Chapter 3: Unexpected birthday present

In the second half of 1986, the three boys of the Hall family marched along their respective ideal paths.

Barnett moved from East London to West London to study finance, and he plans to join the financial market for real next year.

Andrew finds out that Aldridge watches the football game video every day. When he asks why, he learns that Aldridge wants to be a coach in the future. Andrew also wants to grow in this direction, but Aldridge tells him to become an emerging professional talent broker.

This is Aldrich's clever thinking. He wants to use his advantages as much as possible. In the future, countless stars and superstars of today will still be half-grown children. With the significant progress of world football ten years later, the benefits that player agents can obtain are simply incalculable.

Andrew became interested in becoming a lawyer after Aldridge told him about the beautiful blueprint. This is also a requirement for becoming a broker.

Andrew often fantasises that the unachievable football superstars are his clients, but just being able to get in touch with them at close range is like dreaming, and Aldridge is studying football tactics every day. Although England is famous for its rough play in the contemporary era, overall, English football has made an indelible contribution to the world football process, even if half of its players are. The trend-setting WM tactical change of Arsenal, the Arsenal before the century, is not there.

When Aldridge really started to put himself into a coach's perspective and began to study the video of the game, he found that his former audience's perspective was very undesirable, especially when watching the game in front of the TV. Most of the time, only one of the football games was seen. The small part, even though it is a beautiful part, can't cover the general nature of the whole game.

In Sander's video store, he was able to play a wonderful game over and over for a week or more. He wrote the book himself. He wanted to position each offensive and defensive player, move players, track football, etc. Wait for thorough thinking.

With the passage of time, Aldridge's views on the football game have improved qualitatively. In his eyes, there is no chance for every goal to be conceded, and every goal is difficult to get with luck. After thinking that he has stood outside the gate of the football coach, since Aldridge works part-time in Sand's shop, the gangsters in the community do not make trouble in the shop. Sand saw Aldrich as obsessed with football game videos, so he always looked for more game videos to bring to him when he received the goods. Especially the videos of other European league games.

Winter came to spring, and after 87 years, Aldridge lived step by step. Big Brother Barnett tried to integrate into this cannibalistic game on the London Stock Exchange, and he was not eager to invest his capital.

Aldrich didn't know about a financial investment in his previous life, but he was a good student, and he highlighted the famous "Black Monday" in his textbooks. The time of the outbreak was October 1987. This is a rare opportunity for the Hall family.

Aldridge will also go to the Lion's Cave Stadium on weekdays to watch the Wild Lions play Millwall. However, he is always disappointed, comes back, and feels very rejected by the Millwall fans' actions.

If Millwall plays against West Ham United, then the rogue fan group will go crazy within half an hour of receiving the news. The result of the game is not important at all. On the contrary, the off-court war starts before the game begins. It continued after the game.

The Heather tragedy in the 1980s was only a sign of English football hooliganism. The amount of football hooliganism that the domestic media and government suppressed and the nation subdued is almost endless. Millwall and West Ham United are the representatives of this. Sex team.

Aldridge wants to focus on the court, but England football has a tendency to go backwards, which is understandable. The English clubs that are banned from participating in the three European Cups are in a rhythm that is derailed from Europe, not to mention the second-level league. The technical content is not high, and the tactics are also lacking. It is the most intuitive visual sense to hold up the long pass and hold the ball with brutal movement and strong force.

Under such circumstances, Aldridge's game against Millwall seemed to be disappointing, although there was a rising star in the team: Sheringham.

In all fairness, Millwall moved up from the second division to the first division last season and finished the job of getting out of the second division last season. This season, let alone hitting the top league, at least has a firm footing. The team is in an ascending period. Derridge felt dull about Millwall's game.

He thought that these feelings came from games that had a lot of strategy in the past, and he didn't like games that were rough and cruel. It was the sea that was difficult for the water; on the other hand, it was also a factor of watching the environment. Among Millwall fans, there is not even one minute to enjoy the game quietly, and their ears are always filled with fans' words of cursing and slamming.

Soon, the 1986–87 second division came to an end. Millwall performed slightly better than last season but has not jumped into the top league three times in a row like mad Wimbledon. However, Sheringham will be next season. After finishing the loan and returning to the team, the performance of the team will be greatly improved.

In a year, Aldridge has accumulated a lot of knowledge about football tactics. In addition to his own research, he reads books, but he implicitly feels that he needs more systematic and professional training, so he has the idea of studying football coaches.

It was not until the end of 1987 that Aldrich realised this idea. The day after the arrival of Black Monday in October, Barnett returned home late at night, trembling with excitement and telling everyone in the family: Fortune!

The decades of economic prosperity after World War II finally reached their culmination. The European and American economies went into recession after Black Monday...

Barnett used borrowing and financial market leverage to operate. Although he didn't have much capital, he also earned hundreds of thousands of pounds. Then he took advantage of the low price and absorbed many stocks that Aldridge believes will have outstanding performance in the future. He was funded, officially suspended, and entered the professional system of football coach training.

Every year in the competition, Aldridge uses his memory to make a lot of money. He's 88 years old, 90 years old, 92 years old, etc.

Since coming to this era in the summer of 1986 and becoming the youngest son of the Hall family, eight years have passed.

On May 20, 1994, Aldridge flew from Zurich back to London. He went to take part in a teaching speech course organised by FIFA. When he took a taxi to East London, he looked at the street backwards. Jun Lang Si Wen's face is full of trance.

In recent years, he has travelled all over Europe. He travels to various places to study, which not only adds to his experience but also gives him the most intuitive feeling for different styles of football in Europe.

The taxi stopped in front of the villa on the outskirts of London. Aldrich paid the fare and tip. With the help of the taxi driver, he took out his two large suitcases from the trunk.

Then, Aldridge looked at the manor-style villa, which had an extremely large area filled with infinite emotion.

Today, he can be regarded as Gao Fushuai.

The growth of the Hall family's wealth is like a rocket. When the European economy is in recession, Aldridge suggests that his brother shift his investment focus to emerging Asian markets. Before the Asian financial turmoil swept through, the Asian economy was the only one to make a fortune. Selected.

Estimates are that Barnett's total wealth is now more than 200 million pounds, and it is still going up. It is well-known in London, and it also has good working relationships with many business families in North America.

The door in front of the villa was open. Aldrich walked in with two large suitcases. There were several luxury cars parked on both sides of the wide road. Aldrich did not care. He bypassed the fountain in front of the door and arrived at the door.

Before he put down his luggage and knocked on the door, there was no response. Aldridge pressed the door handle and pushed the door straight was no response. Aldridge pressed the door handle and pushed the door straight. He had just opened the door, and there was a flower in front of him. Mother Amelia sounded like a firecracker. Countless coloured bars fell from the sky and fell on Aldrich's flowing blonde hair.

"Son, happy birthday!"

Amelia stepped forward to hug Audric, kissing him on the forehead.

Aldridge smiled afterwards and saw a crowd of people in the hall on the first floor. In front of him were the costumed Amelia and her father, Arthur, who had been in good health in recent years.

After letting go of his mother, Aldridge stepped forward to hug his father. He smiled and said, "Your stomach is too scary." Arthur smiled silently while holding a cigar.

Aldrich turned his head to look at the pair of men and women standing next to him. The elder brother Barnett and the sister-in-law Lia both looked like Lang Cai and women.

Barnett embarked on an affectionate embrace with Aldridge and smiled in his ear: "Birthday gift; I put it in your study; be sure you like it." Barnett's father is just a spoilt brat to his two younger brothers.

Aldridge smiled and did not care, then turned his head to look at Andrew, who was also in his early twenties. The two did not hug; Aldridge directly grabbed the glass from the other hand, and the two brothers laughed without saying anything.

There were many guests in the lobby, most of whom were acquaintances who lived in the neighbourhood, and there were also many old classmates and colleagues of two brothers and their parents.

These people, except for a very few Aldridges, have impressions, but most of them are unknown.

The guests who came here were also curious. The youngest son of the Hall family was away all year, and he did not come back several times throughout the year. I heard that this young man was learning how to be a football coach outside.

Aldrich's return happened to be on his birthday. He didn't mind hosting a party at home. After all, the Hall family is now remarkable in London, which is not comparable to the more wealthy outsiders.

Aldridge was very restrained at the party but was able to talk and laugh with everyone who came to speak to him, showing his elegance.

It wasn't until late at night that Aldrich came up to his room. He first placed his salute properly. In two large boxes, one for clothes and the other for books and materials, he planned to put all the books in the study. And inadvertently saw a folder on the table.

He opened the folder curiously and took a closer look until he was surprised to find that this was a contract document for the ownership of the football club.

He stared at the two names in the contract.

One is his own.

The other is the name of the football club.

Millwall Football Club!