Intermission 1: Lan Meigui Feeling

Lan Meigui room

Currently there are only two people's left in Lan Meigui room

Both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian have left the room and currently only Lan Meigui and You Ge is here


You Ge is currently sitting in the floor in front of Lan Meigui bed, the usual small stool that Lan Xiao sit whenever he is in the room is right beside her.

both Lan Meigui and You Ge are having conversations

"Still for you to actually say something like that, isn't it kind of cruel master"

You Ge is currently speaking regarding the matter of Lan Xiao taking Zi Zexian as maid, she is also suprisingly speaking it slightly informal tone.

She is afterall Lan Meigui oldest disciples, she have been with her for a very long time, more that 500.000 years old.

She knows a lot of personal stuff regarding Lan Meigui that no one, not even her junior sisters knew.

And one of that is really regarding the treatment of Zi Zexian

She knew that in the past Lan Meigui was targeted by a lustful prince, and to protect her numerous people's she hold dear is killer, including one of her elder sister Lan Xiao'er.

Thanks to these, Lan Meigui develop hatred towards young masters who abuse their power to forcefully take the innocence of maiden.

So in her youth. Although she will never go all the way to save random maiden who is in trouble, if she happen to see one getting harassed by young master, she will by the end of the day kill not only said young master, but also his parents, family, even ancestors completely eliminating bloodline of said family.

It always get in her in trouble but by the end of the day she'll somehow be the winner.

kind of familiar isn't it?

Of course she doesn't do that anymore, halfway through her journey, due to some circumstances, she who is originally what can be considered "good guy" turn into a completely "bad guy".

Without going into detail, it involves her hunting some types of people's who have oddly high amount of luck and deprived them of their chances, all for the sake of her revenge.

Thanks to these her originally kind mindset becoming more and more colder to the point where she have zero problems killing people's who anger her even slightly.

But one thing that never change is her hatred toward young master who abuse their power to forcefully steal woman's.


So it is kind of understandable that You Ge is quite confused by what Lan Meigui just did

Don't get her wrong, what happen toward Zi Zexian is her own fault, the consequences of her own actions.

Still she kind of feel bad for her, just a bit tho.


However Lan Meigui doesn't answer her immediately, her gaze is directed at the bright moon that is visible outside the window.

This remind her of a certain night, a night where she made her choice to have her own child.

Originally, the only reason she is going to have a child is to fulfil her elder sister wish, of course she is still going to take good care of her child once he/she is born.

But everything chance during the day she first lay her eyes upon her son, Lan Xiao

Something suddenly rises in her, something that she never feel before

The feeling of love

She know that one the reason for these feeling is due to the small part of her soul and Yin energy that she used to create him.

It make her not only feel attracted to him, but also make her want to protect him will all her being

This is also the reasons why many powerful woman who use this technique to create a child end up having man and woman relationship with their child.

Does she know that the ritual will have this effect?

Of course she know, she is goddamn Lan Meigui.

It is however surprise her how powerful the effect actually is.

If she were to truly resist the effect she could one-hundred percent do it

But she chooses not to, afterall why should she?

So in the end she choose to allow the feelings to affect her, and she have no regret.

Watching him grow up make her genuinely happy

This past decade have been more fun than she have in the past thousands of years.

She is willing to do many thing for him even if it were something evil or bad, even if it's clashes with her moral.

Afterall what use of all the power she have if she can't make her son happy?

Plus with these the continuation of the Lan family royal bloodline will continue.

The current ruler of the Lan empire are descendants of her cousins who is at the time were dukes of the empire.

Her elder sister Lan Xue refuses to have a husband and child after what happen to the empire, and choose to be come a guardian for the empire, she mostly spend her time cultivating and only appears occasionally.

'I need to introduce Lan Xiao to her one these days'


She then look at You Ge and answer her question and let out a small smile

"I think you already know the answer Ge'er"

Hearing her master response, You Ge can only smile and shake her head.