4.44 Don't Underestimate Me! [M]

"Oh?" Heimo giggled. "Do you also like that? Then you should stay like that— ah!—until we are done, okay?" He parted his legs further and guided the tip of Lu Yizhou's cock right to his entrance. The blunt surface rubbed against his sensitive part and he almost doubled over in shock. His limbs trembled after catching a glimpse of that unknown ecstasy. How…? He hadn't touched that part of him before, so he hadn't expected that it would feel this… this intense! His head dropped to Lu Yizhou's shoulder as he took in shaky breaths, still reveling in wonder.

"Lan'er?" Above came Lu Yizhou's concerned voice. "You can't put it in just like that. You have to loosen up—" He let out a harsh sigh. "Let me help you at least."

"No!" Heimo straightened up and declared stubbornly. "I can do it! Don't underestimate me!"

"You will get hurt," the man warned.