7.10 I Will Remember You!

Damn it, damn it, damn it! Zion cursed vehemently as he shook off his pursuers' trail all the while clutching his bleeding stomach. Fortunately, he dodged in the nick of time otherwise the bullet would have gone straight to his heart!

That fucker Moshe… he was seeking death! Wait until Zion got back to him. By that time, Zion would make sure to wipe that repulsive smile off his face!

Zion gritted his teeth as he merged with the crowd in the entertainment district. It was close to the suburban area, the hubbub of BBQ stalls, night market and cinemas welcomed him. The air was filled with the mouth-watering smell of roasted meat and people were too engrossed in their own business to care about him. 

He slipped through the crowd agilely, eyes scanning around in alert. His people who came with him to this transaction had all perished under Moshe's lackeys so he only had to hang on until reinforcements arrived.