Chapter 122:Changes In System

The man's silhouette glowed and dispersed into countless particles of light.

Lucas while lamenting as he watch his other self slowly disappear, he heard a loud voice from his other-self.

"By the way, I forget to mention. When you wake up, there will be some changes in the system."

"There will be no item and skill tab in the shop anymore. There will be some gifts you will be getting in the future but don't expect more."

The colour on Lucas's face disappeared as he heard the disappearance of the tabs.

'What the hell! Don't the system usually get upgrades? Why the hell the system is degrading in my case.'Lucas cursed inwardly.

As if, Lucas's other self was able to read Lucas's thoughts, he spoke"Do you want the system to babysit you? Why don't you ask the system to give you a shortcut to reach the peak directly? Dumbass."

Lucas's mouth twitched several times.

'You are calling yourself dumb ass by saying it to me.'He muttered inwardly.