Second Case 01: “Embark on a New Journey”

It's been 5 years since then...

With proper training and dedication, Liu Meifeng who was once a fragile 'boy', now has grown into a capable 'young man'. It is time for her now to fight for her life...

"It's almost 10 years since I left, I wonder how things are going on with Zhao Yu and others...", Liu Meifeng said to herself as she wandered around Yangjiang village. She feels a bit melancholy since every step she makes, it always reminded her about her swift childhood past with Zhao Yu, and it's not like she could arbitrarily confess her identity as she did with the White Wolf tribe.

Speaking about White Wolf tribe, Gu Yunxi also coming along with her,

"Why don't you visit her later?",

"Oh? Finally willing to talk to me now?",

"Since when did I feel reluctant to talk to you?",

"Ever since we stepped foot in this village. You didn't realize you've been looking around the food stall like you've never eaten for a hundred years...",

Gu Yunxi wiped her droll and finally fixed her posture, "Sorry, it's my first time seeing such things.",

"Just act accordingly and I will buy you some of those candies.",

"Alright!", Gu Yunxi immediately changed her posture and walked with her usual appearance.

Duan Gen didn't come with them this time, he had something to do with the ingredients for the last alchemy pill to prolong Liu Meifeng's life. Strictly speaking, Liu Meifeng is almost at her breakthrough to Zhuji level, even so, her fate still remains the same. She will die at the age of 18...

In desperation, Duan Gen could only create the legendary pill to prolong life, the Golden Pill. But that's all he can do, although he's a grandmaster of cultivation but he isn't a god. Especially the clue he found at the library terrifies him to the core, in short, this is what makes him desperate.

After walking for a while, the two arrived at Yangjiang inn where Liu Meifeng and Duan Gen stayed in the past. The building is still the same as ever as if time doesn't apply specifically for this place. Liu Meifeng tilted her head up to see the same-as-ever old rooftop of the building while reminiscing her past with Zhao Yu. She still remembers where she and Zhao Yu escaped from the inn under Duan Gen's wrath. Strictly speaking, although it's been a few years but Liu Meifeng still maintains her past personality as Xu Haoran. The only change in her is probably her figure that goes from a cute 'boy' into a scholarly young 'man'.

"Is this where you and the grandmaster stayed when you visited this village?",

Gu Yunxi asked as she raised her eyebrows innocently, this girl whom Liu Meifeng had gotten along with for the past few years had an abrupt change in her. She goes from your tomboyish spoiled little princess into an adorable princess. Her sister Gu Zhuxuan also grew up but she only became more refined and elegant as always which is a delight for her lover, Jiang Xiang.

'I like quiet children', or so she claimed…

"What are you doing just standing there? Let's rent the room before someone else takes it first!" Gu Yunxi said as she stood two steps ahead of Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng who was just reminiscing about the past came back to her senses and nodded in agreement.

The two walked inside the inn and rented a single room with two single beds. These past few years, Liu Meifeng had already gotten acquainted with Gu Yunxi. Truth be told, ever since Gu Yunxi found out that Liu Meifeng is a girl, she changed her perspective about Liu Meifeng and think of her as a sister. Though, when Liu Meifeng dresses as a man often confuses her sexuality but that's only momentary. She doesn't want to end up in a complicated relationship like her older sister, even when she is secretly jealous of those two. But of course, she didn't say it nor did she mention it. She just accepted the two relationships as it doesn't concern her much. As long as her older sister is happy and safe then that's all that matters.

"Which bed would you like to take in?", Liu Meifeng asked when Gu Yunxi was absent-minded. She hurriedly returned to her senses and jumped on the bed near the door.

"I'll be taking this!",

"Alright, then I'll be taking the one near the window.",

"On second thought, I'd like the one near the window—",

"Too late, I owned this." Liu Meifeng hurriedly placed her stuff on the bed and sat on it. She crossed her arms proudly and smiled cockily.

"Boo, cheapskate!" Gu Yunxi puffed her cheeks and pouts.

Liu Meifeng found it a bit cute and stopped her acting, "Alright, alright. I was just joking, you could pick any side of the bed."

"Yay! Ah-Feng you're the best!", yes ever since the two become close, Gu Yunxi started to call Liu Meifeng like this to express her sisterly fondness.

Liu Meifeng lifted all her things from the bed and put it on the other bed as Gu Yunxi moved away. 

"Hey, I told you to stop calling me that.",

"What's the big deal? It's just the two of us here.",

"Yeah, but what if somebody else walked in?",

"You're thinking too much. Besides, I just called you Ah-Feng, not jiejie—",

"Okay-okay, you win.", Liu Meifeng hurriedly admitted her defeat.

That's right, she came here crossdressing as a man. To the people outside, they looked like brother and sister due to their closeness. The reason why Liu Meifeng crossdress as a man still remains the same, that is to avoid any thirsty noblemen from proposing to her. Liu Meifeng didn't mean to be arrogant, but even she knew that the body she got reincarnated in is breathtakingly beautiful. Especially when she had a unique Turquoise-eyes that she inherited from her father. As for the other reason, because she was originally a man in her past life. She wanted to continue living as a man as much as she can. Of course, her parents from Qianghai kingdom knew about this. But they didn't give much thought and allowed her to live freely out of pity. Liu Meifeng understood this without them saying it, she had always been a sensible person even in her past life.

The two tidied up their belongings and went downstairs to order some food. Some men at the restaurant flashed their eyes on Gu Yunxi, it's quite convenient for Liu Meifeng to dress up as a man so those men won't dare to look for some trouble. The two ate comfortably and paid the bills, after that the two walked out of the inn and headed towards the Xue Hu sect building. When they arrived the two spotted two men arguing, the one on the left had dark-blue hair and the same Turquoise-eyes as Liu Meifeng while the other one had dark hair and black eyes.

"What did you say?!" the blue-haired man asked with hostility. The other man snorted and said, "I'd say there's no place for you here, fish!"

The blue-haired man didn't accept it and quickly punched the other man until he rolled on the ground. As the same man who lived in the sea country before, Liu Meifeng could understand why the blue-haired man was offended by being called a fish. Back in her previous life, this kind of cursing is like being racist to the other race. Although most people regarded it as a joke which is sometimes not funny, and here is no different.

"You two stop right now!",

One of the sect's guards came and stood between them.

"If you want to enroll here, you have to maintain peace and co-exist with each other! Or else just raise your feet and get the hell away from here!",

The blue-haired man just stayed silent when he heard the words, unlike the other man who kept chirping loudly like white bellbird. He claimed to be the son of the Zuguo kingdom's minister and was offended by the guard's words just now. The guard threw a 'tch' and had a face of 'I don't deal with this shit' before answering.

"I don't care who the hell you are, but here in Xue Hu sect everyone is the same. You are all a student and need to follow the same rules. So stop declaring your noble statuses and act like a man!"

The other man went silent and said 'I'll report you to my father!' before he leaves. The guard threw another 'tch' and turned to Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi who were present nearby.

"Are you going to enroll too?", he asked.

Liu Meifeng immediately smiled and said politely, "Yes, we came here to enroll at the Xue Hu sect. Do you mind showing us how the procedures work around here?",

The guard finally showed a rough smile and crosses his muscular arms,

"Finally some polite kid. Anyway, all you have to do is headed towards the building over there and write down some documents, the guy at the building will show you the next instructions.",

Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi bowed to the guard and thanked him. When the two were about to walk, the blue-haired man called, "Hey, you!"

Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi turned around and saw the blue-haired man approaching them.

"You—are you a mixed-race?", he asked.

This 'mixed-race' is obviously meant for Liu Meifeng, she just nods and said, "Yes, I'm a mixed-race. My father is from Qianghai kingdom while my mother is from Zuguo kingdom.",

The blue-haired man's eyes widened, then he quickly grabbed Liu Meifeng's shoulder and said excitedly, "Then, we're from the same country! I'm Zhu You, the son of general Zhu at Qianghai kingdom. Hey, hey! Let's be pal! Us foreigners need to stick together so the local nobles won't bully us!",

"But, I'm a mixed-race—",

"Doesn't matter! Your eyes are the same as mine—no, even more fascinating than mine! So, let's be pal! Come on, tell me your name!",

Liu Meifeng hesitated, Gu Yunxi who was ignored beside her slapped Zhu You's hand angrily, "What manners do you have to suddenly grab someone?!",

Zhu You was taken aback, he didn't realize there was such a beautiful girl standing next to Liu Meifeng. Zhu You quickly became nervous about his rash action, he immediately put down his hands and took a step back from Liu Meifeng.

"Forgive me, I was so excited to see another sea-fellow, I don't mean any harm.",

Liu Meifeng patted Gu Yunxi's head and assured her that she's fine. Liu Meifeng knew Gu Yunxi was angry because Liu Meifeng is a girl, for being touched by a man like that was indeed rude at this age.

"My name is Xu Haoran, this is my sister Gu Yunxi.", Liu Meifeng smiled and decided to be acquainted with Zhu You, thinking it will be profitable to her later.

"Ah, Xu Haoran and lady Gu Yunxi. It's such a blessed fate to meet you both here!", Zhu You throw a salute like a proper soldier back at the kingdom.

"It's an honor to us, come on Yunxi, say something.", Liu Meifeng nudged Gu Yunxi's arm.

"It's nice to meet you.", Gu Yunxi reluctantly said, her impression clearly is not a good one towards Zhu You. 

Zhu You didn't realize this and happily thanked the two. After that, Liu Meifeng offered Zhu You to go to the registration building together. Zhu You happily accepted it and the three went to the building together.

After the registration, the three were instructed to gather at the school in the morning in three days. To enroll at the Xue Hu sect, you need to undergo three tests, which is; paper test, mock battle, and lastly Qi measurement. The result of these three tests will determine which house you belong to. There are three classes in Xue Hu sect, one is Jingong house which is known for its offensive battle tactics, the students of this house usually clad in black and red with silver pads on their arms and legs which is specifically designed for battle-purpose. Second is Fangshou house which is known for its defensive battle tactics, the students of this house usually clad in black and blue light robes which is making them easier to move. Lastly, Zhongli house which is a rare and most difficult house at the sect, this class is known for its excels in both offensive and defensive field. But of course it's not just that, the students who are admitted to Zhongli class are terrifyingly smart at battle tactics. In short, most of the students are natural-born tacticians.

But of course, as outsiders Liu Meifeng, Gu Yunxi, and Zhu You had no idea about the housing system. The three had their own reasons to join this sect…

After bidding their farewell with Zhu You, Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi decided to stroll around the marketplace. Gu Yunxi was so absorbed at the Tanghulu shop nearby and made Liu Meifeng amused. The two didn't realize that there's a beautiful girl dressed in all-white clothing walking past them, she had a sword hanging on her waist and her long black hair beautifully tousled by the wind making her look like a fairy.

"Ah, there you are!",

Suddenly, a girl clads in a yellow and orange dress trotted to her. Judging by her appearance she seems like from a noble family.

"Zhao Yu, you walk so fast! I almost can't keep up!", the girl protested adorably.

"It's the princess's fault for wearing such a boisterous dress to walk at the marketplace.", Zhao Yu said nonchalantly.

"Ah, yes-yes. Whatever suits you.", the princess swayed her hand as if she didn't care.

This girl is the third princess of the Zuguo kingdom, Li Shuyan. She's Zhao Yu's childhood friend, despite having two different personalities, they could become best friends.

"Anyway, let's visit the Xue Hu sect! I'm curious about your father's place.",

"It's just a regular sect, besides Your Highness can see it in three days when she enrolls as a fellow student.",

"No, I don't want to wait for that long. Come, come!",

Li Shuyan pushed Zhao Yu hastily and the two left the marketplace.

"Yunxi, I told you not to buy too many Tanghulu or your stomach will be full before dinner.", Liu Meifeng said worriedly. Gu Yunxi was indeed buying too many Tanghulu, she bought over three Tanghulu and ate them with bliss on her face.

"Don't worry, as you said, there's a special place in our stomach for a dessert!",

Liu Meifeng slapped her forehead as her words were returned to herself. She used to say this when she ate a delicious dessert before dinner back at the White Wolf village. Gu Yunxi often reminded her about it, but she paid no mind to it and resulted in her not being able to eat dinner.

"Yeah and you know what happens after that.", Liu Meifeng shrugged.

"Don't worry I have my own measures.",

To be honest, Gu Yunxi wasn't a glutton before the two of them reached Yangjiang village. Perhaps it's because Gu Yunxi rarely encountered such delicacies and made her a glutton within a day. Liu Meifeng sighed without being able to say anything, it's been a while since she cared for someone like this. But it's not such a bad feeling to worry about someone like this. Just like what they say, 'family is where your home is'. Ever since Liu Meifeng came to this world, she finally understood this sentence.

Yes, she finally had a family that cares about her.