Chapter 207:I Brought A Gift For You

In the outskirts of the City.

Before an old broken-down shop which still looked the same as many months ago, Lucas stood while feeling quite nostalgic.

It was the place where he got the thing that somehow proved to be a turning point in the life-threatening battle.

If not for that huge cliche coincidence, Lucas didn't think that even his idiotic future self would be able to save him.

"Let's go!" Lucas muttered excitedly and walked towards the door followed by slaves in the clothing of friends.



As soon Lucas entered he heard a piece of heavenly music that pleased his soul.

The sweet sound of a metallic hammer striking down lingered in the air which rang like a melody full of rhythm that soothes and calms down one soul.


The old man grabbed the heated metal with a pair of tongs and put it into the bucket filled with oil to finish the quenching process.