8.126 Oncoming Storm*

Early on, Lu Yizhou had already calculated his moves with 666. 

The game lasted for five hours and there were four of them. It was greatly different from the night Lu Yizhou snuck in where there were only two people, making it easier for Captain Rong to hunt. Lu Yizhou had the blueprint and he already memorized it in heart. All he had to do was to get through these five hours safely.

First, he would hide as long as he could. If it went well, then he could play 'hide-and-seek' and evade Captain Rong for three hours. There were three other werewolves which needed the captain's attention so he would not necessarily hunt Lu Yizhou alone. If Lu Yizhou was lucky, he could even drag this guerilla tactic for four hours. 

The last hour would specially be reserved for the fight.