2.28 A Gift

In the end, Jeffrey accepted Selina's offer, half of it because he had received too much of a shock to think with sane mind and the other half of it was because of a dream he got a few days later.

In that dream, he met the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, who claimed that she was the creator of all vampires. The Goddess came bearing the clouds with crystal tears sliding down her cheeks, filled with much sorrow and grief. "My most beloved child, Raphael, is dying. His time has come but...if he continues like this, he will eventually go berserk and destroy the world. The chosen warrior, I beseech you, please stop him."

Light engulfed Jeffrey and a sword descended from the sky accompanied by a cacophony of lightning, its blade was pitch black, not even the light could be reflected there. Every inch of the blade exuded a holy aura, so pious that Jeffrey couldn't bear to look straight at it.