Chapter 170:Breakthrough In The Middle OF The Fight


A very faint sound was heard but everyone in the arena and in the spectator's stands could hear the subtle metal clicking sound.

All the people watching the matches were shocked suddenly as they looked at the scene with utter astonishment and disbelief.

The boy who was pushed back at every encounter, a few minutes before was now fighting back and pushing back his opponent.

Everyone looked in disbelief as Lucas's figure disappeared leaving behind a gust of wind and appeared before Roman.

His speed in the current clash seemed to surpass Roman and his increase in speed seemed to cross the previous limit, he was able to make his strikes fiercer and stronger and was able to match Roman superior strength.

Both Lucas and Roman figures disappeared and before the people could understand what happened a loud shock wave thundered that spread across the arena.

And with a rumble, the ground started to crack as a gust of pressure was emitted from all directions.