Chapter 137:Terrorizing Them[3]

Lucas's sudden appearance caught the members of the Villain Society unprepared and startled them.

Lucas drew his sword and took a few steps forward.

A man ran forward and thrust his sword toward Lucas.

Lucas tilted his head to the left allowing the sword to pass and kicked the man in his guts. The man's body bent due to the strong force of the kick.

Lucas raised his sword and using his right hand slashed accurately, splitting his head open.

The head fell onto the ground with a thud while the body still stood bending its knees.

Lucas kicked the headless body to the side and stepped on the head.

The pitiful guy's head immediately burst open and was crushed into minced meat.

The members of villain societies were terrified and flinched back. They looked at Lucas as if they were seeing a demon who didn't have any shed of mercy.