6.59 Take Cover!

"Protect the citizens!" Bassil hollered as he directed the Duchy's soldiers. "Bring the wounded inside the manor. Anybody who has adequate medical skill, I beseech your help to apply first emergency treatment!"

People were running back and forth along the street. The gate to the Duke's manor was wide open for the first time in decades. Bassil had gone through something like this once before. At that time, the land was plagued with civil wars and the Old Master still hadn't been bestowed by a noble rank yet. He was just a powerful General who led thousands of armies to protect his home country whilst offering his own house for a shelter. 

People first, yourself second. This was the principle that had been taught in the Lacrosa Family for generations. 

Even though Bassil was no General, he was still a member of the Lacrosa Family. As long as his brittle bones could still move, he would fight until his last breath!