5.19 National Hooligan

"I'm sure you know what I wish to talk about, General."

Lu Yizhou hummed and closed the door of Doctor Wyatt's office behind him. It devastated him to leave his lover as soon as they confirmed that yes, they could indeed form a bond right there and then. It would be just like Altair and Oliver all over again, to be linked both in body and soul, though Lu Yizhou had to study first how to form a spiritual union between a sentinel and guide.

Lu Yizhou had never once doubted his compatibility with Terra, albeit he didn't expect that they would break the machine in the process. As much as it pained him to admit, there were more pressing matters to solve before he could truly let his guard down. He couldn't stay with Terra knowing that out there, the person — parasite? — who had ordered his death was still alive and kicking, possibly having the best time of their life.