Difference in Qi's

In the town.

After discussing with their elders more about the rules, the disciple went out to hunt. with this the Training starts officially.

while the cultivators were going to the forest for the hunt.

Theo was busy doing his daily routine of practices. It was like 1 pm in the noon, when Theo decide to venture out for a hunt. He usually goes out for hunt after 2 days, when his stock of food is over.

During these 2 weeks, Theo diligently practices. He never goes out of the cave until the food stock he collect in the space is over. He went once out to his old home, but a Golden fur monkey block his path.

After that no beast roams around his territory, Theo sometimes felt odd. But dismiss it thinking that the remain Aura of the black panther beast is keeping it away. soon beast will overflowing here and some other beast might come and capture this territory. Theo didn't think about this situation 'why the beast aren't roaming around this area, blahh, blah, reason and Question' and start moving out of central Layer. how strong Theo might think he is but he is not a fool and overconfident person, He knew if he hunt in central layer, there is 100% chance that he might loose his life. So instead he hunt in the borderline area of central and inner layer of the forest, such that he got good food, like spirit beast, which help him collect qi and refine it from spirit beast meat as well sell spirit core when all this trouble are over.

As Theo went further away from the central layer, he start seeing cultivators who came for hunting spirit beast. Theo hide himself away from them, because he knew that he might get in trouble if they saw him. As the time passes away and Theo refine the qi, he can start feeling the difference between each qi and can tell which level of cultivation the said person.

And the person Theo kill was someone strong and knew that he might be related to sect or academy. Theo who just turn 13 in a few months, learn many things about qi, which even strong cultivator has trouble learning it. But all of this qi thing change when he start practicing his qi sense. previously while fighting Gunther his qi sense was meter length. But as he practicing it he start sensing different elemental qi and its nature, But to him the closest element he felt was darkness qi.

When he sign up for cultivation sect he found that he has rarest element dark qi. But as he practices it he found out, the element his body most compatible is not dark but darkness. At first Theo thought there was not much difference but as he practices the darkness qi, he learn the difference.

Dark qi is a qi where there is partial absence of light, like black color it absorb light and disappear it partially, but darkness qi is different, its like all level above dark qi its like a place where there is any deviate of light which means pure absence of light , its like dark qi is his child. For Theo darkness qi is like mixture of dark and shadow element qi. Its like pitch black, like abyss, how deep you wanted to see inside of the abyss, the less you see it.

For now, Theo can only use basic dark qi, but he knew as he understand more about it, he can use the darkness qi partially.