6.67 I Will Miss You

"Hey. I know you're not sleeping. Hey!"

"Shut up." Jillian groaned and mushed his face into the pillow that still somehow smelled of Lu Yizhou. Even though God needed no sleep, it didn't mean that he wasn't tired. Lu Yizhou that brute! Izher too, both of them were equally insane! He still got shudders whenever he recalled the stunt the other two had put him through. What did they think he was? An elastic band?! "Don't talk to me or else."

"Or else what?" Izher challenged.

Jillian turned his head sideways to glare at Izher. It was so easy to shoot out one feet to kick Izher's shin now that they were lying side by side. Jillian's face turned smug when Izher let out a hiss of pain. 

"You…!" He fumed. "You're lucky that I can't move right now or else!"