Case 10: “Unexpected Affair and Dire Situations.”

After yesterday's terrible misunderstanding, Liu Meifeng took the initiative to get along with Yang Baimei as well. Other than having a secret motive to get along with her soon-to-be mother-in-law, she also felt guilty for adding another chasm in her disharmony marriage's life. But of course, before facing the female gargantuan Liu Meifeng didn't forget to prepare. After paying attention to Yang Baimei's life, Liu Meifeng came up with one conclusion…

This woman had been searching for someone…

Liu Meifeng knew this when she asked Zhao Yan about Yang Baimei's love for traveling. He said that she just enjoyed traveling around the world without any particular reason. But when Liu Meifeng asked where she had traveled most of the places were a secluded village in the thick forest. Surely, Yang Baimei didn't come there to look at the scenery of thatched roofs and trees. Although, Liu Meifeng already came up with one string.. but she didn't tell anyone about this. Hence, she decided to investigate the person herself.

Liu Meifeng purposely created momentum to cross paths with Yang Baimei. Either at the Zhao Mansion or the village, weirdly enough Yang Baimei doesn't seem to notice Liu Meifeng stalking her. So, she just does whatever she likes and used to do.

Yang Baimei walked to her study room and shut the door tightly, leaving her personal attendant guarding the front door. With this, Liu Meifeng was both flustered and excited… she knew that Yang Baimei must be doing something secretly inside that study room. She must find out about it no matter what it takes!

So, Liu Meifeng came to the easiest person to manipulate in the Zhao family.. that person is Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun was thrilled when he saw Liu Meifeng come to visit him. He was just about to get bored by training by himself, that's why he was so happy and immediately threw his sword to the ground as he dashed towards Liu Meifeng, "Meifeng jiejie! Are you here to join me today?"

Liu Meifeng smiled and patted Zhao Yun's head as she replied casually, "Not today, I'm here to ask you to help me with something but… I'm not sure if you can.." Liu Meifeng purposely doubting Zhao Yun's ability. That way the kid will surely promise to help Liu Meifeng no matter what. Surely, it is just what Liu Meifeng had predicted. Zhao Yun was fired up and swore to help Liu Meifeng with anything. This kid sure is simple…

"Earlier, I saw your mother brought something like a package. I genuinely think it was the food she bought during her trip.. I couldn't help but be curious about it. Maybe I could make it if I knew what kind of food it is. Will you help me?" Liu Meifeng lied just as she breathed.

Zhao Yun pondered for a moment, he crossed his arms as he said "Sure, but you have to make me a homemade cooking. How about it?" Liu Meifeng offered her fist to Zhao Yun and said in an agreement, "Okay." Zhao Yun grinned and showed his pearly white teeth, "Then, it's a deal!"

Outside Yang Baimei's study room, Liu Meifeng and Zhao Yun stood behind the wall to observe Yang Baimei's attendant, Fan Ping. Unlike any other attendants, Fan Ping is someone who doesn't speak too much. He mostly just nodded his head or said 'understood' to respond to a task given to him. Other than that, he just silently followed Yang Baimei from behind. Some people thought he's dumb but in reality, he just doesn't like to socialize. Today is no different either, he just silently guards the door.

Liu Meifeng already came up with a plan beforehand, she asked Zhao Yun to pretend to have a stomach ache and asked Fan Ping to help him to search for the medicine. Although, Fan Ping doesn't like to talk but if the situation asked for it. He's willing to talk for more inquiries.

"Isn't Lady Duan an apprentice of a physician? Why not go and ask her?" said Fan Ping, his words were pregnant with doubts.

Surely, Zhao Yun refused to give up and continue to pester Fan Ping.

"But she's currently not in the house, she went to pick some herbs in the forest."

Since Fan Ping hadn't seen a figure of Liu Meifeng, he thought Zhao Yun didn't lie and finally believed him. Besides, all the Zhao family except for Zhao Yun weren't at home. They're in the middle of training in the hill to strengthen their Qi. And he thought Liu Meifeng isn't at home either which means it isn't a problem for him to be gone for a while. Moreover, even he doesn't know why Yang Baimei needs him to guard the study room. Yang Baimei is a woman who values righteousness and virtue. There's no way she will do something evil or treacherous inside the study room.

Although Fan Ping doesn't like to talk too much, but he tends to think a lot. He sighed then turned to Zhao Yun, "Alright." The two of them finally leave the door. Zhao Yun didn't forget to turn back and show his thumbs up towards Liu Meifeng who's still hiding. Liu Meifeng raised her thumbs up as well and walked quietly to the door.

Fortunately, Yang Baimei didn't lock the door so she could open a small gap from the sliding door and peek inside. Liu Meifeng was shocked when she saw what Yang Baimei did inside her study room.

…no way.

Inside the room, Yang Baimei was smiling sweetly while looking at a painting. Her cheeks were rosy and she looked so beautiful and charming. Totally not like a female gargantuan… and the person in the painting was none other than Liu Meifeng's biological mother, Liu Xiurong.

Feeling a surge of complicated emotions, Liu Meifeng closed the door quietly to make sure not to make a sound. Then, she left the study room and headed towards the garden. She sat at the wooden bench not even speaking.

What was that? Did lady Yang know my mother? Why did she look at her mother's picture like that? Judging by the picture it seems like mother is a lot younger there…

Liu Meifeng sighed as she squats on the bench and burying her face on her knees. Liu Meifeng doesn't know how long she stayed in that position until Zhao Yu came to her.

"You're here.."

Liu Meifeng raised her head from her knees and saw Zhao Yu standing in front of her. Zhao Yu was just finished taking a bath which made her cheek appear to be rosy and released a calm aromatic body odor. She clads in a white simple clothing and a white ribbon tied on her lustrous dark-brown hair. Combined with the moonlight, she looked like a small angel who descended to earth. With such exquisite sight, Liu Meifeng who was feeling anxious staring at her in a daze.

Although, Zhao Yu hasn't grown to her full appearance since she's still five years old. But she can already put Liu Meifeng in a trance with her childish appearance. Since Liu Meifeng hadn't said anything, Zhao Yu placed her hand on Liu Meifeng's shoulder and patted it slightly.

"Is there something wrong?" Zhao Yu asked worriedly.

Since Liu Meifeng lied about her real identity before. Naturally, she can't tell Zhao Yu about this shocking news related to her imperial family. In the end, she just shook her head and smiled at Zhao Yu, "It's nothing. I just missed Shifu.." it's half the truth when she said this. Liu Meifeng indeed missed Duan Gen but, she's not anxious because of this.

Zhao Yu believed her, Duan Gen was her savior and closest family after all. Zhao Yu sat next to Liu Meifeng and coaxed her, "Don't worry, he will be back soon."

Liu Meifeng felt embarrassed for being coaxed by a five years old girl. Although, in this life she's only one year older than her. But inside she's actually an adult man in his thirties. Liu Meifeng couldn't help but feel ashamed inside her heart. If Huang Liangjin saw this, he must be laughing to the point of having asthma…

Alas, Liu Meifeng didn't know that the five years old girl is actually Huang Liangjin. Whenever Zhao Yu spent her time with Liu Meifeng, she repressed her thoughts about Xu Haoran. Thinking it's quite inappropriate to be close to someone while thinking about her former crush. Hence, Liu Meifeng never finds out that Zhao Yu is actually Huang Liangjin.

"It started to get cold, let's go back inside." Liu Meifeng stood up and stretched her hand to Zhao Yu.

"Okay." Zhao Yu took Liu Meifeng's hand and the two walked back to the house hand-in-hand.

The next day, Zhao Yun approached Liu Meifeng who was reading a book in Zhao Yu's study room. Zhao Yu was also present at the moment, so she's the one who opened the door.

"Xiao-Yun? What brings you here?" Zhao Yu asked casually.

Zhao Yun pointed to Liu Meifeng who's reading a book behind Zhao Yu, "Meifeng jiejie promised to cook for me today." Zhao Yu was surprised to hear this. She subconsciously stared at Liu Meifeng behind her. Feeling like being watched, Liu Meifeng turned her gaze towards the door and saw Zhao Yu and Zhao Yun looking at her. Liu Meifeng finally remembered what she had promised to Zhao Yun for helping her yesterday. Then, she closed her book and put it on the table as she slowly approached the door.

"Since it's almost lunchtime, shall I cook for the three of us?" Liu Meifeng said casually. There are only three persons and several maids inside the Zhao Mansion. Zhao Yi and Zhao Yan had gone to the Hue Hu sect at Huo Liu temple. While Yang Baimei and her attendant were exploring the village to purchase some fertilizers for their garden.

Zhao Yu was originally upset, but after hearing Liu Meifeng will cook for her as well. The upsetting feeling had subsided immediately and a huge smile bloomed on her face.


Zhao Yu and Zhao Yan went to the dining room while Liu Meifeng headed to the kitchen. The whole servants at the kitchen were shocked when Liu Meifeng asked them to borrow the kitchen for a bit. In their eyes, Liu Meifeng is just a six years old girl.. how could a child know how to handle the appliances in the kitchen?

Hence, some of the servants insisted on watching over Liu Meifeng as she cooked. Afraid if she accidentally burned the whole mansion. In the past life, Liu Meifeng was not interested in learning how to cook. Simply because there's already Huang Liangjin who always cooks for him. But in this life, whether she likes it or not she had to learn how to cook. Duan Gen might be a grandmaster of cultivation and savvy in herbalism, but he's completely inadequate to cook. Therefore, Liu Meifeng instinctively began to learn cooking when Duan Gen took her in. There have been countless trials and errors, but they never broke Liu Meifeng's determination to cook good food. Thinking it's better to gain a small injury than destroying her intestines from eating Duan Gen's cooking daily.

With three years of experience, Liu Meifeng could at least make simple tasty food. The servants who were watching her showed a pleasant surprise. They didn't expect Liu Meifeng to handle the kitchen utensils skillfully. Although Liu Meifeng can make tasty food, she thinks her cooking skill is still less than Huang Liangjin's cooking skill. Half an hour later, Liu Meifeng and the two servants came to the dining room while bringing several dishes on their hands. Both Zhao Yu and Zhao Yun were looking forward to it, when the dishes were placed on the table they couldn't help but swallow their saliva heavily. Although, Zhao Yu knew how to cook from her past experience as Huang Liangjin. But ever since she lived as Zhao Yu, she never gets the chance to touch the kitchen's utensils again. After all, her father preferred her to study martial arts and cultivation.

"I'm not really an expert in cooking, but I hope it matches your preferences." Liu Meifeng said casually as she sat on the chair.

"It smelled good! Let's eat!" Zhao Yun grabbed his chopstick and began to savor many dishes.

Zhao Yu also grabbed her chopstick and looked at the variety of dishes before her. Her eyes landed on a bowl of Wonton soup.


Liu Meifeng glanced at Zhao Yu who looked baffled while staring at the bowl of Wonton soup. She smiled and explained, "During the festival, I remembered you liked Wonton soup. So I made it…" hearing this Zhao Yu was even more surprised and she subconsciously turned her gaze to Liu Meifeng. She didn't expect Liu Meifeng to remember her favorite dishes. Zhao Yu took a spoon to eat the Wonton soup, it was delicious…

After finishing dinner, the three of them returned to their bed-chambers. Liu Meifeng had the habit to read a book before sleeping, so the light is still on in her room until midnight. She was reading peacefully until someone knocked on her window. Liu Meifeng was frightened for a moment, she might be okay with crimes and murders but she was never good with occult things. Hence, she took her heaviest book as her weapon and slowly approached the window. When she opened the window and saw a familiar figure in front of her, she sighed in relief.

"Shifu, what are you doing here?"

Duan Gen stood before her and seemed a bit restless, "We need to leave."

Liu Meifeng was taken aback by Duan Gen, she tilted her head confusedly and asked "Why?"

Duan Gen entered Liu Meifeng's room by the window and began to pack her things.

"I don't have time to explain. Let's go. now."

"But I can't just leave without saying anything to Mr.Zhao and others."

Duan Gen was a bit pissed off hearing it and turned to Liu Meifeng.

"If I tell you that your life is in extreme danger right now, are you willing to waste time for farewell greetings?"

Liu Meifeng's eyes widened and she finally understood Duan Gen had found out something regarding her strange ability. Unable to say anything, Liu Meifeng can only pack her things with a heavy heart. But Liu Meifeng refused to leave without saying anything to Zhao Yu. Thus, she can only leave a note along with her Aquamarine necklace on the table for Zhao Yu. Then, the two of them leave quietly and move in haste.

The next morning, Zhao Yu woke up and did a simple washing. She planned to bring Liu Meifeng to stroll around the village today. It's been a while since they went out together after all. The young girl excitedly made her way to the guest room.

When she arrived in front of Liu Meifeng's room, she knocked several times while calling Liu Meifeng.

"Meifeng, are you awake? Let's go to the village today, it's been a while since we last went out."

Hearing there's no answer behind the door, Zhao Yu thought Liu Meifeng was still sleeping. She opened the door which was surprisingly not being locked. When Zhao Yu enters Liu Meifeng's room she finds no traces of Liu Meifeng. Even most of her belongings had disappeared as well…

Zhao Yu's heart quickened, there's a trace of fear lingering in her heart. She walked around the room and said tremblingly, "Meifeng? …Meifeng, it's not funny. Please come out."

While walking around Zhao Yu's eyes landed on the Aquamarine necklace on the table. She saw a note below and quickly read it.

My life is in danger, I must leave. Wait for me…

Zhao Yu panicked and quickly rushed to Zhao Yan's study room while bringing the note along with the necklace.


Zhao Yan frowned when he saw Zhao Yu entered his study room without knocking. He was about to reprimand Zhao Yu, but seeing his daughter's reddened eyes he suppressed his intention and asked indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Yu came to her father and handed him the note left by Liu Meifeng. Zhao Yan took the note and saw it, then he sighed. Zhao Yu was flustered seeing her father wasn't even surprised and couldn't help asking, "Why didn't father look surprised?"

Zhao Yan pondered for a while, he was struggling whether he should tell his daughter about Liu Meifeng's short lifespan or not. But after proper consideration, he decided to tell her. After all, Zhao Yu is Liu Meifeng's closest friend. It is unfair to keep her in the dark, not knowing why her best friend suddenly disappeared.

"There's something you don't know about Duan Meifeng."

Zhao Yan began to explain Liu Meifeng's circumstances along with Duan Gen's plan to prolong her life. After hearing everything, Zhao Yu's legs felt numb and she kneels on the ground helplessly.

" way… Meifeng is…"

Seeing his daughter trembling on the ground, Zhao Yan's heart softened and patted his daughter's shoulder.

"Perhaps the Grandmaster came back last night and found something regarding her life-threatening situation. Don't worry too much, let us believe in both of them. Didn't she say to wait for her? Let's wait for them to come back, okay?"

Zhao Yu started to sob and nodded quietly, for the second time she felt helpless…