3.11 Until He Dies

Rosemane's eyes widened in shock. Immense satisfaction filled Oliver, especially as the horse omega shrieked in disbelief. "F—Future bond?!"

"Yeah." The corner of Oliver's mouth curled into a pompous smile and he leaned his head on Lu Yizhou's chest in a spoilt manner. "I was just talking about it with Father Emperor. Oh? Could it be...you haven't known about it yet that's why you carelessly tried to approach my mate?" He emphasized on the last few words, making Rosemane's face redden in shame and anger. Oliver knew that it was really unlike himself to spur Rosemane on, to exert dominance over another—he was used to not having anything he could call his own. He didn't know where he got the courage to do this either but currently, the only thing in his mind was how to instill the fact into her head that Altair belonged to no one else but him.