Second Case 05: “You Too!”

It was a sunny day in Yangjiang village, many children were running around across the streets, the people were busy working here and there. However, it is not as peaceful as everywhere else in Yangjiang Inn's backyard.

"Nice move, but too slow." Zhao Yu said in a rare arrogance as she evaded one or two kicks from Gu Yunxi'. She was always at the receiving end while Gu Yunxi is actively attacking her without showing the slightest weakness.

"Sister Zhao, you know the rules before doing some hard exercise, you will have to do some warmup." Gu Yunxi took two steps back, then at the second step she pushed her body to the front and landed another attack towards Zhao Yu, "Or perhaps sister Zhao isn't familiar with the basic rules?",

Zhao Yu sneered and blocked Gu Yunxi's attack with her hands and elbow. She squatted down and performed a down kick at the fastest speed. Gu Yunxi who was looking down towards Zhao Yu was taken aback by the sudden move. She fell down but rolled her body quickly to avoid Zhao Yu's next attack.

"I… don't know that there were such rules.", Zhao Yu deliberately moved her eyes to Liu Meifeng, in this world, she and Liu Meifeng were probably the only ones who knew about these rules. After all, it was brought back from the lesson they learned in high school from their previous lives. Knowing this, Zhao Yu already had no surprises left, knowing that this young man is indeed the Xu Haoran she knew, she couldn't help but felt jealous towards Gu Yunxi. This young girl could have the chance to grow up with Haoran, and even become sworn siblings with him. How envious!

The sudden jealousy had taken control of Zhao Yu's emotion. The usual calm and collected girl suddenly becomes fiery as if she got burned by something. Gu Yunxi who finally regained her composure realized the sudden change. She couldn't help but shrieked her neck a bit, it's like a bunny facing a raging tiger! But since she was the one who initiated a match with Zhao Yu, she can't just back down.

"Good luck, Yunxi!", Zhu You shouted bravely as if he's giving a warcry towards Gu Yunxi. Gu Yunxi heard his voice and suddenly realized that there should be nothing to be afraid of. After all, her dearest 'brother' is there and there were others too. She's not fighting in a match alone, some of the people she cherished are here to see her skills. Unlike Zhao Yu, Gu Yunxi was fired up with a positive feeling as if an inhibited side of her was begging to go all out. Gu Yunxi smiled towards Zhu You while thanking him quietly, just as she did so, she picked up her scimitar and changed her stance to a stance that is similar to Liu Meifeng's.

"Eh, what is sister Gu doing?", Feng Mingxu asked curiously, he had never seen such a stance before. Where does Gu Yunxi learn her martial arts?

Zhu You smiled brightly with his eyes filled with bright stars, "Ah, who cares. Gu Yunxi looked so bright today!", then, he went back cheering on Gu Yunxi. On the other hand, Liu Meifeng slapped her forehead lightly and shook her head.

Why is this girl copying her stance? It was a stance she mimicked from Luke Skywalker in Starwars movie! Of course, such martial arts stances didn't exist in this world!

While each person has their own mind, Zhao Yu recognized the stance immediately. She knew that this must be the influence of Haoran's nerdy hobbies again. It's obviously a pose where Luke Skywalker was facing his father, Darth Vader. Knowing that this was Haoran's nerdy influence, Zhao Yu couldn't help felt nostalgic. In the past lives, the two of them used to use lightsaber replicas to fight each other. Surely, she was the one who always lose because Haoran is just good with his lightsaber.

–"How are you so good just by watching the movie? Were you practicing in secret?",

–"Nah, I just really liked the movies. Now, let me teach you. If I swung my lightsaber from below to the upper, don't block it but evade it instead, because there will be a kick for the incoming attack. It's always in my trump cards!"

Gu Yunxi who was as ready as tomorrow noticed that Zhao Yu was spacing out. She shouted, "What's wrong sister Zhao? Afraid to use the weapon?",

Hearing that, Zhao Yu quickly come back to her senses and pulled out her white icy sword, "Yes, I'm afraid if I accidentally injure you.", Zhao Yu didn't say this out of mockery, but she really did worry for Gu Yunxi. Even when she was sparring with her siblings, she always used a bamboo sword.

However, Gu Yunxi took it in the wrong way. She thought Zhao Yu was so arrogant that she dare to look down upon her, the princess of the White Wolf tribe!

Without saying anything further, Gu Yunxi strode towards Zhao Yu and landed her attack. Although, the stance definitely belongs to Liu Meifeng. However, her attacks were definitely something that she created by herself. Every swing was filled with immense power and a heavy one. If you got hit, then say goodbye to your life in this world. Zhu You and Feng Mingxu only regarded her as being too excited over the battle. Alas, this little strangeness couldn't escape from Liu Meifeng's Turquoise eyes. Yep, she's definitely angry… but what had caused it?

Liu Meifeng couldn't help but got close to the two, "Wait, stop!",

With Liu Meifeng suddenly standing beside them, Gu Yunxi was shocked but she couldn't stop her hand from swinging her scimitar, "Ah, watch out!", Zhao Yu who was shocked as well immediately noticed the immediate danger, she stood in front of Liu Meifeng, and blocked Gu Yunxi's heavy attack using her icy sword.

Liu Meifeng was surprised that Zhao Yu suddenly stood in front of her and blocked the attack. The attack was so heavy that it broke Zhao Yu's icy sword and made her beautiful hand swollen. She ignored the pain and was about to rush to Liu Meifeng. However, Gu Yunxi already went ahead before her…

Gu Yunxi placed her hands everywhere on Liu Meifeng's body as if she wants to perform an act of thievery towards her, "Haoran, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Where's the injury?!",

Liu Meifeng took a deep breath and bopped Gu Yunxi's head, "Didn't you say you just want to have a spar with Zhao Yu? Why did you suddenly land such dangerous attacks?! What if both of you are seriously injured? What should I say towards your father later?!",

Gu Yunxi was even more surprised now. Back at the island, no matter what silly things she had done, Liu Meifeng wouldn't ever get mad at her like this. But just now, why does she looks like I have just killed her parents?

"It wasn't my fault! Sister Zhao is the one who showed a killing intent towards me first!", Gu Yunxi argued, nobody seems to notice Zhao Yu's killing intent, however, she is sure that Liu Meifeng must have noticed it.

Zhao Yu flinched a bit, she didn't realize that her killing intent was being found out. She thought she had managed to maintain the expressionless face that she had practiced for years. Turns out, she still has so much to learn…

"I'm terribly sorry, I was so eager to fight with miss Gu until I forgot that this is just a spar.", Zhao Yu bowed towards Gu Yunxi and apologized solemnly.

Liu Meifeng also bopped Zhao Yu out of reflex and scorn her as well, "You too, why did you provoke Yunxi? As someone who practiced martial arts since kids, you should have gone easy on her!",

Zhao Yu felt a sting on top of her head, however, instead of feeling annoyed, she felt happiness. It's been a while since Haoran smacked her head like this, it is truly a nostalgic feeling. Zhao Yu couldn't restrain her smile as she turns her head down. Liu Meifeng saw her smiling and wondered if this girl is a masochist, she also remembered that during their first meeting, Zhao Yu was injured but instead of crying like a girl of her age, she just stood in silence, totally made no sound as if she couldn't feel anything.

Looking at this strange girl, Liu Meifeng felt flustered and didn't know what else to say. She decided to tell Gu Yunxi to apologize to her back. She knew how high Gu Yunxi's pride is, but she knew that Gu Yunxi will apologize if she did something wrong. In short, she's still a reasonable child.

Feng Mingxu also helped to ease the heavy atmosphere while Zhu You tried to cheer up Gu Yunxi. The four of them went to Yangjiang Inn, when they have arrived, Zhao Yu saw a familiar figure mingled among the crowds on the street. She originally wanted to have dinner with Liu Meifeng and others, however, the familiar figure that she saw made her worried. Hence, she decided to go back first and pursue the familiar figure.

Liu Meifeng saw the back of Zhao Yu as she left. She had complicated feelings inside, however, all she could do was just watch her back.

"Haoran, are you coming?", Feng Mingxu asked as he approached behind Liu Meifeng. He realized what Liu Meifeng gazed into, and chuckled, "Zhao Yu is truly a fascinating girl, when you hit her head, instead of feeling angry, she smiled instead. Isn't she interesting?",

Liu Meifeng chuckled and turned to Feng Mingxu, "She is. By the way, does brother Feng have someone that he admires?",

Although, there was no threat nor anger in that tone. Liu Meifeng asked in a casual tone, however, Feng Mingxu could comprehend the meaning behind it, so he replied truthfully, "As the royal prince, even if I have someone who I admired, I can only marry whoever my father decide.",

Hearing such things made Liu Meifeng feel sad, she is a royal princess too and her parents didn't seem to have a plan to kick her out of the family tree. Liu Meifeng patted Feng Mingxu's shoulder and said, "I hope you could have more choice in the future.",

Feng Mingxu laughed and shook his hands, "Just by living in fortune is already enough for me. I don't need to trouble my parents for my own selfishness.",

Liu Meifeng just smiled and beckoned to Feng Mingxu, the two later joined Zhu You and Gu Yunxi who had already ordered food at the inn. Gu Yunxi was pissed today, so she ate more portions than usual. Everyone present was surprised and applauded her for having a stomach as large as a black hole.

After everyone had dinner, Feng Mingxu and Zhu You bid their farewell to Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi. Liu Meifeng saw Gu Yunxi already yawned as she stretched her back. She approached Gu Yunxi and patted her head, "Sorry, I got mad at you today.",

Gu Yunxi puffed her cheeks and pretend to be angry, "Hmph! I don't care, I know that ever since we came here, I'm no longer your favorite!",

"What are you talking about?",

Gu Yunxi turned to Liu Meifeng and poked her shoulder with her finger, "That Zhao Yu is your sweetheart, isn't she? The one you talked about years ago.",

Liu Meifeng smiled wryly and said, "So, you still remembered.",

"Of course I am, but it seems like she doesn't remember you.",

Liu Meifeng dropped her smile and sighed, "Well, what can I do about it? Let's just focus on our motive.",

Gu Yunxi sighed and urged again, "Must it be her?",

Liu Meifeng looked up to the dark sky and closed her eyes. She didn't answer Gu Yunxi's question, but based on her temperament, it was the same as an acknowledgement. In the end, the two didn't talk about it further and went back to the inn to rest.