5.37 Be Confident [M]

As soon as the sound fell off his lips, he clamped his mouth shut, appalled. W—What kind of sound was that? He had no idea he could ever produce that kind of… that kind of obscenity! Behind him, Lu Yizhou huffed quietly in laughter, making Terra's ears burn even more.

Shivers raked across his whole body. Not from the cold this time, he was sure. His cock gave an enthusiastic jump in response and a strangled sound escaped Terra's throat when he sensed a patch of wetness spreading on the silk where the tip was straining against. T—That was… That was— He gasped and doubled over in shock when Lu Yizhou thumbed the head of his wet cock, pressing and smearing the wet liquid and effectively spoiling the clean nightgown. "L—Lu Yizhou!" Terra's voice was strained, pleading despite not knowing what he really wanted. It was just too… too much. He couldn't stop trembling and he felt like he was going to jump out of his own skin.