How. Dare. You!

In the end, before Zeke could even do anything in retaliation, he lost consciousness due to exhaustion. Even though the assassin's pocket smelled so bad, at least it was warm and Zeke's freezing body heated up soon after. 

There were a few times he was roused awake in between, groggy and muddleheaded. First, it looked like the assassin was getting rid of his bloody clothes because Zeke could feel himself being carried out, and then when he got inside the pocket again, the scent of blood had become greatly diluted. Second time, his ears pricked up the buzz of conversation from afar as well as the familiar soft rumble of large engines. 

Alarm rang in his mind, clearing his mind enough for him to comprehend what sound it was. This… was a space shuttle?

Exactly where was this person going to take him to?!