3.62 No Need For Sorrys

Finally, the external sounds were muffled and all Oliver could feel, see and hear was Lu Yizhou. His breathing, the flex of his biceps, and the warmth that emanated off him through his soaked clothes. Lu Yizhou's body was very, very warm and he was like a huge portable heater to ward off the chill around Oliver's body. The cold fabric sticking to their skin was uncomfortable but Oliver couldn't ask for anything more. Lu Yizhou gently lowered him until his feet touched the floor but Oliver tightened his hold around the Alpha's neck, unwilling to separate, head firmly tucked into the crook of his neck and Oliver absolutely adored how the Alpha stooped low to a seemingly uncomfortable angle so that Oliver didn't have to strain himself.

"I told you," he murmured into the Alpha's skin. "You have to try harder if you want to chase me away."

Lu Yizhou's breath hitched above his head. "Oliver, I—"