Second Case 07: A Duel Between Two Beautiful Flowers

After being called to, both Zhao Yu and Ju Yi jumped from their seats to the arena directly. The way those two jumped by using their Qinggong could already be proved that both are seniors in martial arts. Although, unlike Ju Yi who flew to the arena like an acrobat, Zhao Yu actually jumped and flew gracefully into the arena. Liu Meifeng doesn't know if she watched too many martial art movies or she just fall in love helplessly with Zhao Yu. To her, Zhao Yu just now looked really graceful…

"Ohh, it's sister Zhao Yu's turn!", Zhu You said while putting both of his fists in the air, "Good luck, sister Zhao!",

Liu Meifeng wanted to do the same, however, she soon repressed the idea after so many people looked in her direction, to be precise, to Zhu You's direction.

"Did he just cheer for lady Zhao so brashly? Who is he?",

"Don't tell me that is her partner? No way!",

The spectators who were supposed to focus on the arena now are busy speculating the relationship between Zhu You and Zhao Yu.

Liu Meifeng sighed and patted Zhu You on his shoulder, "It would be wise if you just stayed silent, the crowds are not in our favor."

Zhu You also nodded his head in agreement, he forgot that Zhao Yu was the star of Xue Hu's sect. People will naturally love to create baseless rumors and false accusations against the star. As someone who is not well-known in Zuguo kingdom, other people who adored Zhao Yu will definitely try to look for trouble from him, and not just him, perhaps Gu Yunxi might get into trouble as well. Fearing that his brash action might put his beloved woman in danger, Zhu You gulped and lowered his head.

Fortunately, the crowds soon forgot about his existence as a screaming voice echoed throughout the arena. It turns out that voice belongs to Ju Yi who had her left arm frozen, "No wonder you're named the Ice Beauty, turns out Ice is your specialty. Is this element the reason why you put on such a cold attitude?", although Ju Yi uttered some vicious words, yet her legs who shivered in fear betrayed her. Although, most of the people who are present didn't notice it, however, Liu Meifeng who had a sharp eye noticed this act of weakness and also studied Ju Yi's breathing circulation.

"It seems like Ms.Ju will be given up soon.", Feng Mingxu said while propping his chin, it seems like Liu Meifeng wasn't the only one who pays good attention to this fight.

"How could brother Feng know?",

"She's running out of breath and her legs were trembling. I think she's running out of stamina.",

Liu Meifeng nodded her head and then say, "Brother Feng is right, she may appear to be in a condition where people would mostly give up, however, in my point of view, I think Ms.Ju is simply standing in fear while trying to maintain her brave appearance. Also, she might unleash her trump card soon.",

Feng Mingxu was surprised, he looked at Ju yi and then at Liu Meifeng, "Well... it seems possible, but how did brother Xu know?",

"She might be breathing heavily, her legs trembled in fear as if she could collapse anytime, her posture isn't uptight, and she used provocation towards Zhao Yu so she could lower her guards down. Those acts might seem to be appeared rather desperate, however, brother Feng missed one detail about ms.Ju.",

"Oh? What is that?",

Liu Meifeng pointed toward Ju Yi and said, "Her eyes were still shining.",

Feng Mingxu was dumbfounded, "Huh?", he looked at Ju Yi, later what Liu Meifeng said came true. When Zhao Yu attacked Ju Yi, Ju Yi managed to move her trembling legs and avoided her attacks, while doing so, she used her palm and tapped on Zhao Yu's shoulder. It turns out, she was targeting Zhao Yu's weak acupoint and made her unable to move.

Ju Yi puts on a wicked smile and used her knife to raise Zhao Yu's chin.

"Look, who's about to lose their face now?",

Although the situation had reversed badly, Zhao Yu's face still remains calm and collected. Her breath is still in order, and although she cannot move her body. But it seems like, she's doing something secretly to break free. When Ju Yi is about to raise her hand and swung her knife toward Zhao Yu. Hu Zhang almost ended the match, however, he was stopped by the sect's leader, Zhao Yan. As soon as they turned their focus toward the battle again, Zhao Yu had broken free and counters Ju Yi's attack. This time she didn't hold back and made Ju Yi didn't have the chance to attack or evade. Soon, Zhao Yu made Ju Yi kneel on the ground and give up. Just like that, the match ended with Zhao Yu as the winner. Some healers were brought to the arena and they carried Ju Yi to exit the arena.

Before they brought Ju Yi out, Liu Meifeng noticed that she glared viciously at Zhao Yu like someone who sought revenge. Liu Meifeng sighed as she crossed her arms, then muttered in a low voice, "Great, you just made an enemy, Yu'er."

Later, each participant began to fight with the other as Hu Zhang called out their names. Fight after fight, Liu Meifeng watched it all and could already guess that most participants are already proficient in martial arts. Now she finally understands why Duan Gen forced her to learn martial arts back then. Turns out you have to be amazing in order to join a sect.

"The next combatants will be Xu Haoran versus Feng Mingxu! You two, please come to the arena.",

Hearing the teacher calling both of their names, Liu Meifeng and Feng Mingxu couldn't help but look at each other awkwardly. How can it not be awkward? They trained together and knew each other's moves, of course this will be an awkward fight. Nevertheless, both of them rose from their seats and walked toward the arena. Unlike other contestants who flew straight into the arena, Liu Meifeng, and Feng Mingxu rather not have an exaggerated entrance.

"Although, we have trained together previously. But I hope brother Xu didn't hold back.", Feng Mingxu performed an act of courtesy. Liu Meifeng also did the same and began to put her stance.

"Both looked fragile, is this even going to be a fight?", one of the participants mocked both Liu Meifeng and Feng Mingxu. Later, the other one slapped his head and scorn him, "Watch your mouth! You're welcome to mock the one with blue eyes, but don't mess with the other one! He's an imperial prince!",

After hearing so, the man who was mocking Liu Meifeng and Feng Mingxu turned pale and shut his mouth completely. On the other hand, Zhao Yu has been feeling rather restless. Because she knew that Xu Haoran is terrible with martial arts. At least, in their previous life, he is terrible at it, she had secretly hoped that Xu Haoran is better with martial arts in this life.

The match begin, both Liu Meifeng and Feng Mingxu refused to use a weapon. The other contestants are even more disappointed with their match. If the are no other tests after this, they'll probably leave immediately.

"Brother Feng, you may go on first.", Liu Meifeng said as she smiled at him. Feng Mingxu also smiled and said otherwise, "No. For the sake of honoring our friendships, brother Xu should go first."

Liu Meifeng chuckled and said yes. A second after she said yes, Liu Meifeng immediately shoved her right hand toward Feng Mingxu. Feng Mingxu blocked Liu Meifeng's assault with his left hand, then performed a counterattack with his right hand on Liu Meifeng's head. Such moves are already been predicted by Liu Meifeng, she immediately moved her head to evade the counterattack. The two jumped back to keep each other distance as they studied each other's moves.

"Brother Xu is strong, he could avoid my counterattack.", Feng Mingxu praised earnestly.

"Brother Feng is also very witty to be able to block my attack and performed a counterattack. It is simply magnificent.",

"Then, it's my turn to strike.",

"Be my guest.",

Feng Mingxu moved with incredible speed like a snake reaching out to its prey. Feng Mingxu added a piercing strike from his right hand towards Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng was surprised a bit and took two steps back as she avoided the piercing strike. She used her right leg to kick Feng Mingxu's calf and made him fall. However, before his head touched the ground, Liu Meifeng pulled Feng Mingxu's hand and joked, "Be careful, the ground is dirty."

Feng Mingxu felt annoyed and pulled Liu Meifeng close to him, then he hooked Liu Meifeng's neck and was about to push him to the ground. Liu Meifeng already said that the ground is dirty, why is Feng Mingxu wanted to push her down? Is he a cut sleeve?

Liu Meifeng rotated her body and used both of her legs to stand on the ground. She pushed her body with both of her legs and jumped back, resulting in her breaking free from Feng Mingxu's arms. Feng Mingxu immediately stood back and was about to strike again, however, Liu Meifeng already pointed her hand toward Feng Mingxu's neck. The distance between Liu Meifeng's fingers from Feng Mingxu's neck is only 1 cm away. If Liu Meifeng pierced her hand into Feng Mingxu's neck, he will be gone.

"I… surrender.", Feng Mingxu said in astonishment.

Hu Zhang blinked twice and announced Liu Meifeng as the winner of the match. The other participants who watched their match gasped in awe. The martial arts that Liu Meifeng used are definitely not very well-known. Many of the teachers were talking about Liu Meifeng and speculating many things about her.

"He's not just proficient in hand-to-hand combat, but he's also very handsome!", one of the female participants admired Liu meifeng.

"Isn't he the one that sister Zhao talked to during the first test? No wonder sister Zhao approached him! He's amazing!",

Liu Meifeng was not used to being praised like this, be it in this life or in her previous life, she could never get used to being praised in an exaggerating way. Both Liu Meifeng and Feng Mingxu exchanged courtesies, then returned to their seats.

"Look at them, both of them are so handsome!",

"Why didn't we notice them earlier?",

Liu Meifeng puts on a poker face towards those presumptuous words. Just three days ago, she was bullied for being mixed-race, now they actually praised her for her pretty face? What a quick change of attitude. Feng Mingxu on the other hand didn't pay attention to those words, he's already used to being praised exaggeratingly back at the palace. So, he simply ignored them like flies.

Turns out, that Liu Meifeng isn't the only one who isn't happy about being popular. But Zhao Yu is also glaring at those girls who praised Liu Meifeng's handsome face. Of course, it will be his face! It's exactly just like in their previous lives!