Training- II

When Theo open his eyes from his body tempering, the sun was about to set, So he got up and when to check his trap. There he caught rabbit, and a rat, Mostly in three traps out of 5 he placed got something and in two traps, there was nothing. so he took the hunt clean it in the river, wash the meat, kept the pelt, and started cooking the meat for his dinner.

Theo ate the meat and when to sleep, as it was harsh day or you can say tiring day.

He woke up early in the morning and started doing his daily routine of training.

It is two week of training when Theo started it. He can feel many changes happening to his body. In body tempering he was at Third stages, where he have to tempered his vein from qi and open up 8 meridian so that he can tempered his bone and five treasured organ.

During this time he went to town once only to tell old man jiang that he won't be coming to the work for one month. He also increase his number of swing from 1000 to 10,000 swings as in the book. And he also used breathing technique in day to day life, doing anything, like sleeping, walking, running even while pooping. Because of that his exercise became little bit of easy, now he can do 1,000 push ups, pull ups, even squats not easily, still he can do it.

if anybody who he knew Theo sees him now, they can easily differentiate between the two, previously Theo was skinny, now you can see muscle growing and a more healthy than before, nowadays even he eats more than before, his appetite grew with changes in his body.

As Theo swings the sword he can feel himself cutting the wind like butter, he can feel the changes he gain over from his training, he was lot stronger than before, he can lift 1 ton now, because of his body tempering.

over for two weeks he finished reading the old book, from there he learn that the cultivator in that book, only knows one move from the sword technique. he called that move "one slash".

The cultivator from the old book train that one moves for millions of times, perfecting it to become one of the greatest move of all time in his era. Once a greatest fighter of all time said," i do not fear a person who knows thousand moves, i fear the person who practice a single move thousand time" - by Bruce Lee.

so everyday after swinging the sword, Theo practices that single move everyday, if anybody sees that move they can learn it pretty easily, cause they to only have to slash the sword but to perfect it they have to practice it for thousand or million times over and over again. That's why - sometimes the easiest move is the hardest move. Every body knows how to punch, but to mastered it they take years of training.