Chapter 119:The One, Before Whom Even The Myth Trembles[3]

Julian looked at Lucas's moist eyes and seeing his pained expression, her heart ached for an unknown reason.

Looking at Lucas's lonely expression, she perceived as though he had been quite close to her yet he was too far away for her.

A melancholy feeling welled inside her as if she knew Lucas very well for many years and it had many years after which she was able to see her.

Lucas descended to the ground and landed beside Ami handed Julian to her.

Ami panicked and hurriedly pulled Julian out of Lucas's arms. She didn't know what had happened to Lucas in just a few moments that he had gone through a drastic change in just a short period.

His figure seemed to be more mature and his presence seemed to be terrifying. Just standing beside him made Ami shudder, she felt as if she was in the presence of an absolute and terrifying entity.