Second Case 14: Expedition

The day of the joint operation has finally come, and over 81 disciples were deployed to Mingcheng village where the target was nestled. Since they were odd numbers, the disciples were divided into 8 groups with an extra one in one of those groups. The group itself consisted of several houses. Since most of the students were chosen to be in Jingong house, the group was mostly filled with six Jingong students and four Fangshou students. And since Liu Meifeng is the only student who is in the Zhongli house, she had become an 'extra' disciple in the group.

"Attention to all students! Each group will have to choose one person to become the leader and one vice leader. If your group has to disperse for further research, we will give 2 communication talismans to the leader and vice leader. That way, you all could communicate with your mentor teacher and they could teleport themselves to your location. Remember, do NOT fight the target ALONE! This beast has killed many people without moving its claws and is very ferocious. It's best to wait for other groups to provide aid before you proceed to execute the mission. Do you have any questions?"

All of the disciples looked at each other restlessly, they seemed to be afraid of the target beast, however, they didn't dare to speak it out loud.

"Ah, yes. Since Xu Haoran is the only student who is in a different class, he will be an extra member. Now, do any of you want him at your party?"

Almost all leaders from the group raised their hands. However, there is only one group that didn't raise their hand, which is the group filled with students who were looking down on Liu Meifeng. The teacher was about to assign Liu Meifeng to that group. Fortunately, Zhao Yu hurriedly interfered, "Teacher, shouldn't he be in my group? As the daughter of Xue Hu sect, I think it is best if I have him as my member. Considering the knowledge and theories he had, I believe we could subdue the target faster with him."

"Hmm, makes sense. As expected from the headmaster's daughter, always ambitious. Alright, student Xu will be in your care."

The teacher beckoned to Liu Meifeng, Liu Meifeng didn't really care which group she was in because she had her own motive to capture this frog beast.

"I'll be in your care, leader." Liu Meifeng saluted Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu just smiled, trying to hide her grin by nodding off. The other members can't really oppose Zhao Yu's opinion as the daughter of the sect's headmaster. Even though, some of them do think that she was being unfair.


It's been an hour since all teams were dispatched. Even though all teams had their communication talismans, none has ever used them so far. The teachers were restless because they were wondering if the freshmen didn't have the need to use it, or if they just went straight dead.

"Teacher Hu, are you sure the freshmen are okay? It's been an hour and none has contacted us."

"Relax, teacher Lu. I believe they're all still alive out there, just have faith in them."

"Teacher Hu, I think you're being too relaxed. Perhaps you know something that we don't?"

"Teacher Zhong, you're too overestimating me. All I say is just to believe in the freshmen's abilities."

"Said the sect's greatest tactician."

"You flatter me, the mistress of all poisons."

Zhong Qian just scoffed and no longer cared about Hu Zhang's sarcasm. While the rest of the teachers just believe in their disciples just as Hu Zhang believed in them.

On the other hand, Zhao Yu's team seemed to be the first team to get deeper into the woods than anyone else. Until now, they didn't encounter anything that was life-threatening, not even the mutated beast himself.

"How much further are we going, leader?" one of the female members asked.

"Just a bit more, the further we get the better." Zhao Yu replied coldly. To be honest, she didn't really care if her team found this mutated beast or not. However, as the headmaster's daughter, she can't take this mission too lightly, or she might be called to her father's study room again for punishment.

"By the way, brother Xu. You seemed to be pretty restless ever since we passed the danger zone. Do you know something about this mutated beast?"

Liu Meifeng almost asked 'how could you not?! We just passed the 'danger' zone. How in God's name did you all able to relax?!' however, she just forced a smile and explained, "Well, I just had the feeling that the forest ambiance has changed somehow…"

"What do you mea–"


The moment the team lowered their guard, there were some thick vines appeared from the ground and trapped several students. Zhao Yu and other Jingong's disciples drew their weapons and cut the vines immediately. However, it seems to be ineffective.

"The vines are too thick! Our weapons can't damage them!"

"Leader, what should we do?!"

Zhao Yu jumped behind and pulled a few fire talismans, the moment the talisman touched the vines it began to burn.

"Everyone, use your fire talismans!" Zhao Yu shouted.

The moment Zhao Yu commanded her team, everyone immediately took out their fire talismans and threw it toward the vines. Weird enough, even though the vines are burning it never seems to be burnt. To put it simply, the fire talismans only torture the vines alive…

"Leader, the vines don't seem to be burned to ashes. We can't waste our fire talismans like this."

Zhao Yu agreed, "However, it seemed to be able to stop it from attacking us. Perhaps this plant wasn't meant to be destroyed."

"What do you mean, leader?"

"It means this plant is one of the immortal categories."

Liu Meifeng stepped in and helped to explain about the plant, "Generally, plants were divided into two, one that grows momentarily, and one that lives forever. Based on our effort to destroy this plant already proved that this plant is the living alpha in this forest."

Once the fire talismans run out its time, the immortal plant grew more aggressive.

"Well, genius. Got any plans?" one of the sarcastic female members asked Liu Meifeng. Although, Liu Meifeng didn't like her attitude, however, they were in a dire situation and need to escape immediately.

"We need to split up." Liu Meifeng said.

"Are you nuts? If we went separate ways, we won't be able to communicate properly with the elders."

"Then, I will give you my communication talisman." Zhao Yu added, she took her talisman and gave it to the girl, "You can lead everyone to the safe area while I distract the plant's attention."

"No way, Xu Haoran should be the one to do the job. Isn't he a Zhongli disciple? The strongest class in our sect?"


While debating who will be the bait, the immortal plant began to grow more vines and attack them again. Liu Meifeng threw an ice talisman and managed to freeze the plant for a few seconds.

"Don't worry, actually that was my plan from the beginning." Liu Meifeng cut in and continued, "Yu'er, you bring everyone out of this forest. This forest is clearly unexplorable and needs an expert to guide us or else we will run into another immortal plant like this."

Before Zhao Yu gave her opposing idea, Liu Meifeng already ran towards the plant and threw a few small bombs, "Hey, this way!"

The plant that got annoyed by Liu Meifeng immediately turned its focus toward her. Liu Meifeng shouted, "Go!" To Zhao Yu and the rest, then she ran deeper into the forest. Zhao Yu, who was agitated by her female classmate, now got angrier, "Mu Shu, take my talisman and bring everyone out of this area."

"Leader, are you planning to chase Xu Haoran? Look, I'm aware that you had feelings toward him, but you can't throw away your life like this and--"

Zhao Yu didn't say anything but glared coldly at her. Mu Shu who was worried turns shivering and becomes quiet.

"Do not question my decision ever again."

"Yes, ma'am."


While Zhao Yu was still arguing with her teammates, Liu Meifeng led the plant into the cliff on a narrow path. Earlier, she already suspected that this immortal plant has the core that she has been looking for to synthesize the golden pill. The truth is, she knew from the start that in order to kill this plant is to gouge the core right out of its buds. However, she can't execute her plan in order not to arouse any suspicions. After all, she's under the pretense of being a rookie male student while this plant is an S-rank monster that only a master could defeat.

Although, Liu Meifeng couldn't match the strength of this plant. But she's great with tactics and that's what it takes to take down this plant.

"Alright, let's do this."


Liu Meifeng was ready to execute her plan until she heard Zhao Yu scream her name.

"Zhao Yu? What is she doing here?!"

Zhao Yu was running at full speed toward Liu Meifeng and didn't see the plant on the cliff. The moment she realized, the plant's vines already moved towards her.

"Yu'er!" Liu Meifeng immediately jumped to protect Zhao Yu which resulted in the two of them falling off the cliff.

Luckily, below the cliff was a deep waterfall, so the two of them fell into the water and survived. Except for Liu Meifeng who can't be underwater. Zhao Yu realized that Liu Meifeng fell unconscious and drown at the bottom of the lake. Zhao Yu swam toward her and brought her to the surface immediately. When the two reached the land, Zhao Yu examined Liu Meifeng's breath. Later, she pressed Liu Meifeng's chest to perform CPR, however, her hand seemed to be touching something soft, something that a man shouldn't have.


Zhao Yu fell into silence, she didn't know what to say or react, she was too shocked that the man she was in love with, turns out he was a she.

"You... also reincarnated into a girl..." she muttered, she felt empty all of a sudden, knowing that her love turned out to be something forbidden once again. However, she realized that Liu Meifeng wasn't breathing and soon regained her composure. She placed both of her hands on Liu Meifeng's chest once again and continued to press her chest.

"Come on, Haoran. You can't die in front of me again!" she kept pushing Liu Meifeng's chest tirelessly, "Haoran, breathe! Please!"

After several tries, Liu Meifeng coughed out the water inside her body, "Zhao… Yu?"

"Yes, it's me. Don't worry, we're safe."

"I see… thank God." Liu Meifeng relaxed her body, however, she seemed to notice that there is something wrong with her. The moment she looked toward the plump on her chest, she immediately panicked, "This…"

"I… will make a campfire."

Zhao Yu find an excuse and leave, she knew Xu Haoran for far too long to know that there must be an important reason for her to dress like a man. Yet, she knew that she won't tell her immediately which is why Zhao Yu gave her some room to calm herself.

After Zhao Yu left, Liu Meifeng slapped her forehead, "Shit…" I wonder how should I explain.


Moments later, Zhao Yu came back with lots of dried wood, "Let's warm ourselves first."


…Another silence…

"I was born a female with a weak body." Liu Meifeng finally decided to speak first, "I was so weak until my parents gave up and had to send me away for recuperation."

"But, why disguise yourself as a man?" Zhao Yu asked curiously, it's not like she was angry, she just didn't understand why Xu Haoran had to disguise herself as a man… no, she was born as a girl in this life. So, perhaps her real name was no longer Xu Haoran.

"There are many reasons why I had to dress like a man, but one of them is to study at Xue Hu sect without any hindrance."

"Xue Hu sect didn't hold any prejudices towards gen–"

"I didn't mean that. There is another reason why I had to fully disguise myself, and this is the one that I can't tell you."

"I see."

…Another silence…

"Are you angry?"

"No… why should I? We're just… friends. Besides, I don't like forcing others to tell me their secret." like I to you.

Liu Meifeng smiled, this is why she liked Zhao Yu. This girl never seems to be curious enough to force someone for an answer, "Thank you."

"No problem…"

The two of them fell into silence again, both of them felt awkward since they both held each other secrets that could ruin their friendship forever. Sometimes silence is good, there is nothing to say, but a hint of acknowledgment toward each other.


Liu Meifeng's chest suddenly felt as if she was being pierced. She was too worried about her identity towards Zhao Yu until she forgot that she just drowned.

"I need to… go to the restroom."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"Thanks but no thanks."

Zhao Yu smiled and replied, "Go ahead but don't wander too far. We're still in a dangerous zone."

Liu Meifeng's chest hurts too much until she can't give a reply. She hurriedly escaped from the campfire and leaned behind a big oak tree. Zhao Yu didn't notice the weirdness in Liu Meifeng, she just thought she couldn't hold it in. However, what she saw in front of her was an object that seemed to be familiar to her. A green porcelain bottle that contained a brown pill brought back some memories. That's right… that girl who she once held dear always brought this porcelain everywhere and anywhere.

"That means–"


Zhao Yu, who already retrieved her lost memories, heard Liu Meifeng's groaning. Zhao Yu immediately rose from the ground and ran towards Liu Meifeng. When she arrived she already found Liu Meifeng laying on the ground with drops of blood coming out of her mouth.


Liu Meifeng who was groaning on the ground looked at Zhao Yu who called her by her real name. Liu Meifeng didn't know if she was dreaming or hallucinating, she just smiled and replied, "You finally remember me."

"Here, take this pill."

"It's no use."

"Don't say that!" Zhao Yu immediately hugged Liu Meifeng and forced her to swallow the pill. Yet, it seemed to have no effect like what she remembered…

"Meifeng, why didn't you recover?!"

"I told you… cough… it's no use."

The reason why the pills didn't have any effect was that the water had already gone inside Liu Meifeng's lungs. Along with the severe wound on her back when protecting Zhao Yu, she can't recover like usual and immediately turns into a coma.

"Meifeng? Hey, this is not a joke." Zhao Yu touched Liu Meifeng's forehead, she is as cold as ice, "I won't let you die in front of me again."

Zhao Yu sat down immediately with both of her hands touching Liu Meifeng's back. What Zhao Yu is about to do is share her Qi to warm Liu Meifeng's body. A few minutes after that, Zhao Yu coughed out blood and her face immediately turned pale.


Liu Meifeng still hadn't woken up yet, but her breath become stable, and her body which was as cold as ice now back to a normal temperature. After examining her pulse, Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness…" after that, Zhao Yu fell unconscious onto the ground.