5.16 Like What You See?

Terra's hand was trembling ever so slightly as he moved to touch the man's cheek, just like how he had been itching since the first time Kai had appeared in front of him with flames blazing his skin. His lips parted in a shaky exhale and only when he felt the burn in his lungs did Terra realize he had been holding his breath all these while. His thumb glided up to stroke the faded cut near his cheekbones. The man's eyelashes fluttered and he tilted his head to lean into the touch more.

A twinge of pain shot through Terra's chest at the affectionate gesture.

Who are you? His lips parted without a sound. What are you doing to me?

Terra had heard of the sentinel and guide's bond before. A partner, a life companion, a lover. He knew the theory in his head but he had never given it much thought. Surely, a guide like him wouldn't be able to find a sentinel in his life. Who would want a violent and murderous guide in their life?