3.41 Such A Tease! [M]

Oliver had no idea how long the Alpha had been awake but one thing for certain was, it definitely hadn't been a short time, judging from the messy tear on the mattress courtesy to his elongated claws. Even now, in such a situation where instinct had taken over his body, Oliver could clearly sense him hesitating. He didn't come into Oliver's waiting arms like the omega wished. Instead he simply stared, stared and stared as if he couldn't get enough.

What was he hesitant for? Oliver wondered. Sometimes he got the feeling that Lu Yizhou treated him too much like a fragile porcelain, afraid that he would suffer the slightest bit of crack, cradling him within his palms and fearing to touch for himself. Afraid to have, afraid to own. 

What are you afraid of, Altair?