Second Case 16: Venomous Honesty

After the joint operation, all students were rewarded a three days off. As for Liu Meifeng, she's just locked herself inside the alchemy room for a long time. After obtaining such precious ingredients from the beast yesterday. She couldn't wait to synthesize it right away.

"This should be good."

Liu Meifeng poured water and other precious herbal ingredients. Liu Meifeng calculated everything in order because if she failed to make the pill, her chance would be gone forever.

"Come on, I risked my life for this moment. Don't fail me."

"You still love to talk by yourself, huh?"

Zhao Yu came from behind and looked towards the cauldron.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, turns out you're in the alchemy room."

"Yeah, this has become one of my hobbies now."

Both waited for the cauldron to finish synthesizing, there was no small talk whatsoever, but the mood was certainly getting a bit subtle.

"Ahem. Why are you looking for me?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the matter in our… previous lives. But, it seems like you're pretty preoccupied so the matter can wait."

"I see. Well, I've already forgiven you, so it's alright."

"It's not a matter of whether you forgive me or not. It's about the matter that killed you in the past."

As the two talk, the cauldron lets out a yellow smoke. Liu Meifeng opened the cauldron and saw that there was a golden pill inside.

"Okay, we'll talk after this. Look, golden pill. I did it!"

Before Liu Meifeng put the pill inside her mouth, Zhao Yu held her hand, "Are you sure this could cure you?"

"I'm not sure either but I've gotten this far, it will be a waste just to throw away the pill."

Liu Meifeng swallowed the golden pill, and soon she felt as if she had gotten struck by lightning. Her weak body fell to the floor, Zhao Yu was surprised and immediately hugged Liu Meifeng.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?! Haoran?!"

Liu Meifeng didn't say anything, right now she received great pain in her chest and abdomen, it felt like being burned inside. Later, the pain slowly subsided and felt much better. Liu Meifeng's pale face also began to show more colors than before.

"Wow, your face is no longer like an undead." Zhao Yu joked. She knew that Liu Meifeng must have been cured by the golden pill.

"I can finally live a normal lifespan. This is all thanks to you, if you hadn't helped me I probably still remain like an undead."

"Even if I was the reason why you were born here? In this world?"

"Yeah. come on, just forget about the past, even if I know something, nothing could change and we can't ever return to our world. Right now, this is us. We're both girls and we're popular. So, let's just be happy?"

"Your sarcasm is hurtful as always. Nevertheless, you deserve to know the truth."

Liu Meifeng sighed and squatted in front of Zhao Yu, "Fine, let us hear it."

"You see, the one who was plotting to kill you… is the same organization that hired us to solve the case."

"You mean the XXX group?"

"Yes. Well, technically. The culprit who committed a mass murder during the governor meeting was from XXX group's branches. Up until now, I had no idea which branch it was, but all I know is they have agreed to close the case in their favor. They didn't care about the truth, they were just trying to protect their reputation… at least until you've accidentally learned about the truth. They all know that you don't accept bribes, so they played a long game."

"What do you mean?"

"They bribed all of your intels, threatening your family, and mine as well."


Liu Meifeng propped her chin and began to process all the words just now. To sum it up, the culprit behind the criminal case that she was desperately trying to solve was actually from the same organization that hired her. how can this be happening?

"Wait, if they knew that I don't accept bribes and everything. Why would they hire us to begin with? They could just hire other detectives to 'solve' the case."

"That's because it's a serious case. They knew that someone else would hire us sooner or later. So, they kind of plotting against us, hiring us to solve the case, then, destroying us slowly and carefully. They threatened your father's business, sent an assassin to kill my family, and bribed your fiancee. I had to protect my father and my siblings… I'm so sorry, Haoran. I didn't mean to betray you."

"Don't worry, I already had some ideas regarding your sudden betrayal. You mean no harm to me. Liangjin, did you know? Sometimes when you're in a panic, you show many expressions on your face. During my last trial, you were more shocked by the result than I was. That's where I know that you mean no harm to me. I know that someone was pushing you to do so, but I didn't expect it would be like this. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you and your family."

Zhao Yu tilted her head, trying to hold back her tears, "It wasn't your fault, if only I trusted you more, if only I was brave enough to fight, we wouldn't be standing here."

"Well, to be honest... This world is more interesting than our world. We can practice kung fu and live for a hundred years. The way this world works is so different, it was a shame that you and I were reborn as a female. But, it's just the same, isn't it? We can be best buddies again in this world, then when we grow up we could travel this world together. Back then, we didn't get any chance to travel the world together. So, let's just think it's our retirement period, how's that sound?"

"Oh, really? Haoran, don't you remember about the token of love that you gave me before you disappeared back then? After giving me such hope, you still want us to be just best buddies? I didn't know you were like this."

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Yu took her pendant that Liu Meifeng gave her years ago, "This one."

"Oh, this pendant! You still have it?"

"Of course… I have been waiting for you to retrieve it… since forever."

Liu Meifeng took the pendant and looked at it, "...Thank you for taking care of it. But, I think it's better if it's in your hands." She gave the pendant back to Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu looked perplexed and asked, "Why did you give it back?"

"Well, isn't this a love token? I may be dense but I don't take a gift that has been given."

Zhao Yu blushed and took the pendant reluctantly, "Are you sure? I'm your former best friend… even a traitor. You sure you don't want to give this to someone else?"

"If I give it to someone else, I'm afraid you might kill me again in this life. So, I think it's better if I give them to you."

Zhao Yu narrowed her eyebrows and stood up, "Look, I'm being serious–"

Seeing how flustered Zhao Yu is right now, Liu Meifeng doesn't tease her anymore. She stood up and took her hand, "Liangjin, I have never told you about this, but… ever since I reincarnated in this world, I feel like my life has no meaning. I feel like I just experienced a greater loss than my short lifespan. I kept dreaming about the past… our time together as high school students. It was the most enjoyable moment I've ever had, and after dreaming about you again and again, I came to realize that there is no one else in my mind other than you."

The two of them fell into silence, afraid of the change that was about to happen. Especially after hearing such words from Liu Meifeng, the person she loved from before and after she was here. She knew that although Liu Meifeng could be dense at times, but she was always brave at expressing her feelings. Not like her, even now she had no courage to say anything. She thought that reincarnating into a different person could completely change who she was. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case…

"Anyway, I'm hungry let's go get lunch." Liu Meifeng said. She knew about this timid best friend of hers, really bad at handling a situation like this.

Liu Meifeng acted normal as if nothing happened while Zhao Yu silently followed her from behind. When they went to the cafeteria, Gu Yunxi, Zhu You, and Feng Mingxu were already sitting at the corner table.

"Haoran, over here!" Zhu You called while waving his hand toward Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng smiled politely and turned to Zhao Yu, "Shall we join them?"


Looking at Zhao Yu who's still acting as stiff as ever, Liu Meifeng can only sigh and shake her head. When the two stood close to the table Gu Yunxi moved to the side to let Liu Meifeng sit. However, Zhao Yu immediately preoccupied the space as if it was reserved for her.

"...May I ask what might you be doing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zhao Yu just ignored Gu Yunxi, and then stared at Zhu You, "Zhu You, give Haoran some space."

Zhu You who had no idea what happened just nodded his head and moved to the side, "Haoran, you can sit next to me."

"I-I see, thanks." Liu Meifeng smiled awkwardly and sat down.

When they started eating, Feng Mingxu and Zhu You looked at each other. Clearly, the scene before them is as cold as ice. Gu Yunxi was pouting the entire time, Zhao Yu kept staring at Liu Meifeng, while Liu Meifeng kept coughing slightly every time her eyes met Zhao Yu's. They knew that something must have happened between them, they slightly nodded to each other as if they understood what they should do.

After lunchtime, Feng Mingxu and Zhu You invited Liu Meifeng to drink at the inn. At first, Gu Yunxi also wants to join them, however, the two of them insisted that this is for boys only. Gu Yunxi had no choice but to hang out with her other friends while they borrowed Liu Meifeng.

"Brother Zhu, brother Xu, what do you want to order? Don't worry it's on me today." Feng Mingxu said with a gentle smile, he looked so handsome that some of the girls around were stealing looks from him.

"How about plum wine?" Zhu You suggested.

Liu Meifeng nodded, "I'm fine with anything."

Feng Mingxu chuckled and said, "Brother Xu, you can't just go along with the others or you might get pushed around."

"Don't worry, it's for wine only."

"Alright then."

"So… what do you guys want to talk about? I believe you didn't drag me here just to drink in the middle of the day, isn't it?"

"Brother Xu is right, however, I believe that brother Xu has something to tell us when he's not in front of the girls, right?" Feng Mingxu shoots a look at Liu Meifeng, making her feel uncomfortable. As expected from the second-best disciple in Xue Hu sect.

Liu Meifeng sighed and leaned towards the table in distress, "You see, I might have confessed my love to Zhao Yu."

"You– what?!"


Both Feng Mingxu and Zhu You were shocked, after all, they never expected that Liu Meifeng could harbor such feelings toward Zhao Yu. She always looked normal and treated everyone fairly, so there was no way they could tell.

"Haoran, I want you to listen very carefully." Zhu You said solemnly, he pinched his forehead as if this was his problem, "From now on, you should lock all the doors and windows in your dormitory, especially your room."

"Why? Is there any thief around?"

"It's not a thief, but someone might want to assassinate you if they ever found out about this."

"Come to think of it, Zhao Yu was quite popular."

"It's not 'quite' but she is VERY popular. Both men and women liked her, so be very careful."

Liu Meifeng chuckled and crossed her arms, "Zhu You, I'm a disciple of Zhongli class. I'm not afraid of fighting with the other disciples."

Both Zhu You and Feng Mingxu sighed in unison.

"You really had no idea, huh?"

"I can't believe someone as sharp as Brother Xu can be very oblivious to his surroundings."

"What are you two talking about?"

"Excuse me, this is the wine that you ordered."

The waiter had brought the plum wine as ordered, before Zhu You poured it on the cup, Feng Mingxu stopped him, "Halt."

"What's wrong Brother Feng?"

Feng Mingxu didn't answer, he just took out a long silver needle from his sleeve and put it inside the jar. It turns out there is a poison inside the plum wine.

"This is what I'm talking about."

Zhu You was upset and protested, "Isn't this a crime?! How could they schemed such things to their fellow disciple?!"

"Believe me, this is very common everywhere… Xue Hu sect is not an exception either. In fact, there were many people who used such tactics during the combat examination to eliminate their rivals."

"So, I assume you were trying to say that this was Zhao Yu's fans doing?"

"That's correct, however, I have no proof yet. But, it's better if brother Xu be careful when he's going home."

"I might take your words to my heart this time."