Old man and The way of sword

As the owner took Theo to one of table to eat, the person twitched and said;" I lost my appetite to eat". as he slammed the money in the table walked out shouting;" hey owner the money is on the table".

Theo look at the man walking out the restaurant and at the owner, the owner look at Theo and said;" don't mind him". During all this incident Theo never spoked or mind anything cause every time he came here to eat something like that happened.

"Owner Shi, can i get a bowl of ramen please", after saying that Theo walk to the table and sit down. The owner of shop whom Theo call owner Shi cause he usually called that, heard what Theo said as he walk out and said" okay".

After some time the food came as Theo ate the food and ask some extra so he can eat during dinner time.

As Theo took the take out and walk out of the restaurant and walking out the town, so he can get to house and get some rest because of what happened today he was exhausted not body but mentally.

Theo was an orphan and he doesn't have a house, he makes his own at the forest. Between the outer and inner area of forest. The forest is divided into three parts outer, inner and central, in outer area usually beast doesn't roam there so villagers used to come there and collect woods and all. And in inner there used to be common beast so some hunter come there and hunt and in central area its is a place where spirit beast stay.

Forest isn't own by anyone, so Theo used to stay there for 2 years. Why his house is built between outer and inner area of forest because people doesn't come there often except for some hunter.

Because Theo love to stay in quite area he chose that place. As Theo walked out of town while thinking what to do, an old man bumped into him making his food fall all over the ground. He grunted and shouted to an old man," can't you see and walked, ahhh.... i have to sleep in empty stomach", as he sigh.

The old man looked at the young boy i.e. Theo and said;" sorry young boy about that, as you see i'm an old man sometimes i used to misstep".

"misstep", as Theo muttered the word and said to the old," it's ok" and looked at the spoil food and gets up to walk to his house he heard the old man saying:" here take this as an apology, i guess this doesn't value too much, take this and forgive this old man".

Theo looked at the thing in old man hand as he can clearly see it was an book, who know because of that book a man whom all the cosmos will fear be created that day.

looking at the old book he felt that it wasn't any simple book, so he took the book away and walking to forest (house) thinking it might come as a good fortune in an old book. watching the young boy taking the book away, the old man smile and walk to the town muttering to himself,"i wish u best of luck boy".

Theo look at the book and reading the cover muttering to himself," The way sword, huh.. i guess its a cultivation technique, that old man gave me nice present". Even though Theo is orphan he can read and write, because everybody has to learn to read and write, cultivation sect and the kingdom made sure so that while cultivating people doesn't have to start learning how to read and write.

"i guess, i will check after i reach home", Theo muttered to himself.