Chapter 142:Ready For Business

Lucas's lips curled upwards looking at the ring. A smile of satisfied expression appeared on his face.

The Ring of Karkarass is the key which is used to open historic ruins where the heritage of the King of Karkarass lay.

King of Karkarass was an ancient figure who wanted to achieve immortality. That's why he tried many things to increase in life span.

From asking God's blessing to use necromancy to become an undead. He tried everything to extend his lifespan. Though becoming an undead lich much can increase his life span but he didn't want to become an undead skeleton.

He used various people as experiments but alas he failed. The ring can open the historic ruins of his palace and enable the people to gain his heritage.

The people who had experimented upon had died their bodies are still preserved and they will listen to and obey the commands of persons who had this ring.