Case 03: “No Longer a Princess.“

Another year has passed since then…

With Duan Gen watching over Liu Meifeng she rarely feels sick or passed out like back then. Seeing that her daughter has become energetic again, the Emperor and the Empress started to feel some hope. Perhaps it was unnecessary for Meifeng to study Cultivation after all!

Just as promised, Liu Xiurong brought Liu Meifeng to the underwater park. Lin Jiao also came along since she's Liu Meifeng's caretaker. The three of them had changed into a light and flexible attire made for underwater activities. These clothes were designed by the famous seamstress in the Qianghai kingdom. Since both of them can't breathe underwater; the guide gave them an elastic bubble filled with oxygen. So, they can breathe under the water for approximately up to five hours.

The three of them strolled around, Liu Meifeng thought that Qianghai kingdom only consists of the palace along with the small floating village. But she was mistaken. Deep under the sea, there's an underwater town which is actually the capital of Qianghai kingdom. At the entrance of the capital, there are two giant statues standing on each side of the gate. Both statues looked like two guards wearing ancient china heavy-armors; it was truly magnificent.

Liu Xiurong swayed her delicate hand up and a carriage pulled by luminous blue seahorses. Liu Meifeng's eyes widened when she saw the seahorses but, more importantly, there's no coachman to control the carriage. Then, she stares at the luminous blue seahorses, her Aquamarine's eyes glistened. Not only are the seahorses taller than her, but it might also be around her father's height which is around 6'4 feet. Liu Xiurong picked up Liu Meifeng and put her inside the carriage, later she and Lin Jiao got inside the carriage as well.

"To the Underwater Park." Once Liu Xiurong spoke, the seahorses let out a cry of excitement and immediately pulled the carriage at immense speed.

Strangely, even though those seahorses strode quite fast; inside the carriage was completely unaffected by the speed. Even when the seahorses turned around the carriage was completely quiet and kept its passengers safe.

Around five minutes or less, the carriage had arrived in front of the Underwater Park. Lin Jiao got off first and helped Liu Xiurong down. Once her feet touched the ground, Liu Xiurong turned around to pick up Liu Meifeng. The three of them tramping around the park. Lin Jiao repeatedly asked Liu Xiurong to let her hold Liu Meifeng instead but she refused to let go of Liu Meifeng. The Empress truly doted on the princess too much.

At the Underwater Park, the three of them saw many sea plants and corals in various colors. It was really an exquisite scenery until Liu Meifeng wished she had a camera right here and now. To capture this gorgeous nature!

While strolling around, the three of them accidentally met Zhu Xinpeng, the General of Qianghai kingdom. Next to him, there's a little boy who's around the same age as Liu Meifeng. The two of them had dark-blue hair and Aquamarine eyes. Although they had the same eye colors as Liu Meifeng, but hers was special. In Liu Meifeng's Aquamarine eyes there's like an extra sparkling effect to it. Making whoever stare at her sparkling Aquamarine eyes will be entranced.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Empress and her Highness the Princess." Zhu Xinpeng said as he and the little boy beside him gave a curtsy. Liu Xiurong smiled and nodded, then she asked gently "Who is this handsome young boy?"

Zhu Xinpeng flinched a bit as if he had forgotten something. He gave a light push to the little boy beside him, "This is my son Zhu You, he's three years old this year."

Only then, Liu Xiurong put down Liu Meifeng to greet the little boy.

"Meifeng, why don't you greet the General's son?"


Liu Meifeng placed her small hand on her chest and smiled beautifully, "I'm Liu Meifeng, the Princess of the Qianghai kingdom. Although, I am a princess but you don't have to be so formal with me. We can be friends."

Zhu You's round-cheek smeared red, it's not like it's his first time seeing a beautiful girl. But Liu Meifeng is just special, her dark lustrous hair, her pale skin and her Aquamarine eyes that sparkled like the stars in the sky. All of her features were nothing like all the women Zhu You met so far.

Seeing that his son didn't say anything, Zhu Xinpeng slapped his shoulder. Zhu You blinked twice and lost his words. Liu Xiurong chuckled as she thought that her daughter already enticed her first playmate with a simple introduction.

"Now now, don't tease the poor boy too much. Meifeng, shall we invite the General and his son to join us? It's your birthday after all."

A thunder struck both Zhu Xinpeng and Zhu You. Zhu Xinpeng anxiously asked, "T-today is.. her Highness's birthday?" Liu Xiurong chuckled once again and answered "Yes, but don't worry. It's Liu Meifeng's wish not to hold a banquet this year. She only wishes to go sight-seeing at the Underwater Park. Other than that, Liu Meifeng never stepped out of the palace. Naturally, those who live outside the palace won't know."

Both Zhu Xinpeng and Zhu You let out a relieved sigh, then the two of them gave a salutation. "Please forgive our recklessness, If your Majesty and her Highness don't mind. Please allow us to accompany you in case there's danger. But of course, we will send gifts to her Highness as well. Would that be alright?"

Liu Xiurong turned to Liu Meifeng, "What do you think?"

Liu Meifeng propped her chin and considered. Then, she gave another beautiful smile to the General and his son.

"Meifeng doesn't need presents. Meifeng wants a friend!"

Both Liu Xiurong and Zhu Xinpeng turned their backs in unison while covering their mouth. Thinking about Liu Meifeng irresistible charm. The princess is just too adorable!

Liu Meifeng ignored them and walked up to Zhu You. She lured her hand in front of him, "Will you be my friend?"

Zhu You was astonished but he quickly shook Liu Meifeng's hand.

"Of course! It's truly an honor to be your Highness's friend. Someday, when we grow up I'll definitely be your attendant!"

Zhu Xinpeng was shocked to hear that. He didn't expect her son to submit himself to become the princess's attendant. Truthfully, Zhu You was someone who doesn't like to be ordered around; much less to be someone's attendant. But after hearing such a resolute declaration, Zhu Xinpeng couldn't help but admire Liu Meifeng even more. For who knows how many times he tried to convince Zhu You to get a high position in the palace. And he always refused him, saying that he wants to be free and all. Yet, Liu Meifeng only used the word 'friend' and smiled at him. He already wishes to be her attendant, perhaps the princess inherited her father's natural-born leader talent. Alas, if it wasn't the news about her weak health and short lifespan. She might become a perfect leader to the Qianghai kingdom. Besides, Qianghai kingdom favors talent more than genders. If one is more than qualified to be a leader, be it a prince or princess they could ascend to the throne.

Liu Meifeng smiles even brighter, after three years of living with adults at the palace. She finally found a playmate who's the same age as her. Today is a good day!

The two of them spend their time playing together. Seeing that the kids were getting along well, the three adults who stood behind them smiled as well. Especially Liu Xiurong and Lin Jiao. For these past three years, Liu Meifeng rarely behaved like a child. She eats everything without any complaint, she doesn't cause trouble and most importantly sometimes she gives a solution for some political matters. It's as if she's an adult trapped in an adorable tiny body. That's why when they saw how Liu Meifeng and Zhu You played around like a normal kid would do. The two of them constantly think 'this is what a kid should behave'.

Without realizing the sky had turned bright orange and it's time for the Underwater Park to close. The two families bid their farewell after spending a pleasant time. The General and his son live at the capital, so they don't need a carriage to take them home.

When Liu Meifeng reached the surface, she happily changed to her palace dress with Lin Jiao helping her. Liu Xiurong was wearing a much simpler dress, so she came out sooner. She patiently waits for the other two to finish changing as she enjoys the sunset.

"Mother!" Liu Meifeng called happily and threw herself to her mother's embrace.

"How was today? Do you want anything else? It's still your birthday."

Liu Meifeng shook her head and hugged her mother tighter, "No, today is the best day ever!" Both Liu Xiurong and Lin Jiao chuckled, then the three of them got into the imperial carriage and returned to the palace.

When the three of them arrived, Liu Yongchang was waiting at the palace entrance. Liu Yongchang helped Liu Xiurong to get down the carriage, the two of them staring at each other intimately for a while.

"How was today?"

"Everything is fine, Meifeng even found a new playmate today."

"Oho, sounds interesting. You must tell me about it later." Liu Yongchang poked Liu Xiurong's nose playfully. The guards around them tried their best to hold their laughter. Liu Yongchang was known for a cold and heartless Emperor, but when he stood in front of his wife. He becomes somewhat childish and loving. Liu Yongchang realized that the guards were quietly laughing at him, thus he glared at them. The guards winced and lowered their heads.

"Father, no angry!" Liu Meifeng said as she stood inside the carriage. Liu Yongchang sighed and held Liu Meifeng to his arms. He walked back to the palace along with Liu Meifeng on his arms and Liu Xiurong walking beside him.

"Nope, father isn't angry. Anyway, did you have fun today?"

Liu Meifeng wrapped her arms around Liu Yongchang's neck and nudged his cheek with hers. "Yes, but it'll be much more fun if father joined as well."

Liu Yongchang smiled and gave Liu Meifeng a peck on the cheek, "Forgive Emperor father for not being able to celebrate your birthday. Say, do you want anything in return? Father will try his best to fulfill it."

Liu Meifeng looked at Liu Yongchang curiously, "Really? Anything?"

Liu Yongchang nodded and pointed to the ceiling, "Of course. Emperor words mean everything!" Liu Xiurong chuckled, the three of them went to the dining room. As usual, Lin Jiao helped Liu Meifeng to cut some meat on her plate. While she's still thinking about what she wants. After pondering for a few minutes, she finally said…

"I want Emperor father and mother to promise me something."

Liu Yongchang stuffed a piece of fish meat into his mouth, "Sure."

Liu Meifeng heave a sigh and said solemnly, "Whatever happens, please don't throw me away." When Liu Meifeng said this, both Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong dropped their fork on the plate. To be honest, today when Liu Meifeng played with Zhu You. She found out something regarding her illness, including the fact that she will die at the age of ten. Of course, Zhu You didn't say it blatantly. It's because Liu Meifeng accidentally touched Zhu You's hand and overheard what he said deep inside his heart.

It's a shame that the princess will die at the age of ten…

Liu Meifeng was baffled beyond words. At first, she didn't believe it right away. But after proper consideration, she finally realized. Why her mother was crying back then, why the palace servants gaze at her with such pity, and why her father placed Duan Gen to monitor her health. When she finally heard the truth, she simply sighed and pretended like it was nothing. Liu Meifeng isn't scared of death but, what she's scared of is the things that she might regret after death. When she was Xu Haoran she regretted not paying enough attention to Huang Liangjin; the only person who cares about her. Not only the fact that he was threatened, but it's also the fact that he had harbored such feelings for her. It must be very suffocating for him, he had suffered and she doesn't know anything about it or try to find it out. She simply just let him be and pretend everything was fine while that's not the case at all.

That's why this time Liu Meifeng only wished for one thing. That is to spend the rest of her life with her parents and her new friend Zhu You. She won't regret a single thing. She finally had loving parents and a great friend. She doesn't mind if she died a virgin as well. What can she do anyway? Even if her body is of a young girl, she's still Xu Haoran. To be enticed by her opposite sex is nearly impossible. Hence, she only wished her parents wouldn't throw her away when she finally reached her limit.

Lin Jiao suddenly hugged Liu Meifeng while sobbing quietly. Liu Xiurong's eyes were reddened too, she placed her knife and fork on the plate as if she's full. Seeing that, Liu Meifeng realized that she was just misspoken and timidly apologized.

"Um.. sorry, I think that was quite inappropriate to say."


Liu Meifeng winced when Liu Yongchang called her name. Is she going to be punished now?

"Y-yes, Emperor father?"

"No matter what happens… even if you are a mixed-blood, even if you decided to go somewhere else, even if you hate Emperor father, even if the world turned against you. I will never ever throw you away.. that goes the same for your Empress mother. You are our beloved child, our proudest daughter and the greatest princess of Qianghai kingdom. Blessed by Heaven and the Goddess of the sea. Don't ever look down on yourself, we will never abandon you… understand?"

Liu Meifeng nodded, although her father sounded harsh but those words made her happy.

"Thank yo—"

Suddenly, Liu Meifeng had a migraine. Her visions turned blurry and she spat out blood. Both Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong were shocked. They hurriedly came to Liu Meifeng and carried her. Liu Xiurong tilted her head to Lin Jiao, "Lin Jiao, please call Duan Gen to the princess's bed-chamber."


Lin Jiao strode from the dining room to find Duan Gen. Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong quickly bring Liu Meifeng back to her chamber. At that time, Liu Meifeng already lost consciousness.

Soon, Duan Gen came inside Liu Meifeng's bed-chamber. Both Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong panicked and asked Duan Gen to examine Liu Meifeng.

Duan Gen held Liu Meifeng's wrist and read her pulse. There's no mistaking it, Liu Meifeng's illness has relapsed. Duan Gen placed Liu Meifeng's hand on the bed and turned to Liu Yongchang.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid you have to make a choice now."

Liu Yongchang's breath turned disordered and answered, "Why? What's wrong with her?"

Duan Gen sighed and said solemnly, "The princess's condition had weakened once again. I assume the princess felt a great sorrow today, and this negative emotion had weakened her immune system. Since the air is like a poison to her it greatly damages her lungs, which is why she spits out blood. For other diagnoses, this great sorrow had also made her Qi power rampaging inside her body and shut down her consciousness. She might not wake up for more or less than a month. I could repress her Qi power, but I can't heal her lungs. If a similar case happened again in the future, I'm afraid…" Duan Gen stopped as he did not dare to finish his sentence.

Liu Xiurong collapsed on the ground, Liu Yongchang who had been holding his tears panicked. He kneeled on the ground to match his height with Liu Xiurong. The two hugged each other tightly, "Your Majesty… what should we do? Meifeng is… she is…!" Liu Xiurong's voice turned hoarse as she buried her face on Liu Yongchang's chest. Liu Yongchang turned his head to face the ceiling and closed his eyes.

"Duan Gen."

"This subject is here."

"I've decided…"

Duan Gen lowered his head as he listened to the Emperor before him.



At the same time, somewhere in Zuguo kingdom a two years old girl seems to be reading a martial arts technique scroll. The girl had a Jet eyes color and beautiful dark-brown hair. She's called Zhao Yu, the second child of the Zhao family. While she's reading the scroll, a young boy who is a bit older than her approached her. He had the same Jet eyes as her and dark-brown hair as well. Although, they looked rather similar, but his jaws are much sharper. This boy is the eldest son of the Zhao family, Zhao Yi. He sat next to the girl and stared at her curiously, "Yu-er, shouldn't you take a break? You've been staring at this scroll the entire time."

"Because I need to understand some of these moves. It's the only way to impress father." Zhao Yu said firmly. Zhao Yi sighed and shook his head and stood up, "Don't stay up late. It's not good for your health."

"I've got it."

Zhao Yi left Zhao Yu alone in the study room. In her previous life, she had a doting family despite only being supported by a single-parent. Their life was rough as they live in poverty, but they always support each other.

"I didn't expect in this life I would get a cold-hearted father and manipulative mother." Zhao Yu sighed again and continued to inspect the scroll. Although, she had been reincarnated but Zhao Yu still had the memory of her previous life.

Zhao Yu leaned on the chair and chuckled sorrowfully, "Perhaps, this is my punishment for betraying him."

Who knows if this was destiny or a mere coincidence. But this attractive little girl was once the assistant of the respected genius detective, Xu Haoran. The one that betrayed his own best friend, Huang Liangjin.