked females all around, Malik's dragon, once again, awoke. Now with a mate, Malik went up to her, held her neck, and planted a kiss on her wet lips, which definitely felt good, and shocked her quite a bit, making her face like a ripe tomato.

The people here didn't have to worry about water as a river cut through the plains and forests, originating from the mountains.

Seeing as she still had to cook, and as they were fully surrounded by people, Malik restrained himself. After all, he wasn't an exhibitionist who liked to show his thing around to everyone, after landing was the first and last time he will ever be naked in public. [3]

He had to build a tent, luckily, one of the things he the system so generously gave him was how to build tents. First of, he had to get cloth, and some pieces of wood, and done. Of course that was easier said than done, but, if he collected some pieces of cloth, and some pieces of wood, all he had to do was put them together.

Once again, he was extremely lucky, thanks to the majestic bracelet. He found out that most of the level 0-4 monsters frequently dropped items such as cloth.

[Ding! After determining that the actions of the host are sensible, granting quest for extra motivation.

Quest "Build a tent"

Rewards : 10 SP, unlock the build function, 1 tier 1 spell, 1 forging design, a king sized mattress made of wool, and privacy

Punishment for failure : No privacy ]

Author notes :

[1] : A passive skill or spell is always active

[2] : source : google, look it up if you wish

[3] : or is it ;)

Other Author note : You know them sex scenes coming just wait for nightfall ;)

Also, other other Author note : This chapter was written in 27th December 2021, will release chapter 1 after chapter 10 is complete, so comment here to remind me of which day this'll be released, or basically when you see this ;)