Chapter 150 :Fighting A Demonic Undead

Lucas who was scanning his surroundings before entering the forest turned his sharp golden eyes in the direction of the forest.

His gaze seems to penetrate deep into the forest and he felt a slight fluctuation coming from inside.

So many mana pulsations and sounds of fighting that were happening inside the forest suddenly vanished without any sign, within a short period.

'What's going on, how many of them were eliminated within a short period. Isn't it too fast considering so many were eliminated within a short instance? Further, what was the earlier sensation? Am I being targeted by someone too?' Countless thoughts and questions ran inside his mind.

Numerous close saves from death had sharpened Lucas's sense of danger. It was a feeling of something being struck down his throat which was giving him an uneasy feeling and asking him to raise his guard and prepare for the unknown.

Moreover, he was quite surprised to find that he a