9.6 Genius And Freak

[666: A–Aye aye, Host!]

God knew how relieved he was when the familiar prompt appeared in front of his eyes. He had suffered enough already moving blindly in the previous simulation, dancing on the tip of death again and again and almost failing to save the villain. Lu Yizhou's tense shoulders relaxed. As long as he had the original plot, then everything would be easier.

He directed another glare at the zombies nearby out of spite and sat down to digest the plot.

To no one's surprise, this world was an apocalypse modern world. 

Just like any other apocalypse stories, the problems originated from an error in the government's secret project regarding genetic sequence. At first, they planned to study the animals' and plants' recovery rate. Despite not being the top of the food chain, animals and plants had their own special way to hasten their cell generation.