Chapter 180 :Rose Vs Fredrick

Oblivious to the huge commotion going outside and Lucas's glorious deeds which even made the King of Cyprus cry and was on the verge of getting beaten, Lucas was enjoying a strawberry milkshake to shake away the bitter taste of the nasty potions.

Lucas lay in the infirmary after taking the potions while stuffing some fruits.

No matter how much he tries, he can's a shake off the nasty taste of the bitter potions which taste like shit.

The potions he got from the system didn't taste so bitter and one could at least consume that here it's just....

Also, it was the first time, he was exhausted to such an extent cause a major part of the battle was fought with skills and he exhausted all his mana till the end.

No potions were allowed in the matches so if by any chance, Charles would have nullified his last attack, Lucas would surely be defeated.