Second Case 03: “A Young Man Named Xu Haoran”

Zhao Yu's body shook slightly after hearing the name of the handsome man dressed in dark blue robes. Xu Haoran? Is it the same Haoran as she knew in her previous life? The one that she failed to save? Did God finally answer her prayer so Haoran got reincarnated here? No, it's impossible… Perhaps he just coincidentally had the same name as her dead friend. But again, she's not sure…

Zhao Yu stared at Liu Meifeng imploringly and made her a bit anxious. Did she see right through her? Did she finally figure out that she's not a man?

No that can't be, although the body she got reincarnated in is very feminine, but with her excellent make-up it should have hidden those traits.

"Um, is the girl okay?", Liu Meifeng asked anxiously.

Zhao Yun placed his hand on Zhao Yu's shoulder and smiled apologetically to Liu Meifeng, "I'm sorry, my sister here is kind of awkward with new people. Now if you'll excuse us…"

Liu Meifeng nodded while Gu Yunxi waved her hand towards Zhao Yun as he dragged Zhao Yu with him. Along the way, Zhao Yun asked what was wrong, but Zhao Yu didn't answer him. This kind of Zhao Yu makes Zhao Yun helpless, he hates to see his dear sister look like this. Yet at the same time, he doesn't know what to do since he doesn't know anything.

That night at the Yangjiang inn, Gu Yunxi ate less dinner than usual. Liu Meifeng knew why but she pretended not to notice and deliberately put many vegetables on Gu Yunxi's plate.

"I-I think I had enough…", Gu Yunxi said nervously, she only ate half a bowl than usual and she knew that Liu Meifeng must have noticed this as well.

"You're still growing, just finish your bowl.", Liu Meifeng continued to put many vegetables on Gu Yunxi's plate.

Gu Yunxi realized that Liu Meifeng is making fun of her, she puffed her cheeks and complained, "I know I'm wrong, just don't bully me like this.",

"What are you talking about?", Liu Meifeng pretended to be stupid, but in fact, she knew that Gu Yunxi couldn't eat anymore, so she began to take all the vegetables on Gu Yunxi's plate and eat it, "Tomorrow is our examination day, don't wake up late.",

Gu Yunxi took her bowl and give the rest of her rice to Liu Meifeng, "I know, after studying some more I will sleep immediately.",

Hearing Gu Yunxi's rare passion for studying made Liu Meifeng anxious. Did she eat the wrong food today?

"Yunxi, are you okay? You know that if you have any problem, you can always talk to me, right?", Liu Meifeng put down her chopstick seriously and began to check Gu Yunxi's temperature. Of course this kind of action made Gu Yunxi offended and angrily slapped Liu Meifeng's hand,

"I'm not sick. It's just… I've decided to follow you to see the world as siblings, so I have to go see it through until the end. Failure is not definitely unacceptable.",

Liu Meifeng grabbed her chopstick again and began eating Gu Yunxi's rice, "I see, then you probably should check the theory of 12 major meridians. I see that you're lacking in that area.",

"Yes, I was planning to burn my head with those books. Anyway, I'll be returning to our room early.",

"Sure, have fun studying.", Liu Meifeng joked.

Gu Yunxi ignored Liu Meifeng's teasing and went upstairs. After finishing the meal, Liu Meifeng headed upstairs as well and opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the serious Gu Yunxi. When she entered the room, she found Gu Yunxi nodding her head with sleepy eyes. She knew that Gu Yunxi must have been worn out by all those walking around the marketplace, but tomorrow is the examination day. So she had to help her to pass the test.

After closing the door, Liu Meifeng approached the sleepy Gu Yunxi and took her book which awoke her from her half-sleeping state.

"You seem distracted, let me help you.",

Gu Yunxi's face brightened and the sleepiness she just had now had completely disappeared. Liu Meifeng liked this kind of Gu Yunxi, although she's not talented in theory teaching but she's a hard worker and tries her best to master it. Liu Meifeng would always love to help people like her.

"Alright, let's start from this part."

The next morning, Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi prepared for the examination. After making sure everything was ready, the two finally departed from the inn and went to the Xue Hu sect. When the two arrived, they saw Zhu You and the rest of the students gathered in front of the hall.

"Brother Xu, sister Gu. You finally came!", Zhu You immediately approached them with great enthusiasm. Gu Yunxi still didn't like him for being rude to Liu Meifeng yesterday, but since Liu Meifeng wanted to befriend him, she went along with her.

"If it isn't brother Zhu, have they started yet?", Liu Meifeng lured her hand to Zhu You, Zhu You immediately shook hands with her while shaking his head at the same time.

"Not yet, but it should be in a few minutes—",

"Kyaa—It's lady Zhao!",

One of the female disciples nearby screamed in awe, the moment she screamed people quickly gathered around to see what's going on. Zhu You was also curious and offered Liu Meifeng to go see. Liu Meifeng nodded and pulled Gu Yunxi with her, the three tried to walk to the front but they couldn't push through. Luckily, Zhu You, who was born as the sea people had a tall figure, so he could see clearly. Liu Meifeng also inherited the blood of the sea people, so her figure is naturally taller than average earth girls. When she saw a girl dressed in all white, she was somehow familiar with her.

Wait, isn't that the girl from last night?

How could she forget about such a strangely beautiful woman from last night? Also, one of the female disciples earlier seemed to call her Lady Zhao. Is it Zhao Yu?

Zhao Yu who was walking with an indifferent look on her beautiful jade face saw Liu Meifeng and Zhu You from the side. She was taken aback for a moment, remembering that guy in dark blue robes was surnamed Xu and had the name Haoran, just like her dead friend in her previous life. Both Liu Meifeng and Zhao Yu had eye contact which was noticed by everyone. Liu Meifeng immediately lowered her head and retreated.

"Brother, did you see what caused the commotion?", Gu Yunxi got pissed off because she couldn't see anything other than people's backs.

"It's just the daughter of the Xue Hu's founder.",

"Is that so?", Gu Yunxi wasn't sure, then she continues, "Then, why is everyone looking at us?",

"Lady Gu!",

Zhao Yun suddenly called from behind and approached the two of them. Zhu You immediately stood in front of Gu Yunxi and Liu Meifeng, then asked sternly, "Who are you? What business do you have with my friends?",

Zhao Yun immediately showed an ugly look, he came here to accompany his sister Zhao Yu to take the examination and didn't expect to meet with Gu Yunxi again. He was so excited and wanted to talk more but this guy suddenly came out of nowhere. Originally, Zhao Yun was pissed off but he heard the guy seem to call those two his friends. Obviously, this guy is their acquaintance.

Zhao Yun forced a smile and said, "Brother, this official just wanted to talk with brother Xu and lady Gu. Does brother know them too?",

"Of course, they're my friend!", said Zhu You sternly.

Unable to let the situation become ugly, Liu Meifeng hurriedly stood next to Zhu You.

"Oh, it's the gentleman from yesterday. It's such a fate to meet again.",

Zhao Yun finally smiled for real and returned the courtesy. He remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yesterday, hence this time he introduced himself.

"Surname Zhao and name's Yun, I'm here to accompany my sister Zhao Yu to take the examination.",

Liu Meifeng's face suddenly froze, Zhao Yun? That clingy boy who often sticks to her back then? How come he grew so much…

"Well met.", Liu Meifeng said dryly.

She did think of a way to communicate with the Zhao siblings anytime soon, but she didn't expect it had to be at the school she wanted to apply to.

"Yun'er, what are you doing here?",

Zhao Yu's voice suddenly echoed from behind, the people nearby immediately paying attention to the group as Zhao Yu walked over.

Oh great… so much attention already. Liu Meifeng said quietly in her heart…

"Sister, this is brother Xu and lady Gu from yesterday.", Zhao Yun reminded Zhao Yu lest she forgot about them.

"I know.", Zhao Yu said softly as she turned her gaze on Xu Haoran. It was the same stare as yesterday. Liu Meifeng had two conclusions to this deliberate stare coming from Zhao Yu, either she knew that she's a woman who's cross-dressing as a man or she knew that I'm the Meifeng she knew from childhood. But does she still remember their time together?

"Who is that handsome young man that lady Zhao talks to?", one of the female disciples murmured.

"I don't know, but it seems like he's well-acquainted with the lady and lord Zhao.",

"He had peculiar Turquoise eyes. Is he a mixed-race?",

Hearing those talks from their surroundings, Zhao Yu finally takes a good look at this boy named Xu Haoran. Somehow he looks familiar, especially those Turquoise eyes of his… It reminded her about someone she had been waiting for so long.

No, it can't be… Meifeng is a girl and even if it's her, she should come with grandmaster Duan, not with that pretty girl beside him!

"You looked like someone I know, are you really named Xu Haoran?", Zhao Yu deliberately asked, let's see if he's Meifeng or her dead friend that got reincarnated into the same world as hers.

Liu Meifeng smiled and pretend to be stupid, "What is the girl talking about? My family Xu is a fisherman that lives in the Qianghai kingdom and my mother is a seamstress from the Zuguo kingdom. The two loved to travel and occasionally make acquaintance with a lot of people along the way.",

"That's right! I have lived with my big brother for years! We are childhood friends!", Gu Yunxi added while hugging Liu Meifeng's sleeve, although it's not necessarily a lie.

Zhao Yu looked at Gu Yunxi and asked, "And you are?", though she's unsure about the identity of the man in front of her, but somehow she didn't like this girl sticking close to him.

"I'm Gu Yunxi, brother Haoran and I have been together since childhood. We're like real siblings.", Gu Yunxi explained.

"I see…", Zhao Yu said coldly, she moved her eyes away to stare at Liu Meifeng again. For some reason, there's a trace of coldness in her eyes making Liu Meifeng's scalp become numb.

"The examination will begin soon, are the three of you coming as well?", Zhao Yu changed into her indifferent face and asked politely.

Zhu You who was silent ever since Zhao Yu came, didn't expect that his existence was recognized. He nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I Zhu You aimed to be the school's disciple!",

"In that case, let us all do our best on the examination.", Zhao Yu quickly turned away and headed towards the main hall.

"We might as well go too.", Liu Meifeng kindly reminded.

The three bid their farewell to Zhao Yun and went to the main hall. Inside the main hall there were several seats divided into two lines, it seems like there are not many people taking the examination. Liu Meifeng observed the surroundings as she walked to her seat, there were over forty-two students including Liu Meifeng. As soon as she found her seat, she saw three people came in which she had suspected was the overseers. The one on the left is a stern-looking man with a rough muscular body, the one in the middle is an old woman with a staff, and lastly, the one on the right is a gentle-looking man with a white robe.

"Please find your own seat, the test will begin shortly.", said the old woman with a staff.

When all the people have seated down, the test papers are given to each table. Liu Meifeng analyzed the question one by one, most of the questions are about cultivation, such as; Qi replenish methodically, alchemy, and lastly about acupoints. Liu Meifeng found that all the questions were easy and able to finish it early before others. She was bored, so she began to move her eyes to see the others. Gu Yunxi seemed to struggle a little, she tapped her fingers on the table for a moment, suddenly her face brightened, and began to write enthusiastically.

It seems like she had found the answer…

Liu Meifeng was glad inside her heart and then continued to take a look at Zhu You, Zhu You was scratching his head and whether he could ace the test or not was all written on his grimace face.

Seems like he's really struggling…

Then lastly, she took a glance at Zhao Yu which was on the direct opposite of her seat. Surprisingly, their eyes met once again, Liu Meifeng didn't expect Zhao Yu to finish the test as early as hers.

Heh, it seems like our little Yu'er has grown into a smart woman…

Liu Meifeng was secretly proud, but it didn't show it to her face. She maintained her indifferent expression and somehow this situation reminded her of when there was a national examination back in her previous life.

Back then it was like this too…

That's right, back then in high school she was seated next to Huang Liangjin. When she had finished the test earlier than others, she was bored like this as well. Then, secretly looking around and that was the first time she had exchanged glances with Huang Liangjin. After that, she was interested in him and began to make acquaintances with him.

After the test was done, all the students were allowed to go home and wait for the results. Liu Meifeng stood in front of the main hall, waiting for Gu Yunxi. Zhu You was beside her waiting for Gu Yunxi as well, the three of them planned to hang out at the Yangjiang inn's restaurant today.

"Sorry for the wait!", Gu Yunxi trotted from the main hall, she looked a bit cute as she made haste to the two of them.

"It's okay, the test was surprisingly difficult.", Zhu You said while stretching his arms.

"Yeah, I was quite struggling for a while but I guess I did okay. What about you big brother?", Gu Yunxi tilted her head over to Liu Meifeng who had walked quietly with them.

Liu Meifeng smiled proudly, "Of course I'm acing the test, it was easy."

Both Gu Yunxi and Zhu You were astonished, the test was clearly a brain-wrecking one, how come she said it was easy!

"Well, let's just see the results.", said Gu Yunxi with a pout, she knew that Liu Meifeng is smart, but she wasn't sure of the results.

"Um, brother… may I join you?",

Suddenly a man dressed in a yellow robe approached them from behind, his appearance was quite stunning, with his blonde long-hair and Amber eyes. Liu Meifeng saw him at the examination today. Truth be told, the only foreign students that came to this sect were just her, Zhu You, and this guy. The rest are Zuguo native people…

"Um, who are you?", Zhu You asked.

"I'm Feng Mingxu, the second prince of Tianliang kingdom, it's an honor to meet these two gentlemen and the young lady as well.", Feng Mingxu gave a salute to Liu Meifeng and the others, then he continues, "I'm here to make acquaintance with the two gentlemen and young lady. Since, most of the people here are quite unwelcoming towards the people from different races.",

Liu Meifeng and others were quite surprised to see a member of the royal family attending another kingdom's sect. But since Liu Meifeng was also a member of the royal family from a different kingdom, it is all fair.

Liu Meifeng bowed her head as she introduced herself and the others, "I'm Xu Haoran, this is my sister Gu Yunxi and my friend Zhu You.",

Gu Yunxi and Zhu You also bowed their heads, they're not used to being with someone from the royal family. Gu Yunxi was also acting all stiff when she knew that Liu Meifeng is the royal princess from Qianghai kingdom. But later, she gradually got used to Liu Meifeng's amazing status.

"The three of you don't need to be courteous with me. Now, may I ask where are you going?",

"We're heading to Yangjiang inn, is the prince wanted to come along?", Liu Meifeng asked politely, although the prince said not to be courteous but this is in public, we need to respect their position.

Feng Mingxu's face brightened and he nodded his head, "If you don't mind, I'd like to come along as well."